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Please, Tournament stream consoles, get an unlocked account running


"Feel the wrath of Shao Kahn"
My big wish for streamed tournaments.
(actually since a very long time (MKX) but this time I need to write it down somewhere sorry :D)

Give the stream console a profile with all stuff unlocked.
The hype for brutals in an MK atmosphere would be amazing.
(Crazy long ass combos ending into an absolute beautiful animation for the icing on the cake? Bring it.)

While we are at animations, seeing all the taunts at the end of the round would be awesome too.
(Such a cool feature for the overall atmosphere of the game)

Or also more skins on screen to counter a stale state for the eyes.
(Premium account would also have dlc outfits, imagine shaos skin or the new mileena skin. (Sure it would be in the random pool of stuff (tournament mode) but this doesn't make it less hype when it happens) Easy more hype, people love skins. (me too :D) You actually also promote the DLC this way btw. @NRS so maybe it is also in your interests to get this setup.)

Why is this not a standard anyway? You know it will be hype.
Don't tell me we don't do it because of the violence.
(Really? Everyone watching, could easily go to YouTube and watch them all ...)

let's not forget about this great change in the ermac patch 4/16/24
- Guest Users can now access unlocks in Local Versus

I am getting old (lol) playing less vs. games but still like to watch big offline tournaments, please bring in more hype easy done, thanks in advance to all tournament organizers :D


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Well I’m pretty sure brutals are purposely turned off for the streamed matches, but I suppose it depends on the tournament. Aside from that, idk how feasible it is. Not all TO’s even play all the games and certainly not to the extent where they’d have a bunch of stuff unlocked. And that would just be on one setup if it was coming from them.

This all sounds good in theory, just don’t know how practical it is

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Well I’m pretty sure brutals are purposely turned off for the streamed matches, but I suppose it depends on the tournament. Aside from that, idk how feasible it is. Not all TO’s even play all the games and certainly not to the extent where they’d have a bunch of stuff unlocked. And that would just be on one setup if it was coming from them.

This all sounds good in theory, just don’t know how practical it is
You can't turn Brutalties off. Every character has at least one. Tekken Master got hit with a D2 Brutal in the final set of Group A

Also as far as skins and stuff are concerned, I lowkey like the default skins for majors. Because how often do you ever actually see default skins lol. Besides I hated the Tournament Mode solution for Inj2 and MK11 where characters just had completely random gear and colors.

They should do what Tekken does and have pre-loaded, dev made, customized costumes that you can quickly select.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
you need TWO of them for it to work in Tournament mode. Local Mode is not tournament mode. Also, gold costumes are fucking stupid, so the real answer shouldn't be on us TOs, but rather NRS to just fucking unlock every brut in tournament mode.


"Feel the wrath of Shao Kahn"
When it comes to skins, I actually prefer the default + the 2p default.
Scorp must be in yellow, sub in blue, rep in green etc. when played on stage.
So you might have 3-6+ actual skins per fighter. (Ignore all the palettes)

Of course, if you could actually pick them, I would prefer that too.
(Express your personal taste, not random but this is what we have in MK1)

I didn't test local stuff, but this not working in tournament mode is a bummer ...
Changes can still be made tho, and I hope so, this game could get some love in the quality of life department, different topic tho.

I am also watching Final Kombat and some dude did fatal first game, that was actually hilarious.
The "salt" is also an aspect that makes "food" perfect. Not everyone need that style of course, but sometimes a little salt is nice and entertaining, you know it. (I follow tournament chats)
And here is also the point of "violence" again, I personally think fatals are way more violent because of the way it's presented. Brutals are just so well made into the actual gameplay. Fatals feel detached.

Another argue when it comes to stuff like this, I follow the offline scene as a spectator since a long time and the tournament scene has grown. What they put in this, is professionality at the highest level. Like the location, the working staff, transport stuff, the stuff you have to build (stage), setting up consoles, setting up stream making sure it works with the internet.
All for the viewers and fans, now I think why not put a little bit more effort into it and polish what the viewers can see = unlocked profile = more hype = more potential viewers. I only see here a win win situation tbh.

(No loyal fans close to organizers that could give a good account/console for the event you are also at?)