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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions


I’m not arguing they’re the same. I’m arguing that both sides have pros and cons and that they should look critically at theirselves. Personally I think almost everybody is a fucking idiot these days and that the world is getting more ridiculous with each day passing.
Everybody should always be able to self criticise.

However, one side is clearly worse than the other here - and RoboCop summarised it perfectly.

I always feel that the “both sides” argument is centrist bullshit and a cop out from truly calling out the horrendous activies of the right wing. If anything it’s complacency which further silently supports their actions.


Zoning Master
I wish being a decent human being wasn’t decided on which side of politics someone is at. Both the left and the right need to look on their stances and ask themselves critical questions. Some policies are outdated and some of these new ones are just irrelevant. The left and the media should stop demonising the right. And the right should stop acting as if everybody on the left lacks critical thinking skills and logic.
I appreciate the attempt at holding both sides accountable,. Unfortunately, any message that diverges from far-left groupthink is highly unpopular in this thread.

I applaud this post.
He has just described the entire Republican party as an anti-science cult that consists of fascists and racists.

I thought you said were against labels.

You love labels as long as they are used to attack centrists and conservatives, yet the moment someone exposes your Marxism, you get defensive. You are a hypocrite.

As far as "Nazi propaganda" from the far left is concerned, the biggest anti-smite and one of the most prominent progressives is in the Democratic party. I also posted the following picture from the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, an institution financed by tax payers, a while ago. Unsurprisingly, the picture attributing characteristics such as individualism, science, and hard work to white people was ignored by every single liberal in this thread.


Deleted member 5032

I appreciate the attempt at holding both sides accountable,. Unfortunately, any message that diverges from far-left groupthink is highly unpopular in this thread.

He has just described the entire Republican party as an anti-science cult that consists of fascists and racists.

I thought you said were against labels.

You love labels as long as they are used to attack centrists and conservatives, yet the moment someone exposes your Marxism, you get defensive. You are a hypocrite.

As far as "Nazi propaganda" from the far left is concerned, the biggest anti-smite and one of the most prominent progressives is in the Democratic party. I also posted the following picture from the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, an institution financed by tax payers, a while ago. Unsurprisingly, the picture attributing characteristics such as individualism, science, and hard work to white people was ignored by every single liberal in this thread.

I think there are only two reasons for someone to be a Republican right now: either you are getting your information from propaganda networks and labeling everything else fake news (like my dad), so it's a result of ignorance, or you actually do know what the Republican base is all about right now and you actively condone it. There's not much middle ground there. There also wasn't an attempt to hold the left "accountable". I'm not even sure what they would be held accountable for, unless you want to drag up some Obama or Clinton-era issue that has no revelance to our current situation. But no, his post was just to arbitrarily level both groups using the "both sides" argument, but no specific examples or arguments were made.

As far as that infographic you keep posting, I'm not going to get into it too much, but luckily my wife is a professor and works with many people who study race and gender. One of her colleagues is one of the top race scholars in the country, and he happened to post that same infographic just a few weeks ago. Here's what he says about it:

"White students often push back on the notion that there is such a thing called white culture (while never failing to recognize and identify its constitutive outside, e.g. Black culture, Latinx culture, etc.), and so this this is a nice little teaching/discussion resource to get students to reflect on the normativity, or taken-for-grantedness of whiteness and what that looks like across several domains. For those new to teaching on race/ism or anti-racism this coming semester, keep in mind that a big part of that task is first disrupting the common sense of whiteness, or what Dyer calls, "making whiteness strange." To just teach about racial violence, anti-Blackness, and forms of oppression without engaging whiteness qua whiteness risks fortifying the invisibility of the center. "

There are plenty of things that are taught that I disagree with, and I haven't invested the time to study and consider that infographic, so I don't know if I agree with you or agree with them. The reason I post this professor's response is to show that the argument isn't as black and white as you make it seem. Based on my surface-level knowledge of the infographic, your points seem logical and valid, but then you've got some of the most prominent race scholars in the country disagreeing and using it as a teaching reference.
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Online Scrub Lord
Lmao when people say there's no racism on the left. Your girl Hillary called black people super predators and Biden just said theres no diversity in the black community not to mention Hillary's crew calling Latinos taco bowls in the Wikileaks dump four years ago. Half of the white liberals hate themselves because of their skin color.

