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Thunderbolt MK9 hands-on

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The new Mortal Kombat is a great mix of old-school and modern fighting game conventions. Ditching last generation’s style of 3D fighting, this new game returns to the classic 2D field of play, and the art direction is nigh-on perfectly in sync with the old games, sans digitized pictures of actors. Still, from far away, this fighter looks exactly like an HD arcade classic.

Gone, though, are Mortal Kombat’s crazy long input strings. This version more closely resembles Street Fighter and BlazBlue, as far as control goes. Most actions require one input, usually some form of direction and an attack button. This goes for Fatality moves too, which in my case (playing as Sub Zero) meant pressing RB and RT. That seems like a simple command for the brutal cutscene that followed, but I still felt pretty badass.

“We want to please as many people as we can,” the dev I spoke to said. “The game needs to appeal to classic MK fans, but we’re also trying to draw in the fighting game community in general. In the past it’s been like, you know ‘not a tourney level fighter’ or whatever. We want it to be tournament level.”

Given that me and my fellow media member were already playing footsies with each other with acid and ice balls, I’d say that goal could be realized. I couldn’t really say for sure, though, because I couldn’t pull Justin Wong away from thrashing PAX attendees at Street Fighter IV to try it out.

Either way, the game’s animation, sound, and graphics are already top notch. Every impact feels solid and brutal, and the backgrounds are sharp and detailed. Even if they don’t achieve their goal of a tournament level fighting game, the new Mortal Kombat will still be a load of gory fun.

*Thunderbolt dammit, title should say thunderbolt, ug


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
There is really one thing I'm hoping here..
Regardless of attempting to appeal to the more casual gamer and hardcore at the same time... The Fatalities and X-ray Moves in particular shouldn't be so easy too pull off. I think the X-ray should have a fatality input. Like for Sektor the input should be somethin similar too..(U,D,B,F, FP). Just a single direction and a face button for the fatalities is kind of disheartening. I like having a little bit of a challenge with those types of things. Those type of inputs won't be tournament worthy imo.. It should all be risk reward. Hopefully those commands will not be present in the final build. I want them to just be for demonstration purposes only.


There is really one thing I'm hoping here..
Regardless of attempting to appeal to the more casual gamer and hardcore at the same time... The Fatalities and X-ray Moves in particular shouldn't be so easy too pull off. I think the X-ray should have a fatality input. Like for Sektor the input should be somethin similar too..(U,D,B,F, FP). Just a single direction and a face button for the fatalities is kind of disheartening. I like having a little bit of a challenge with those types of things. Those type of inputs won't be tournament worthy imo.. It should all be risk reward. Hopefully those commands will not be present in the final build. I want them to just be for demonstration purposes only.
We talked about X-Ray Execution in this thread. It will have a big role in high level play, lets just hope they do this right.



It still makes no sense to me that their goal is to make a "tournament level game" yet they haven't contacted ANY tournament players as well as Check(we're gonna drag you to a tournament eventually) for input regarding MK9. BTW, for a brief period of time, though it's gone now, one of the favorites videos listed on WB's MKCommunityManager's youtube page was none other than the Grand Finals for Road to Evo 2 between Shock and LI Joe. They definitely know that UMK3 is being played at tournaments again. This makes it all the more frustrating that they haven't reached out to the tournament players for input.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well, they did try to get Justin Wong's attention but apparently he was "busy" still, he was there at PAX recently so that's one tournament level player that had his chance(just saying, unless he was concerned about losing or something being a SF guy and not an MK guy? Who knows...) I remember reading when he tried UMK3 he got owned badly not too long ago. But no matter....

They seriously need to have had this in NYC, hell nothing would have kept me from going if that were the case. Local and NYC? can't get better then that for me.

