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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I can. Its call having the benefit of the doubt.
^^^^^^^ M e s s a g e .

Also, @NaughtySenpai , you are 100% on point about capitalism being the root under the bullshit tree. Also a big reason why we may never see Capcom or other gaming companies hold their more vile offenders over the same as FChamp; would be too big a risk to their reputation and bottom line. It's fucking gross.


Racism is not a problem you should see in isolation.
The bigger overshadowing problem is capitalism.

In order for people to be rich, others have to be poor. That's where systemic racism comes into play and you have a whole class of people that have to do shit jobs, live in a shit neighbourhood and have to go to a shit school, so 99% of them never have a chance of cultivating themselves through education and actually getting out of that shithole.

This lower class being the slaves for the upper class shit doesn't just affect black people, but also the former white working class. You know the guys that aren't good in the head but good with their hands, which become increasingly more useless as their jobs are either superfluous or are done by machines.

Somehow the rich folk manage to spread racist propaganda to divide those two losers of society and thus secure their own safety.

So instead of working together and picking up the pitchforks and torches to get back what is theirs from those rich fucks, those white working class people actually hate black people and any imigrants because racist propaganda and sheer stupidity makes them think that every black guy is a criminal and every imigrant is taking away their jobs.

Basically what I'm saying is it shouldn't be whatever color or belief vs. whatever color or belief. It should be the poor standing in solidarity against their owners.
You need to post this about 5 more times because it is the absolute truth. Thank you.


Blind justice....
I 100% support f champ. Completely banning someone for life for a tweet is ridiculous no matter who it harms. Just go on twitter and look at all the black people in the fgc constantly making fun of white people and nothing happens to them bc they have immunity.

fucked up world we live in now that a tweet can end a career. Nothing pieces of shit like more than to see someone else fall from grace. It’s just entertainment for them.

you idiots are all sheep. The media wants black vs white, left vs right, straight vs gay et cet just to keep people focused on the wrong thing. It is a form of control by the government so you don’t raise hell about the crazy shit they are doing. Passing bills and giving millions to their brother in laws construction company last week, Panama papers, new surveillance guidelines passed two weeks ago giving the gov free reign over your phone, browser history and any social media. But hey... don’t look at that look at that over there. Don’t look at us.

The media on the same day, “don’t go out in public for large gatherings unless it is to protest”. Wtf do you think they run this narrative for?

so many idiot virtue seeking people on this site.
So everybody are sheeps and idiots by your standards. Why do you bother then to come here and write? Years later and you didn't change at all, same egoistic, pompous and agressive attitude as ever. Also dont forget your famous line "who are you?". :)

I'm a really nice guy, many people here know me irl but i sincerely aprove this gentelmen message to you:


The "heel" thing has always been stupid. FGC is inclusive, yes, but there's literally no benefit to playing the asshole unless it gives said asshole their own special privileges to abuse because "oh, well he's the heel, it's pretend so he's not really like that".

Now, let's say it was all an act and FChamp and people like him are all excellent and wholesome folks behind the mask. Why would anyone who fits that description even want to pretend they're a racist asshole? Why would you want to mar your name by even 1% by doing this?

I've seen a reasoning for this stated as "hype" and I find it rather concerning because it seems a lot of people genuinely don't understand what is and isn't appropriate behavior, especially for what is now a very professional and money fueled sporting event.

Why does the FGC need heels? Why is wrestling even being connected to nerds playing competitive video games in this context?
Old hats like to talk about how that's the way it was, thick skin, it's part of the game, well this other community of games is way worse, etc etc, but none of that changes that the behavior has ALWAYS been grossly immature and petty. A bunch of grown men and children trying to have "beef" over who can manipulate their virtual character to punch the other in the dick better.

I've spoken on this before, but when Buffalo jumped up into Scar's face and began acting like he was in an nWo stand-off was not hype, it was cringe. Pop offs are one thing but thuggery is embarrassing and has no place in the community as much as the grandpas and edgemasters would love to convey otherwise.
Acting like babies is not hype, it's fucking sad.

toxic shit happens everywhere in sports and gaming and at work.
And it shouldn't.