I dont know know about you guys but I'm proud of the white side of me and will never apologize for who I am.

Deleted member 5032

I’m not arguing they’re the same. I’m arguing that both sides have pros and cons and that they should look critically at theirselves. Personally I think almost everybody is a fucking idiot these days and that the world is getting more ridiculous with each day passing.
Just curious, in your opinion, what pros do the Republicans have? And what cons do the Liberals have? And if what you say is true, about the world getting more ridiculous, then doesn't it make sense to do something about it? Maybe start condemning people who watch a Youtube video and think they know more than scientists? Condemning politicians who literally want to stop teaching critical thinking in schools. Condemning literal propaganda networks and hate-spewing talkshow hosts? Condemning social media platforms that won't remove weaponized misinformation. Wouldn't holding the people accountable who are responsible for this mess make sense as a first step for getting back on track?

Deleted member 5032

Lol, who is saying there's no racism on the left? Honey, everyone is racist to some extent, whether they admit it to themselves or not. We're all the products of our own experiences and biases, with our own ignorance and prejudices. Though I'm not sure why I'm even engaging with a Subs post, since nothing they post is in good faith.


Zoning Master
I think there are only two reasons for someone to be a Republican right now: either you are getting your information from propaganda networks and labeling everything else fake news (like my dad), so it's a result of ignorance, or you actually do know what the Republican base is all about right now and you actively condone it.
Predictably, you define a Republican from a liberal perspective. Someone could be a Republican for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with what you posted, such as the belief in personal responsibility, unifying values, patriotism, certain hot button issues, and so on.

There are plenty of things that are taught that I disagree with, and I haven't invested the time to study and consider that infographic, so I don't know if I agree with you or agree with them. The reason I post this professor's response is to show that the argument isn't as black and white as you make it seem. Based on my surface-level knowledge of the infographic, your points seem logical and valid, but then you've got some of the most prominent race scholars in the country disagreeing and using it as a teaching reference.
The so-called "scholars", the vast majority of whom are extremely liberal, have hijacked the U.S. education system. I make this claim as an educator who has been in the field for almost a decade.

There is also nothing "to study and consider" with that infographic. When your anti-racism message is indistinguishable from David Duke's racist platform of white superiority, you probably ought to reevaluate your message.

In fact, any message that involves whiteness, white privilege, or any other moronic term that the far left uses in an attempt to shame white people is extremely unpopular in America. If Biden embraces these concepts in any way, shape, or form, he has no chance of winning the general election, which is precisely why has not done so yet.

Deleted member 5032

Predictably, you define a Republican from a liberal perspective. Someone could be a Republican for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with what you posted, such as the belief in personal responsibility, unifying values, patriotism, certain hot button issues, and so on.

The so-called "scholars", the vast majority of whom are extremely liberal, have hijacked the U.S. education system. I make this claim as an educator who has been in the field for almost a decade.

There is also nothing "to study and consider" with that infographic. When your anti-racism message is indistinguishable from David Duke's racist platform of white superiority, you probably ought to reevaluate your message.

In fact, any message that involves whiteness, white privilege, or any other moronic term that the far left uses in an attempt to shame white people is extremely unpopular in America. If Biden embraces these concepts in any way, shape, or form, he has no chance of winning the general election, which is precisely why has not done so yet.
Ok, so how should I define a Republican? My original point is still valid; if they are not in a bubble of ignorance then they can tell themselves they are only a Republican because of their beliefs in personal responsibility or whatever, but they are still condoning all of the other terrible things the modern Republican party is doing. Surely you don't agree with their tactics of voter tampering, destroying the post office, and muddying the waters of what is and isn't legal when it comes to vote tampering?

Your use of the phrase "so-called scholars" is disappointing, especially coming from an educator, and is a direct example of a major issue this country is facing. There's nothing "so-called" about it; dude has his doctorate, has several published works, teaches, and is highly respected in his field. Just because you disagree with his work doesn't make it any less credible, but that's where we're at as a country. If I disagree with your 10+ years of peer-reviewed research, I'll just find a random Youtube video or Breitbart article to discredit you. It doesn't matter that both of those sources are heavily biased and neither of them are valid or cited, I can now ignore your academic research in favor of my own "research". This distrust of scholars and scientists has to stop.

