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Strategy Sindel ~ General Strategies/INFO/Questions


Cock Master!!
Tell me something about Ermac, Mr. Cock & the Sindellians.

The Queen of MILF Kombat is far better at what she does than the unsuspecting fighter would imagine, so I'm trying to avoid being the unsuspecting fighter. Maybe I just suck at reading which Fireball she's gonna throw, but it seems like everytime I try and get inside or around her, I'm getting shelled out and Cartwheeled in the face before I can say boo.
How does this fight play out?
1 ~ know that TKP comes out faster then anything sindel can do.
2 ~ sindel cant low fireball under his fireball, so in a fireball war you'll be trading hits alot, or atleast blocking airballs.
3 ~ you have a decent teleport which comes out fast enough to counter her doing a IAFB.. example sindels IAFB can stop scorpion, mileena and sektor (to name a few) in their start up teleport animation.
4 ~ you can out combo her
5 ~ you can actually play some rush down vs her
6 ~ get the sindel player to corner themselves and just use TKP to keep them there.


Revenant Jade
It's sort of a bummer that Sindel does not have much frame advantage on her Levitate-Cancel. It seems every time I attempt 2,1,/F1,2/3,1/D4~Levitate-Cancel, she gets poked, the opponent jumps out or use an armored move on her. If anything, I usually do 2,1,Levitate-Cancel,Grab which gives her the zoning advantage. Her D1 is actually good to put in between. I'm not sure why her 4 can't link to a special, sometimes I press it accidentally during a match and wonder what if. I wish her Up4 was faster because of so many cross-up players online. I never see any use for her Up3, what is it good for?


Cock Master!!
It's sort of a bummer that Sindel does not have much frame advantage on her Levitate-Cancel. It seems every time I attempt 2,1,/F1,2/3,1/D4~Levitate-Cancel, she gets poked, the opponent jumps out or use an armored move on her. If anything, I usually do 2,1,Levitate-Cancel,Grab which gives her the zoning advantage. Her D1 is actually good to put in between. I'm not sure why her 4 can't link to a special, sometimes I press it accidentally during a match and wonder what if. I wish her Up4 was faster because of so many cross-up players online. I never see any use for her Up3, what is it good for?
yea if you play the game before any patch at all 4 can be special cancelable.. i still to this day dont understand why its not anymore and why they felt they had to remove it. i wish they'd put it back.. up 3 is just for looks i guess. i wish up+4 came out atleast 2-3 frames faster.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

1 ~ know that TKP comes out faster then anything sindel can do.
2 ~ sindel cant low fireball under his fireball, so in a fireball war you'll be trading hits alot, or atleast blocking airballs.
3 ~ you have a decent teleport which comes out fast enough to counter her doing a IAFB.. example sindels IAFB can stop scorpion, mileena and sektor (to name a few) in their start up teleport animation.
4 ~ you can out combo her
5 ~ you can actually play some rush down vs her
6 ~ get the sindel player to corner themselves and just use TKP to keep them there.
Man...you're the best, Mr. Cock.

I'm becoming frighteningly devoted to the Red Devil, so I'm trying to write myself an in-depth guide with him, covering all the high-level bases, anything I can think of, and you and the Sindellians are FAR too devoted to your Queen for me to sleep on her. This is mass helpfulness.

Maybe I should start typing in red...


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
21~instant flight fireball is a natural combo that gives you a good amount of options afterwards. Personally I do dash in 44~air fire for a safe blockstring


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Meaning he can teleport+combo her? That goes for all teleporting characters I guess.
Good thing Sindy can fake those firebabies with her levi cancel and bait/punish dem teles with a 40% no meter <3
And recover quicker with her insant levi fballs instead of the normal ones.
you said so :)


Guys, Sindel is an old main ive mine. Only just started using her again the last couple of weeks, and of course, today there is all this talk of "new tech" that Mr Mileena and Runawaymafia have. I think it's incorporating her Levi Dash cancel into rush down, but hey if im wrong, I like surprises.

Anywho, after awhile I started getting the hang of this, but I can do like, 3 in a row and that's it, before my fingers get ff and ddu a bit confused for the third time in a row.

21, levi cancel, dash, F12, levi cancel, dash, F12 levi cancel. Of course I was doing this on training dummy, but does this give her frame advantage, protect her from low pokes. Is anything im doing here even viable or will it just blow me up if I use this on a human opponent?

Im aware not much can be said, but am on the right track as to what this Sindel tech will be?