I agree that having thick skin is an important trait for life, but that doesn't mean we should be continuing to allow shitty behavior to go unchecked.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Racism is not a problem you should see in isolation.
The bigger overshadowing problem is capitalism.
The two issues with this are:
  1. Racism has existed in every system of government.. Not just capitalism. It exists in democratic socialism, communism, autocracies, etc.. Every economic system and style of government.
  2. Even people at the top of the capitalism ladder aren't exempt from racism. In fact, in US history some people were targeted and killed precisely because they'd amassed wealth and power, and this was seen as unacceptable because of their race.
So while I can respect the sentiment behind your post, I also don't think we should be fooled into thinking it's just one problem or just an economic thing, when it's really multiple.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
F champ is a jerk in the community so I frankly I'm glad to see karma.

Also.this apology is fake af, like.. He immediately started attacking Ultra David minutes after the apology


Zoning Master
In order for people to be rich, others have to be poor.
This statement is not only true of capitalism but every system in the world. The reality is that every country has poor people. After examining certain statistics and living in various countries, being poor in America is a vastly different experience than being poor in most other countries in the world. Poor people in America may own a phone or an old vehicle whereas poor people in some Eastern European countries can afford to eat only one meal a day.

As far as racism is concerned, I have seen research that suggests black people in America have accumulated the most capital in the least amount of time in the history of mankind. They went from being slaves 300 years ago to becoming business owners, lawyers, politicians, etc. Obviously, they managed to make these accomplishments for several reasons, the most important ones being hard work, dedication, and perseverance, yet capitalism played no insignificant role.

You also mention immigrants. I am an immigrant. I have been one my whole life, moving from country to country, one of which was Hanover, Germany, which I merely mention because I see that you are from Germany. After moving to America, I went from mopping toilets for $8.50 an hour to graduating from an accredited university.

I think you have omitted a lot of context in favor of making a political statement. Every system is imperfect, including capitalism, but I genuinely believe that opportunity exists in America, even for minorities, more so than in any country. I am a firm advocate for creating opportunity for all people, but I oppose victimization and race baiting.
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The two issues with this are:
  1. Racism has existed in every system of government.. Not just capitalism. It exists in democratic socialism, communism, autocracies, etc.. Every economic system and style of government.
  2. Even people at the top of the capitalism ladder aren't exempt from racism. In fact, in US history some people were targeted and killed precisely because they'd amassed wealth and power, and this was seen as unacceptable because of their race.
So while I can respect the sentiment behind your post, I also don't think we should be fooled into thinking it's just one problem or just an economic thing, when it's really multiple.
Nah just saying that racism is used to instigate people who should be on the same side against each other, to divide and conquer.
Every system we had so far in human history facilitated a chosen few being well off while the masses were being the work horses for those people

Xenophobia is as old as humanity. Just saying that instead of educating against it, there's fuel thrown into the fire.

This statement is not only true of capitalism but every system in the world. The reality is that every country has poor people. After examining certain statistics and living in various countries, being poor in America is a vastly different experience than being poor in most other countries in the world. Poor people in America may own a phone or an old vehicle whereas poor people in some Eastern European countries can afford to eat only one meal a day.

As far as racism is concerned, I have seen research that suggests black people in America have accumulated the most capital in the least amount of time in the history of mankind. They went from being slaves 300 years ago to becoming business owners, lawyers, politicians, etc. Obviously, they managed to make these accomplishments for several reasons, the most important ones being hard work, dedication, and perseverance, yet capitalism played no insignificant role.

You also mention immigrants. I am an immigrant. I have been one my whole life, moving from country to country, one of which was Hanover, Germany, which I merely mention because I see that you are from Germany. After moving to America, I went from mopping toilets for $8.50 an hour to graduating from an accredited university.