There is a Reddit called r/leapordsatemyface. It's just screenshots and reposts from conservative sources where they basically own themselves by accidentally posting pro-left content. The "only educated people are Liberals" argument shows up pretty consistently on there. Think about it. You're saying that liberals have somehow infiltrated our educational systems and are manipulating them to turn our students into liberals. In reality, it's more probable that left-leaning families are more open to education and critical thinking, making it more likely for them to get into higher education. That felt so douchy to write, and I don't mean it in a way as to put down non-liberals. But, as I've posted before, one side is actively against crtitical thinking, so it's not a huge leap to make.

You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about that infographic. You seem to have found it, have immediately decided it's David Duke levels of racist, and have propped it up as your Exhibit A, and you have no plans to reconsider any of those points. Now I'm telling you there is an entirely different perspective about it from reliable sources and yet you won't even consider the possibility that your view isn't the absolute correct view.

I'm not sure how to approach your final paragraph since it opens up so many other cans of worms, so for now I'll just say I strongly disagree and call it a day.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I appreciate the attempt at holding both sides accountable,. Unfortunately, any message that diverges from far-left groupthink is highly unpopular in this thread.

He has just described the entire Republican party as an anti-science cult that consists of fascists and racists.

I thought you said were against labels.

You love labels as long as they are used to attack centrists and conservatives, yet the moment someone exposes your Marxism, you get defensive. You are a hypocrite.

As far as "Nazi propaganda" from the far left is concerned, the biggest anti-smite and one of the most prominent progressives is in the Democratic party. I also posted the following picture from the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, an institution financed by tax payers, a while ago. Unsurprisingly, the picture attributing characteristics such as individualism, science, and hard work to white people was ignored by every single liberal in this thread.

How did you draw all of that from me applauding a post?
And did it ever occur to you that I don't like or believe in ANY of them? The liberals, Democrats, or Republicans? They're all trash to me. And the fact that you are so fucking desperate to label me as something I'm not, never been, and will never be, just to invalidate my arguments, just makes me even more confident in my beliefs.
But I'M the hypocrite. Even though you're the one who keeps banging the Marxist drum to death, when I've said a hundred times over that I have absolutely no faith or belief in Communism or anything close to it. Sure, Dave. Keep telling yourself that. That it's all the damn liberals' faults. Because for someone who claims to recognize how depraved and dangerous Trump is, you couldn't sound more like a Fox News Trumper right now if you tried.

Jesus, Coffee and Christ. :coffee:
Also, thank you for taking the bait and doing exactly what I said you were going to do, which is distract from the original terrifying point of Matt Gaetz' propaganda by turning the argument back around on me and my supposed Marxist Liberal agenda. Outside of not giving you, Shitty Ben Shapiro or Trump Kang the satisfaction of my resignation, I don't know why I fucking bother trying to keep finding the middle here. I really don't. No matter what I say or do, you're just going to stick your label on me to negate anything I have to say. But it's cool. I'm not going fucking anywhere, and class is open all day and all week for y'all to take notes, because clearly you all have a lot to learn.
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Deleted member 5032

Someone could be a Republican for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with what you posted, such as the belief in personal responsibility, unifying values, patriotism, certain hot button issues, and so on.
I didn't plan on spending too much time on here today, but dammit, I need to address this sentence specifically. From my experience, those beliefs are coverups and posturing, nothing more. I hate to keep attacking like this, but hypocraciy is at the core of the modern Republican agenda. For example, they came up with "All Lives Matter" as a way to belittle the BLM movement. They'll claim it's not to belittle BLM, that they actually believe it, but in the same sentence will say how they refuse to wear a mask to Olive Garden, and if that means it's granny's time to go, then it's just granny's time to go. Covid's got nothing on unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks. They use all of those "beliefs" when it suits them, or when it allows them to cover up their true beliefs.

What Republicans call "patriotism" is actually "Nationalism", usually "White Nationalism". If Republicans really cared about this country, they wouldn't support all these actions that undermine our democratic system. They would support our post office. They wouldn't want a a possible Russian agent in the White House. They would wear masks to help curb the pandemic. Unfortunately, the modern Republican doesn't care about this country as much as they care about themselves. The more flags I see on their truck and they more they shout "America!" at minorities, the less patriotic I know they really are.