It's been awhile but I virtually never use 212, but doesn't the second 2 prevent them from tech rolling on knockdown?

Red Son

How much times you need to use a special to build 1 bar of meter:

Levitate - 45 uses

Fireball [whiff/on hit] - 27 uses
Fireball [on block] - 8 uses

Low Fireball [whiff/on hit] - 27 uses
Low Fireball [on block] - 8 uses

Yell [whiff/on hit] - 17 uses
Yell [on block] - 7 uses

Hair Whip [whiff/on hit] - 17 uses
Hair Whip [on block] - 7 uses

Step Up [whiff/on hit] - 17 uses
Step Up [on block] - 5 uses (4 uses build almost a bar)


My blades will find your heart
Sindel is definitely one of the worst characters to build meter with lmao. I still love her all the same <3


Revenant Jade
That's terrible, I wonder what block strings and combos will help her build meter the fastest - majority of the time she just use meter for Breakers or maybe even her X-Ray. Damage scaling on her Ex moves in combos is small although I do find her Ex Scream very, very useful inside combos and outside of combos with good reads.

Red Son

I might be wrong, but I think that the low fireball gives her some advantage on hit, I have to check it out. But online it always works, I mix up with b3, so they think it's comming an overhead, and my offense still in, also I do it before 2,1 , I mix up with the step up too sometimes, but the problem is that I'm in disadvantage if they block, I only go for it a feel times, the others I levitate cancel and jump over or continue my string.
The levitate could make more meter XD it would help a lot.

Red Son

I think that most of people have noticed that you can avoid wake ups with Sindel, by making your opponent stand up after a combo with her Air fireball and IAF. Even after a breaker.

Most of you guys know that when you break in the air you have some advantage.
After a Breaker that was been performed in the air you can quickly jump and do her Air low fireball to avoid the enemy's wake up attack.

I've spend a couple of hours in these last 2 days with Sindel, I wanna share with you guys some combos that end with her anti-wake up game. (I count the damage assuming that you're opponent will block the low fireball)


• After an air Breaker follow up with IAF (using low fireball)
• After using :u:bk as AA follow up with IAF (using the regular fireball)
• After a punch that collide in the air follow up with [dash, :fp, :fp:fp:l:bp, Low Fireball], notice that it can be tech rolled, so with you fell like your opponent will do it, end with regular fireball instead.

#Can't be tech rolled.

[jip] :l:fk:r:bp, Yell, jip, :l:fk:r:bp, :l:bp, Low Fireball - [34%] ~ 31%

[jip] :bk:bk, :fp:fp:l:bp, Low Fireball - [19%] ~ 15%

#Can be tech rolled - (If you think that your opponent will tech roll, end with regular fireball and it'll avoid his wake up as well)

[jip] :l:fk:r:bp, Yell, jip, :l:fk:r:bp, :l:fp:bp, :fp:fp:l:bp, LF - [41%] ~ 38%

[jip] :bk:bk, :l:fp:bp, :fp:fp:l:bp, LF - [26%] ~ 23%

[jip] :bp Yell, jip, :l:fk:r:bp, dash, :fk:fp, :l:bp, LF - [33%] ~ 30%

#Corner - In the corner end up with IAF

[jip] :fk:fp:l:bp,:u:bk, :fp Yell, :fk:fp:l:bp, IAF - [40%] ~ 37%

Notice that the most damaging combos that she have starts with :l:fk:r:bp. To make your opponent fall in your overhead you most do :l:fk Low fireball sometimes, it will create a guessing game.

There's a lot of anti-wake up combos with Sindel that can be tech rolled, I'm researching the ones that can't be, If someone find another one, please tell me and I'll add to this thread.

I'm still looking for more of her anti-wake up game, and I'm doing her my main.
I could make a video for this, but my camera is in my father's house XD.


Cock Master!!
try posting your ideas in the sindel gen discussion thread instead of making new threads.... but yea she has good anti wake up stuff.. i havent posted any of it. im waiting till after the hot fix.. i suggest we all wait till after the hotfix comes out :D

Red Son

Dan, you're sure about this hotfix? I thought it was done.

Sindelia, I like the last one =D it can be tech rolled, but I like it


Horror Specialist
What are her best effective and fast blocked combos that are safe on block. Im giving sindel a shot since hardly there are any players out there. =]


Cock Master!!
There are lots of us. There a frame data thread here it's stickied. Look there

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