I think you have omitted a lot of context in favor of making a political statement. Every system is imperfect, including capitalism, but I genuinely believe that opportunity exists in America, even for minorities, more so than in any country. I am a firm advocate for creating opportunity for all people, but I oppose race victimization and race baiting.
And still a black person in the US earns 60% of what a what a white worker with similar qualification earns.
The chances you get killed by a gunshot also rise by as much as 100% depending on the state you live in among various other inequalities.

I don't know why you're talking about opportunity though, just because you got lucky.

I don't see how it's easier to get an education and thus an opportunity in the US vs Germany when over here school education for free is the right of every citizen and you don't either get denied of left with an insane debt when you're sick or need hospital care.

Yeah we too have a wage gap between immigrants and white people, we too have systemic racism in place, but all the problems we have are extrapolated in the US because the odds are stacked even higher against you.

It's a rigged game not a land of opportunity. For every Will Smith there's so many thousands of people that grow up in ghetto neighbourhoods and end up in jail trying to feed themselves by the only means they have.
The American dream is a roulette table where your win condition is not working hard, it's working hard, inheriting wealth from your parents and not being born black.
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Zoning Master
And still a black person in the US earns 60% of what a what a white worker with similar qualification earns.
And on average an Asian person earns more money than a Caucasian person in the US. Race is only one of a multitude of factors that explains the wage gap. For example, one study finds that black people, particularly black women, choose majors in the social sciences whereas Asians choose majors related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), which have more vacancies as well as higher salaries.

The chances you get killed by a gunshot also rise by as much as 100% depending on the state you live in among various other inequalities.
The majority of homicides in the US are intraracial, which means that white people kill white people and black people kill black people.

I don't know why you're talking about opportunity though, just because you got lucky.
Albeit I am very certain that some luck was involved, research demonstrates that most first generation immigrants experience upward social mobility after moving to the US.

I don't see how it's easier to get an education and thus an opportunity in the US vs Germany when over here school education for free is the right of every citizen and you don't either get denied of left with an insane debt when you're sick or need hospital care.
You must be referring to secondary education. Attending elementary, middle, and high school in America is free and required by law.

As far as education and socialized healthcare are concerned, they are free in Germany because because income taxes can be as high as 50%, which is why many blue-collar workers in your country engage in "Schwarzarbeit", or working under the table to avoid paying taxes, so they can have more money for themselves and their families.

A disadvantage of a free secondary education is massive competition among college students and high unemployment rates for certain graduates.

Nonetheless, I have been a critique of the high cost of the American education system as well as the healthcare system. Ultimately, people can vote and decide in what type of society they would like to live.

It's a rigged game not a land of opportunity. For every Will Smith there's so many thousands of people that grow up in ghetto neighbourhoods and end up in jail trying to feed themselves by the only means they have.
The American dream is a roulette table where your win condition is not working hard, it's working hard and not being born black.
According to Walter Williams, a renowned professor of economics at George Mason University, if you combine the wealth of all black people in the US, they would be in the 25 richest countries in the world as calculated by GDP per capita, which, again, is inconceivably impressive considering the racism and discrimination that they faced not to long ago.

I quoted your initial post in order to participate in an honest debate and present facts and context based on research and anecdotal evidence. I feel all you have done is race bait and regurgitate far left talking points.
The majority of homicides in the US are intraracial, which means that white people kill white people and black people kill black people.

Albeit I am very certain that some luck was involved, research demonstrates that most first generation immigrants experience upward social mobility after moving to the US.

Nonetheless, I have been a critique of the high cost of the American education system as well as the healthcare system. Ultimately, people can vote and decide in what type of society they would like to live.
I didn't bring up gun violence to demonstrate that white people are slaughtering black people, I brought it up because it clearly shows that a lot of black people grow up in impoverished neighbourhoods. And yeah poverty leads to increased crime.

Your research about first generation immigrants conveniently leaves out that in order to migrate nowdays it's not just taking a fucking ship and saying "Land of the free here I come Ima make my fortune here" but you have to either marry somebody or, which explains the upward social mobility, you already have a sought after degree aquired in your land of birth.
Yeah no shit people who are needed in the US economy earn good money in the US economy.

