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Noob Saibot Teleport


Yay, I don't suck as much as I thought. It's a crazy difficult input wtf

I'm gonna keep beating this drum forever: what the hell changed from MK11 where before I had a little leeway for when I hit the EX button and now I have to be SO precise for when I crack that thing to get it to work?


Dojo Trainee
Dont know if its bugged or intended but the way to get ex telepott every single time is to do the input as follows: d,block,up

Basically press down and plink block and up but pressing block first.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I almost posted my own thread about this last night. Good to see I'm not alone. I was going through the Noob trials and just could not consistently get the enhanced teleport for the life of me.

I appreciate that NRS is trying to keep the legacy input for the move, but D,U is a nightmare when it comes to enhancing it. They either need to allow it work like it did in MK11 (hitting the enhance button after you've already inputted the initial motion) or just changing the input outright.