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Closed Beta Jade Discussion


Mr. Righteous
I played a against a pretty decent Jade. I mean, at least this one knew what she was doing. And this is why i feel strongly on how Jade is supposed to be played. Peep the sets if ya care to watch ;)



Positive Poster!
I will say

Jade does feel buggy a bit, but it should be expected since this is a Beta
Yes, and we're here in this thread to ensure that those bugs get documented and taken care of.

Like I said before, nobody in their right mind wants her to be broken.

We just want her to be excellent and fun for people to play.

For this we have to aim a bit higher because by now NRS know what they are doing and with enough feedback, they'll know how to balance her out properly.
I have hope aplenty that this game will be the best MK ever.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
Yes, and we're here in this thread to ensure that those bugs get documented and taken care of.

Like I said before, nobody in their right mind wants her to be broken.

We just want her to be excellent and fun for people to play.

Her uppercut and her f2 are do stand out for me tbh

I do agree that she should get some buffs to some of her frames

overall, I am excited for her, and I am having fun with her Run cancel and b4

the amount of mix ups she has is pretty good, espically with deadly assassin (Ex, 432)


Positive Poster!

Her uppercut and her f2 are do stand out for me tbh

I do agree that she should get some buffs to some of her frames

overall, I am excited for her, and I am having fun with her Run cancel and b4

the amount of mix ups she has is pretty good, espically with deadly assassin (Ex, 432)
Sure but remember that we want all three variations to be good. One viable variation is nothing to write home about. The best characters are those which are versatile.


Mr. Righteous

Her uppercut and her f2 are do stand out for me tbh

I do agree that she should get some buffs to some of her frames

overall, I am excited for her, and I am having fun with her Run cancel and b4

the amount of mix ups she has is pretty good, espically with deadly assassin (Ex, 432)
MAN! I was trying SO HARD to find a combo from her uppercut KB. But now that i think about it....what about her 213 string? Isnt that move string also a KB when the first hit whiffs? Maybe that can connect for some damage. OOOOO somebody tests this!


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
Sure but remember that we want all three variations to be good. One viable variation is nothing to write home about. The best characters are those which are versatile.
I think Amp Shadow kick, Air Glaive and Jump Glaive give her alot of zoning and pressure tools, while still maintaining the ability to punish

Honestly, I do think you have to switch between the two between matchups

Rushdown/Mix up heavy agansit scorp and Skarlet

Zoning agansit Baraka and Kabal


Positive Poster!
I think Amp Shadow kick, Air Glaive and Jump Glaive give her alot of zoning and pressure tools, while still maintaining the ability to punish

Honestly, I do think you have to switch between the two between matchups

Rushdown/Mix up heavy agansit scorp and Skarlet

Zoning agansit Baraka and Kabal
For now. But instead of making it a counterpick game it would be more interesting for everything to be viable. Sadly, it's very likely that we're staying rock paper scissors instead.


Mr. Righteous
I think Amp Shadow kick, Air Glaive and Jump Glaive give her alot of zoning and pressure tools, while still maintaining the ability to punish

Honestly, I do think you have to switch between the two between matchups

Rushdown/Mix up heavy agansit scorp and Skarlet

Zoning agansit Baraka and Kabal
Unless your game is to pressure the hell out of your opponent, I don't think Amp Shadow kick is necessary. I would substitute that for a low projectile instead.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
I never said I wanted her to have plus frames. I said her current frames are not impressive.
She has no 6f move, not even her d1 which can potentially mean that in certain cases she might not get out of pressure.
See the conditional there? Because it's Beta and we don't yet know.
Beta, because we were supposed to say what we think could possibly be a problem for a character.
Like f2 whiffing within its own hitbox.

Her damage being lower than others is a FACT.
I never cried to have her for 6 years, I waited.
I never cried that she's awful, I pointed at exact things that I thought might be a problem.
I don't want her to be brokentier because that means more nerfs down the line.
I want her to be competitive, not just viable but excellent but in the sweet spot where she does not need destructive nerfs.

If you can't read why use a forum let alone be a moderator in one?

Thanks for indirectly insulting me without putting my name there, professional as always.
Let's get personal then.
You fully deserve your moderator rights on this forum as a top tier human being.