Yeah voting seems to be the solution.
Either vote a madman
or vote a senile moron who's on the same payroll as the madman.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
And on average an Asian person earns more money than a Caucasian person in the US. Race is only one of a multitude of factors that explains the wage gap. For example, one study finds that black people, particularly black women, choose majors in the social sciences whereas Asians choose majors related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), which have more vacancies as well as higher salaries.

The majority of homicides in the US are intraracial, which means that white people kill white people and black people kill black people.

Albeit I am very certain that some luck was involved, research demonstrates that most first generation immigrants experience upward social mobility after moving to the US.

You must be referring to secondary education. Attending elementary, middle, and high school in America is free and required by law.

As far as education and socialized healthcare are concerned, they are free in Germany because because income taxes can be as high as 50%, which is why many blue-collar workers in your country engage in "Schwarzarbeit", or working under the table to avoid paying taxes, so they can have more money for themselves and their families.

A disadvantage of a free secondary education is massive competition among college students and high unemployment rates for certain graduates.

Nonetheless, I have been a critique of the high cost of the American education system as well as the healthcare system. Ultimately, people can vote and decide in what type of society they would like to live.

According to Walter Williams, a renowned professor of economics at George Mason University, if you combine the wealth of all black people in the US, they would be in the 25 richest countries in the world as calculated by GDP per capita, which, again, is inconceivably impressive considering the racism and discrimination that they faced not to long ago.

I quoted your initial post in order to participate in an honest debate and present facts and context based on research and anecdotal evidence. I feel all you have done is race bait and regurgitate far left talking points.
Specifically want to highlight your first point, Dave. Career choice is a big factor in income that is often overlooked.


Online Scrub Lord
I totally disagree with the tweet, but it seems like people can say any heinous thing about white people nowadays and nobody bats an eye. "White people are cancer",White people should die", "White privilege" are common things you'll hear in lefty circles and these are the same people that preach equality unless of course you're white.

Imagine being fired from your job because you tweeted "All Lives Matter" or having to apologize because you wore a conservative shirt, but this is the world in which we live.

Free speech is all but dead in this country and you can thank these snowflake lefties for it.
I totally disagree with the tweet, but it seems like people can say any heinous thing about white people nowadays and nobody bats an eye. "White people are cancer",White people should die", "White privilege" are common things you'll hear in lefty circles and these are the same people that preach equality unless of course you're white.

Imagine being fired from your job because you tweeted "All Lives Matter" or having to apologize because you wore a conservative shirt, but this is the world in which we live.

Free speech is all but dead in this country and you can thank these snowflake lefties for it.
No one was saying all lives mattered before blacks started to say that black lives matter. The problem with the all lives matter statement is that its a crude attempt to undermine the experience of a group of people by telling them to "get over it happens to everyone, not just you". In other words its there to specifically shut them up. Thats why people have a problem with it.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I totally disagree with the tweet, but it seems like people can say any heinous thing about white people nowadays and nobody bats an eye. "White people are cancer",White people should die", "White privilege" are common things you'll hear in lefty circles and these are the same people that preach equality unless of course you're white.

Imagine being fired from your job because you tweeted "All Lives Matter" or having to apologize because you wore a conservative shirt, but this is the world in which we live.