They believe in "personal responsibility" when it suits them. This ties into "white priviledge", though, and I'm not looking to derail this thread again, so I won't touch too much on that. If our Republican leaders truly did believe in "personal responsibility" then it wouldn't be borderline impossible to climb out of poverty in this country. It would be much tougher for things beyond our control, like injuries and illnesses, to completely wipe us out financially. Instead, they're trying to make it more difficult for us to sue corporations, to vote by mail, and to control other areas of our lives.

"Unifying values." I'm sorry, but I literally laughed when I read that. Trump is possibly the most divisive president in US history. The modern Republican party is exclusionary, not unifying. They're anti-minority, anti-poor, anti-immigrant, and anti-gay. If you're not a wealthy white man then odds are you're getting played by them at every opportunity.
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Alternative-Fact Checker
It's worth noting that both parties are big supporters of arguably the most vicious gang in the United States, responsible for hundreds of deaths a year and full of white supremacists who just want to usurp state power to continue to inflict violence, fully embracing lawlessness. They have been rioting in the streets all summer, creating chaos and killing people at a shocking rate.



Hymen Holocaust
I think there are only two reasons for someone to be a Republican right now: either you are getting your information from propaganda networks and labeling everything else fake news (like my dad), so it's a result of ignorance, or you actually do know what the Republican base is all about right now and you actively condone it. There's not much middle ground there.
Reactions: nwo


Miley Cyrax®
Lmao when people say there's no racism on the left. Your girl Hillary called black people super predators and Biden just said theres no diversity in the black community not to mention Hillary's crew calling Latinos taco bowls in the Wikileaks dump four years ago. Half of the white liberals hate themselves because of their skin color.

I dont know know about you guys but I'm proud of the white side of me and will never apologize for who I am.
Btw, Hillary and Biden are not "left." They are liberal centrists. Please don't confuse them for each other. Calm down there, Blaire White lol


Btw, Hillary and Biden are not "left." They are liberal centrists. Please don't confuse them for each other. Calm down there, Blaire White lol
"left" and "right" are nonsense terms anyway. as if there were only two directions in a field as complex as politics. in the end, people might just be fighting because the ones are "right" and the others are "left" (because these clearly are opposing terms) without even knowing what the other person actually thinks.

the negative connotation of "liberalism" is another case of abuse of a philosophy. liberalism in its core simply is "freedom-ism" and its traditional topics are anti-authoritarianism, anti-racism, womens rights, general individual freedom-rights and stuff like that. the way its used now is mainly centered around economial freedom, perverted to "aim at every economical profit you want without caring about the impact of your actions on others", which is pretty much what biden and clinton represent, still decorating themselves with the aura of traditional liberalism while at the same time undermining it.


Miley Cyrax®
Left and right are NOT nonsense terms. They are relative to your society, and very meaningful and distinct. I do not want to be confused with the wrong views, therefore my language is indeed important to me. You probably wouldn't want to be associated with the wrong views either. Again, do not confuse "left" with "liberal."

Personally, I said nothing negative about liberalism, YOU did lol. I literally pointed out the distinction only. I have lefty friends. I have liberal friends and family members. I have left libertarian friends. These are people I love even though we don't all share the same views. You are confused because you these words are "nonsense" to you, sorry.


Left and right are NOT nonsense terms. They are relative to your society, and very meaningful and distinct. I do not want to be confused with the wrong views, therefore my language is indeed important to me. You probably wouldn't want to be associated with the wrong views either. Again, do not confuse "left" with "liberal."

Personally, I said nothing negative about liberalism, YOU did lol. I literally pointed out the distinction only. I have lefty friends. I have liberal friends and family members. I have left libertarian friends. These are people I love even though we don't all share the same views. You are confused because you these words are "nonsense" to you, sorry.
not gonna go deeper here. my post was not meant as offense or criticism toward you but im not gonna bother with THAT response.


Miley Cyrax®
I didn't take it as a criticism or offensive at all actually. I find the specificity of language to be quite useful so people are not confused lol. These aren't nonsense words. Big conversations require big words. I dunno what else to say. Major concepts are not nonsense.

"as if there were only two directions in a field as complex as politics "... I agree. But you still can't discount the value of those words. Politics aren't binary but the language is still important.


