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Using d1 (any down pokes) as AA


So im trying to really level up my game play and using standing 1's and 2's as AA, but I just cant seem to use down pokes, especially D1, as AA.

I find it especially hard to land when im being crossed up and i dont know if im using it too late or early cause I just get blown up and if i do happen to land a D poke on someone jumping in on me, it surprises me and i dont capitalise on it.


It is character dependent. I know Shang's d1 is awesome. But you're right, you have to time sometimes.


Yeah D1 anti-airs are risky especially on cross-up and some characters have stricter timing than others. The point is, if you have commited to using the D1 then you have to have the mindset of following it up. One of two things can happen. You catch your opponent with a D1 (in this case if you are ready then you can follow up with a combo) or you get hit by a jump-in punch. In any case always be prepared. Most important thing is getting the timing down. Tbh I struggle with it a lot as well. If you anticipate cross-ups, you can dash back and anti-air or just evade the punch or you can NJP.


Oh yeah, it's also space dependent. You have to kinda know at which cross-up spacing the d1 will hit. For Jade for example, I only use d1 as anti-cross-up when the opponent jumps from right next to me, I know it'll hit 90% of the time. With Shang - the opponent doesn't have to be that close, with Johnny Cage - I sometimes whiff the d1 cause of doing it too early :), it's that much easier to land. So, take your character, study the timing and spacing and you'll improve immensely.


Thanks guys, it's that I see this happen so much in tournies that I feel its something I need to incorporate to progress.

I've been getting the hang of some standing AA, especially with CSZ but I also use Kano, QC, Baraka and a bit of Skarlet and Freddy for fun. I've seen Kano players, like 12 Gauge, land d1 into juggles so I know Kano can do this at least.

CSZ has a pretty decent standing 1 (9 frames) and if you can time it well, you can dash back and hit 34 leading straight into his B22 slide. His d1 is 9 frames, slower than a lot of others which is why I tend to use his d3 more in my game as that is only 6 frames, but it's really hard to impossible to use D3 as an AA (IMO).


Thanks guys, it's that I see this happen so much in tournies that I feel its something I need to incorporate to progress.

I've been getting the hang of some standing AA, especially with CSZ but I also use Kano, QC, Baraka and a bit of Skarlet and Freddy for fun. I've seen Kano players, like 12 Gauge, land d1 into juggles so I know Kano can do this at least.

CSZ has a pretty decent standing 1 (9 frames) and if you can time it well, you can dash back and hit 34 leading straight into his B22 slide. His d1 is 9 frames, slower than a lot of others which is why I tend to use his d3 more in my game as that is only 6 frames, but it's really hard to impossible to use D3 as an AA (IMO).
Yeah Cyber Sub is an odd ball with the frame data on his pokes. D3 might actually be useful for avoiding cross-ups since it lowers your hit-box. Also surely the parry would work no?


Yeah Cyber Sub is an odd ball with the frame data on his pokes. D3 might actually be useful for avoiding cross-ups since it lowers your hit-box. Also surely the parry would work no?
Im trying to practise this more but if you mess up the parry while being crossed over, good ol' negative edge kicks in and you hit a normal 2 instead and eat either a jump in kick or worse, a jp into combo.

Parry is excellent for interupting certain strings, a get off me move or even a AA if someone is jumping in on you, but I personally find it hard to use it to stop crossovers.

However everyone thought crossing up Kenshi was a great way of beating him but Pig says otherwise so perhaps the same can be said for CSZ.