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Final Round - An Event To Remember


Master of Quanculations
Look at how far we've come.

I woke up at 9am to watch this tournament and I stayed until the final moment. MK's presence at Final Round 15 is something to be truly proud of as a community. Never before have we seen so much high level play. We saw tremendous upsets, emotional victories, heartbreaking loses, and hype beyond imagination.

We had an intimate stream, packed full of the true fans of our game. Generally free of trolls and lude comments. Medina's enthusiasm when he found out how many viewers he had was one of the highlights for me. We are lucky to have someone with so much passion.

First, on behalf of the Kenshi community, I want to say congratulations to PigOfTheHut. The man has come very far and is demonstrating a true understanding of our character, and no one can say that he doesn't have a bright future ahead of him. And how about that Mileena play? Incredible.

Team VSM showed their dominance once again, but not without some heavy obstacles that put 3 of them in losers bracket. Congratulations to REO after coming out the winner, showing us all that he truly is the monster we've all known he is, earning his 2nd major win.

We have new bright stars to watch now, with players like Big D and Death laying waste to the competition. Big D's victory with Nightwolf over CD Jr will not be forgotten. And speaking of Jax, what an amazing showing from STB Shujinkydink using Quan Chi, in a matchup that I certainly wouldn't call favorable.

Tom Brady, once again, showed us some of the smartest play we've ever seen with Sub Zero. His loss to the incredible Slips was truly shocking. And there's so many other amazing people to mention. Blackula's vicious Kenshi, Ikizzle with a stunningly good Sektor that sent a shockwave through his pool, and LordOfTheFly with some of the most intense fights I've seen in months.

We finally got to see Crazy Domincan vs Osu16bit, in a fight that is bound to leave them both with mutual respect for each other, finally. DetroitBallin's Shang Tsung continues to be the most entertaining character to watch in MK9 tournaments. STB Gr8one tore through the competition after his first lost match, gaining momentum and dropping opponents left and right with smart patient play. And there's just so much more that could be said.

We didn't just see top tier characters. We saw Sheevas. We saw Sindels. We saw Noobs. We saw Strykers. And they kicked all kinds of ass. They didn't make it, but they certainly showed that they could.

Mortal Kombat isn't as big as the titans of the FGC. But you can't say what we had at Final Round wasn't something beautiful. We may be small, but we're the most earnest and the most sincere. We're the most passionate about our love for the game and our characters. Personally, seeing the series I've loved since I was 7 years old, playing MK1 in the arcades, rise to this level, fills me with a great sense of pride and complacency.

Raise a glass TYM. We were declared dead after EVO. And here we are, nearly a year after the game's release, and we're seeing a higher level of play, passion, dedication, and solidarity than any of our critics thought was possible. I'm damn proud of this community, and I know everyone else is too.


And I think we can all agree, finally, that Sheeva needs a nerf.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Best tournament I've ever been to. It took forever, but the champion was finally crowned.

All I go to say to REO is... HOST ADVANTAGE!


Getting better with age
I'm just curious how things will go when the dust settles.
Lots of respect going around, along with lots of salt.

Who's going to get their salty runback? Who's going to get called out next?
Stay tuned next week, "as the earthrealm turns"


Master of Quanculations
There was a sheeva match? :O i missed it.. Damn i wanna see :D
Oh yeah. GGA Jeremiah was stomping through his pool. Made it to loser's semi finals. I believe the matches he lost were against Kabal and Kung Lao. And we know how those matches go for Sheeva.


Master of Quanculations
You should've made a video narrating this instead of posting it. Thread is thumbs down.

i thought about it. but im already working on TWO new videos and i just dont have the time to put together a video with pictures for what i wrote. plus that would have taken a while and i wanted to post this quickly.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

i thought about it. but im already working on TWO new videos and i just dont have the time to put together a video with pictures for what i wrote. plus that would have taken a while and i wanted to post this quickly.
I'm still waiting for the day you push your video voice superpowers in the direction of Cyrax or Sub-Zero.

That would be a glorious day :D.


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
It keeps getting hyper every month as well....MLG has boatloads of skilled players going to it....and HUGE cash prizes. I think our kommunity and the MLG can really mesh well, creating a super competitive and enriching environment for all! This game is full on living it and I think will really become huge!


I cannot wait to see some of the archived footage as I unfortunately missed the beginning and end.

What I did see, some of the best moments:

GGA Jeremiah vs Cat: Cat was an amazing Kabal, and Jeremiah beat him with Sheeva. Infact, it took REO's Kabal to knock him out. Jeremiah I really felt was a peoples champ, everyone was behind him.

CD vs 16 Bit: Kitana mirror. What an amazing match this was, it really could have gone either way and so much respect between the two at the end.

LOTF NW: Yeah, his NW was good. Very good. I loved how much Pig was hyping him up during his matches. I felt bad for him when he went out to STB Gr8One who also deserves a shoutout for being one of the many great surprises of the tournie and broke the hearts of Fly and TB!