Thing is this game would need a bunch of players, not just UMK3 nor just 3D high level players, but everyone in general who understands both since this is a new game in a way. Nice article though :) sweet. Even if it's not a "tournament fighter" just take UMK3, it's a tournament worthy fighter yet....isn't known and isn't played at Evo etc so in a way I don't even care if it's "tournament worthy" according to some people and haters out there, as long as the games good, has tweaks, patches etc if needed and is fun the underground tournaments will come naturally.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It still makes no sense to me that their goal is to make a "tournament level game" yet they haven't contacted ANY tournament players as well as Check(we're gonna drag you to a tournament eventually) for input regarding MK9. BTW, for a brief period of time, though it's gone now, one of the favorites videos listed on WB's MKCommunityManager's youtube page was none other than the Grand Finals for Road to Evo 2 between Shock and LI Joe. They definitely know that UMK3 is being played at tournaments again. This makes it all the more frustrating that they haven't reached out to the tournament players for input.
You know what my theory is? They have contacted tournament players, but those players can't say anything at the moment... >.>

Just a wild theory...but yeah, it definitely doesn't make sense they haven't.


...underground tournaments will come naturally.
Aside from online tournaments...and that is NOT the scene that the developers were talking about...they're talking about real majors, not online tournaments... the previous 4 MK games were not tournament worthy. MKDC had its chance at NECX and NOBODY showed up. So those underground tournaments are gonna have to be REALLY underground if MK9 is more of the same.

As for tournament players contacted to test the game and give feedback... unless this game is "Mortal Street Kombat Fighter 49 Super Ultimate Hyper Dash Arcade Edition Revision 3.8744543234" then why would we want SF, MVC, Tekken and not 2d MORTAL KOMBAT players testing this game?


i really do not care if the copy other fighters as long as they do not change the game so that you block by holding back.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
There's so much shit fighters already have copied from each other...shouldn't exactly matter anymore.


There's so much shit fighters already have copied from each other...shouldn't exactly matter anymore.
I wouldn't even consider X-rays a copy of ultras anyway... although they definitely seem to be "inspired" by them. X-Ray attacks are Ultra's MK'ified.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I agree Storms, besides it's nothing like SF4's ultras, focus attacks...MK9 it's breakers, extended special moves and X-ray attacks that do more damage...that aside, every fighter now just about has a meter game of some sort but they're all different and unique from each other. SF4's and MK9's are different, just like SC4's meter/critical finisher thing is different as well.

Aside from online tournaments...and that is NOT the scene that the developers were talking about...they're talking about real majors, not online tournaments... the previous 4 MK games were not tournament worthy. MKDC had its chance at NECX and NOBODY showed up. So those underground tournaments are gonna have to be REALLY underground if MK9 is more of the same.

As for tournament players contacted to test the game and give feedback... unless this game is "Mortal Street Kombat Fighter 49 Super Ultimate Hyper Dash Arcade Edition Revision 3.8744543234" then why would we want SF, MVC, Tekken and not 2d MORTAL KOMBAT players testing this game?

I know, they want actual tournaments at huge events once a year like Evo(perhaps more as well) but just saying, if the game turns out good, very balanced then it'll take care of itself with underground tournaments, online tournaments and such...tournaments in general I mean. But when I said underground I meant offline get togethers like you guys do with UMK3.

I'm not sure you took my second point with testers the same way, I agree with you man lol...that's my whole point. I don't think they should be getting Tekken, DOA or SF players(players who most likely don't know much about MK games) but rather people like us, the people who understand, play MK at higher level and in cases like DED, Check, people who break down the game really well.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I wouldn't even consider X-rays a copy of ultras anyway... although they definitely seem to be "inspired" by them. X-Ray attacks are Ultra's MK'ified.
I'd actually say they're more inspired by Supers.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
The way I see it, Everything is inspired by something but don't forget, Killer Instinct, Clayfighter, Tattoo Assassins and quite a few others bit off or were inspired by MK's blood and fatalities ;)

Even with comics, you don't have Marvel without DCU since they were out first and existed literally years before Marvel was even a thought.