I didn't take it as a criticism at all actually. I find the specificity of language to be quite useful so people are not confused lol. These aren't nonsense words. Big conversations require big words. I dunno what else to say. Major concepts are not nonsense.
ok thx for enabling safeties again. now let me put it like that:

i'm not considering myself left, right, centrist or anything like that, yet most times i get labeled left or even far left.

some of my views are roughly:

  • i'm against war
  • i am pro individual freedom rights for EVERYONE, which means that every individuals freedom rights reach so far until they harm those exact same freedom rights of another person
  • that implies that im against racism, sexism and any other kind of discrimination of people, especially from minorities, who have not done anyone any harm
  • i'm against capitalism, mainly because of it's concepts of endless growth and competition as an end in itself.
  • i am pro UBI (unconditional basic income)
  • i am pro enviroment protection.
so when i'm labeled left, does that mean that a person labeled "right" is:

  • pro war
  • against the same individual freedom rights for everyone
  • ....what implies pro discrimination of people who have done nobody any harm, but just because of the way they were born.
  • pro endless economical growth and competition as an end in itself
  • against UBI
  • against enviroment protection

id consider some of these stances not "another opinion"; but simply illegitmate or scientifically wrong, like that stance on individual freedom in point 2/3. when a view thats called "left" is simply correct, there cant be a legitimate opposite view to it, just because the word "right" is a necessary and legitimate opposite to the word "left".

on the other hand, i know that not few capitalists or so-called "right-wing" people also support UBI.

thats part of why i find "right" and "left" messy terms which do more harm than help imo.
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Zoning Master
But, as I've posted before, one side is actively against crtitical thinking...
In the context of race and income, I have proffered a plethora of data that demonstrate that minorities in American earn more money than anywhere else in the world. I have also provided evidence that shows that the overwhelming majority of homicides in America are intraracial and unrelated to the police. Nonetheless, social justice warriors continue pushing the notion that officers are actively pursuing and abusing black men on a daily basis in America. Advancing this narrative has consequences and is dangerous for black men and police officers alike. Finally, I have proven that the Black Lives Matter movement is a Neo-Marxist movement masquerading as a civil rights movement.

As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I consider the term "white privilege", Trump being a "Russian agent", and the impossibility of upward social mobility in America to be the suspension of critical thinking. I have debated these preposterous ideas in this thread before and I see no reason to do so again for another ten pages.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Finally, I have proven that the Black Lives Matter movement is a Neo-Marxist movement masquerading as a civil rights movement.
Is there oxygen up there on your high horse? When did you PROVE anything? Because I've been waiting literally the entire summer for you to refute any of my arguments about how one woman's affiliations do not quantify the actions of the MILLIONS of other people involved in BLM right now, and all you've done is post a bunch of numbers and call me an ideologue about a hundred times so you can circumvent the fact that you're wrong. Can you speak for literally every other person involved in Black Lives Matter? Can you show me where the rest of these Marxists and scary left-wing people you keep claiming are the real problem are? Or are you not inclined to debate it another ten pages because you know you have nothing to offer the argument but rhetoric and goalpost moving?

Nah, pal. :coffee: . I'll see you in another twenty pages, where I STILL will not have found any validation for your case or those of the Trump people.

Deleted member 5032

In the context of race and income, I have proffered a plethora of data that demonstrate that minorities in American earn more money than anywhere else in the world. I have also provided evidence that shows that the overwhelming majority of homicides in America are intraracial and unrelated to the police. Nonetheless, social justice warriors continue pushing the notion that officers are actively pursuing and abusing black men on a daily basis in America. Advancing this narrative has consequences and is dangerous for black men and police officers alike. Finally, I have proven that the Black Lives Matter movement is a Neo-Marxist movement masquerading as a civil rights movement.

As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I consider the term "white privilege", Trump being a "Russian agent", and the impossibility of upward social mobility in America to be the suspension of critical thinking. I have debated these preposterous ideas in this thread before and I see no reason to do so again for another ten pages.
I'm not sure what any of that has to do with what you quoted of my response. When did I ever mention the police or minorities in relation to critical thinking? In any case, you haven't "proven" anything; I'm not sure where you keep getting that idea. Your own opinions about critical thinking also don't change the fact that Texas Republicans literally tried to abolish the teaching of critical thinking skills in schools, which was the point of my post. One side is actively attacking education. As an educator, I'm not sure how you can defend or condone that.


Alternative-Fact Checker
I find the implication that civil rights movements have to be divorced from political leanings to be offensive when the 60's Civil rights movements were led by noted leftists Martin Luther King Jr. and A. Philip Randolph.

To be fair, both men were also hated and demonized in their time as violent thugs, too.