Slips vs Tom Brady: Scorpion vs Sub Zero, you really can't get much more hype than this. At one point I thought Tom had it, but Slips has this amazing ability to adapt on the fly.

GR81 vs Tom Brady: Such a tense, tense match. Cant believe Tom went out with one pixel and no time. I felt so bad for him at the end. Just my opinion Tom, as I know you have far superior game knowledge to me, I think you should drop Raiden, and make KL your number 1 character. You looked far more threatening with him. KL and SZ make a pretty good pair that cover a lot of bases and match ups.

Detroit vs REO: DETROIT seems to be VSM's Kryptonite, sending REO to losers. But of course, I heard later that Detroit got knocked out by CD Jr.

EDIT: Dizzy, much respect for him keeping 100% loyalty with Cage, not swapping him out, and kept going, despite the horrible match ups.

Also, Pig, Medina and BearEdGuy were simply epic on the mic and stream, and ShuJinkiDink was pretty damn cool as well.

I want to see the final pools, I want to see this infamous Big D in action and I want to see the Dink vs CDJr match.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Look at how far we've come.

I woke up at 9am to watch this tournament and I stayed until the final moment. MK's presence at Final Round 15 is something to be truly proud of as a community. Never before have we seen so much high level play. We saw tremendous upsets, emotional victories, heartbreaking loses, and hype beyond imagination.

We had an intimate stream, packed full of the true fans of our game. Generally free of trolls and lude comments. Medina's enthusiasm when he found out how many viewers he had was one of the highlights for me. We are lucky to have someone with so much passion.

First, on behalf of the Kenshi community, I want to say congratulations to PigOfTheHut. The man has come very far and is demonstrating a true understanding of our character, and no one can say that he doesn't have a bright future ahead of him. And how about that Mileena play? Incredible.

Team VSM showed their dominance once again, but not without some heavy obstacles that put 3 of them in losers bracket. Congratulations to REO after coming out the winner, showing us all that he truly is the monster we've all known he is, earning his 2nd major win.

We have new bright stars to watch now, with players like Big D and Death laying waste to the competition. Big D's victory with Nightwolf over CD Jr will not be forgotten. And speaking of Jax, what an amazing showing from STB Shujinkydink using Quan Chi, in a matchup that I certainly wouldn't call favorable.

Tom Brady, once again, showed us some of the smartest play we've ever seen with Sub Zero. His loss to the incredible Slips was truly shocking. And there's so many other amazing people to mention. Blackula's vicious Kenshi, Ikizzle with a stunningly good Sektor that sent a shockwave through his pool, and LordOfTheFly with some of the most intense fights I've seen in months.

We finally got to see Crazy Domincan vs Osu16bit, in a fight that is bound to leave them both with mutual respect for each other, finally. DetroitBallin's Shang Tsung continues to be the most entertaining character to watch in MK9 tournaments. STB Gr8one tore through the competition after his first lost match, gaining momentum and dropping opponents left and right with smart patient play. And there's just so much more that could be said.

We didn't just see top tier characters. We saw Sheevas. We saw Sindels. We saw Noobs. We saw Strykers. And they kicked all kinds of ass. They didn't make it, but they certainly showed that they could.

Mortal Kombat isn't as big as the titans of the FGC. But you can't say what we had at Final Round wasn't something beautiful. We may be small, but we're the most earnest and the most sincere. We're the most passionate about our love for the game and our characters. Personally, seeing the series I've loved since I was 7 years old, playing MK1 in the arcades, rise to this level, fills me with a great sense of pride and complacency.

Raise a glass TYM. We were declared dead after EVO. And here we are, nearly a year after the game's release, and we're seeing a higher level of play, passion, dedication, and solidarity than any of our critics thought was possible. I'm damn proud of this community, and I know everyone else is too.


And I think we can all agree, finally, that Sheeva needs a nerf.
I really feel in a lot of ways Final Round set a new bar for all future tourneys upcoming

A very very high bar

The level of play, the way it ran, the turn out, etc etc. I thought every match that was called out was an absolute must see Match to watch and thats a testament to the players at the tourney and its level of competition.

The Media coverage they Medina, Beerguyed and I provided and helped fund was a true blessing to the community and showed all other FGs we dont need anything from anyone because we are a f ing strong force to be dealt with.

Lets keep the Scene alive and strong because I feel right now we're at the highest level of play, excitement etc that we've ever been at.

Lets do this


Dojo Trainee
Agree agree agree, 100%! I was watching the stream the entire time as well. Couldn't stop watching the non-stop action. There was so many good matches and good storylines...you covered a lot of them. I'm not even going to attempt to mention them...there is too many and I don't want to leave anybody out. Major props to Medina for the awesome stream, the commentators for keeping us less knowledgeable folks apprised , and of course tournament participants for determination and competitiveness making for all those entertaining matchups.