Free speech is all but dead in this country and you can thank these snowflake lefties for it.
Guy above me explained it pretty good. Conservatives are disproportionately shut down though, most are honestly pretty mild and not super right wing, just like most liberals are mild and not triggered snow flakes. I kinda interact with both sides being more socially neutral, maybe slight left deviation, but more conservative financially. I believe firmly in individualism but have been labeled as both far left and far right by the dumb fucks on either side
I quoted your initial post in order to participate in an honest debate and present facts and context based on research and anecdotal evidence. I feel all you have done is race bait and regurgitate far left talking points.
The issue with that is that if you aren't living in the experience then you really can't debate anything. Studies and statistics can't illustrate much in reality, its just a view of things from the outside looking in. Not the actual experience living in it.
Guy above me explained it pretty good. Conservatives are disproportionately shut down though, most are honestly pretty mild and not super right wing, just like most liberals are mild and not triggered snow flakes. I kinda interact with both sides being more socially neutral, maybe slight left deviation, but more conservative financially. I believe firmly in individualism but have been labeled as both far left and far right by the dumb fucks on either side
Years ago I would've definitely considered myself left-wing, because to me it meant being open to discussion and trying to see things from different perspectives. Nowadays I don't even know on whose side I stand on, since some things that are considered left-wing nowadays are pants on head stupid.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Years ago I would've definitely considered myself left-wing, because to me it meant being open to discussion and trying to see things from different perspectives. Nowadays I don't even know on whose side I stand on, since some things that are considered left-wing nowadays are pants on head stupid.
If you think about it there are many smart, decent, and successful people on both sides and there are reasons for that. Nobody should cosign and subscribe entirely to one ideology, no need to put such a low ceiling on your life and potential to learn new things.


Vampire mommy simp
It blows my mind to oblivion that you can openly be racist on twitter in fucking 2020 and yet some people will still crawl from under their rocks to defend you. Like seriously?
And correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik "indefinitely" doesn't mean "permaban". If dude somehow magically becomes a decent human being down the line it might still be reverted?
Also ffs is it really "cancel culture" to punish people for being FUCKING RACIST? I'm all for calling out people for ruining someone's life for having a minorly controversial opinion (which hardly ever happens btw) but I wouldn't call racism minorly controversial.


I totally disagree with the tweet, but it seems like people can say any heinous thing about white people nowadays and nobody bats an eye. "White people are cancer",White people should die", "White privilege" are common things you'll hear in lefty circles and these are the same people that preach equality unless of course you're white.

Imagine being fired from your job because you tweeted "All Lives Matter" or having to apologize because you wore a conservative shirt, but this is the world in which we live.

Free speech is all but dead in this country and you can thank these snowflake lefties for it.
You think freedom of speech protects you from losing your job? Or any other consequences? It doesn't. It only protects you from getting a fine, getting thrown into jail and retaliation.
You know what happened to those calm, mostly black protesters in US? Some have been ran over by cars and horses, pepper-sprayed on and some even shot by police. Unlike a snowflake losing a job over saying something stupid or even racist and then play victim, they actually have a very good reason to say "Free speech is all but dead in this country".


I totally disagree with the tweet, but it seems like people can say any heinous thing about white people nowadays and nobody bats an eye. "White people are cancer",White people should die", "White privilege" are common things you'll hear in lefty circles and these are the same people that preach equality unless of course you're white.

Imagine being fired from your job because you tweeted "All Lives Matter" or having to apologize because you wore a conservative shirt, but this is the world in which we live.

Free speech is all but dead in this country and you can thank these snowflake lefties for it.
I'm not sure what you think White Privilege is, but it's not even close to the same level as tweeting "white people are cancer" and "white people should die". Clearly both of those last two statements are inappropriate.

Free speech is fine. Nobody is getting thrown in jail for wearing an OAN shirt.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I don't think a lifetime ban is fair. What he said was stupid and made during a very and time. I think he should have received some punishment but lifetime is pushing it but I can't really get mad at everyone as he has a history of being toxic. Even in pro sports if you have a history of being toxic(Antonio Brown, Jimmy Butler, Yasiel Puig and Jonathan Papelbon) people will not bother to fuck with you. That is why some of these guys I listed are not currently playing in the pros waiting for someone to sign them or are on thin ice.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I respectfully disagree with this. Mild conservative views are not being shut down. But people like Ben Shaprio, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Glenn Beck? They get "shut down" because their views equate to denying people basic human rights.
This isn't bait or anything, but what basic rights does Ben Shapiro deny? I haven't watched much of his stuff at all, the only thing iv seen of him was spanking Piers Morgan and being physically threatened by Zoey Turr, just genuinely asking is all.