If you stopped being such a hostile piece of work and looked at people's intentions maybe you wouldn't come off as such a jerk.

Like when you straight up insulted me in the TYM discord.

EDIT: You joined this forum during when? Injustice 1? MKX? You never played mk9 Jade, you have no idea what it felt to be bottom tier against MK9 Kabal and Cyrax so how about you shut the hell up with your hostile attitude, dude.
Couple of things. One I never directed the post AT you. You’re not the only one disappointed with her there is twitter, discord, YouTube, and reddit buddy. Second, me hostile? Bruh. You made a thread basically complaining about her frames in the first hour. But I’m hostile? And a jerk? Wtf lmao.. Neither of those are true but I’m not hear to debate that. We aren’t derailing the thread with it. And I did play mk9 AND Jade. @Wetdoba can confirm :DOGE


Positive Poster!
Couple of things. One I never directed the post AT you. You’re not the only one disappointed with her there is twitter, discord, YouTube, and reddit buddy.
So everyone else's wrong and you're right as usual. Buddy.

Second, me hostile? Bruh.But I’m hostile? And a jerk? Wtf lmao.. Neither of those are true but I’m not hear to debate that.
Calling people names like scrubs just because you don't agree with them.
Indirectly cherrypicking people's arguments and trying to make them look ridiculous out of context.
Your tirades over Discord going at lengths to insult and defame.
You can't debate facts, you need a 'tude check.

You made a thread basically complaining about her frames in the first hour.
Her frame data was clear to see in the first hour.
Numbers you can't argue.
Also, I wasn't "complaining about her frames", I stated that her frame data is not impressive because she doesn't even have a 6f d1 which might mean she could potentially struggle against pressure.
Potentially. I could be wrong, I could be right.
We're Beta Testing to point at issues like this.

And she's clearly struggling in the Skarlet matchup btw.
Look at REO taking loss after loss with her.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Does up glaive stop barakas overhead/cmd grab

I find you can't really zone him at all
Unless they have the armored charge equipped, you should be able to zone him pretty effectively. At least that's been my experience.

Or perhaps you don't have low projectile equipped? This is probably my favorite zoning tool of hers. Forces them to block it and stay relatively put OR forces them to jump which you can predict and upward glaive or AA them with like b2

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
So everyone else's wrong and you're right as usual. Buddy.

Calling people names like scrubs just because you don't agree with them.
Indirectly cherrypicking people's arguments and trying to make them look ridiculous out of context.
Your tirades over Discord going at lengths to insult and defame.
You can't debate facts, you need a 'tude check.

Her frame data was clear to see in the first hour.
Numbers you can't argue.
Also, I wasn't "complaining about her frames", I stated that her frame data is not impressive because she doesn't even have a 6f d1 which might mean she could potentially struggle against pressure.
Potentially. I could be wrong, I could be right.
We're Beta Testing to point at issues like this.

And she's clearly struggling in the Skarlet matchup btw.
Look at REO taking loss after loss with her.
I really appreciate you trying to serve me but it’s falling flat. The “skrubs” thing is a clear joke. Seriously y’all this sensitive now? Also If I offended you my apologies, but you’re doing a little too much and it seems personal. Take it to DM if that’s the case


There it is...
The problem with trying to play her at all rushdown is she has no deterrent from mashing out with lack of midscreen damage. B1 should be faster. The range is really not as great as you'd think.

I'm getting hit with a lot of low baraka pokes under my d1. Maybe I'm just getting beat out but looks like a low profile


There it is...
Unless they have the armored charge equipped, you should be able to zone him pretty effectively. At least that's been my experience.

Or perhaps you don't have low projectile equipped? This is probably my favorite zoning tool of hers. Forces them to block it and stay relatively put OR forces them to jump which you can predict and upward glaive or AA them with like b2
Played a good baraka. Just sat back and hopped all the lows. Ducked the projectile. When I glowed he would just move into his overhead range, it hops the low and bf1 is too slow, catches jump back air glaive.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
The problem with trying to play her at all rushdown is she has no deterrent from mashing out with lack of midscreen damage. B1 should be faster. The range is really not as great as you'd think.

I'm getting hit with a lot of low baraka pokes under my d1. Maybe I'm just getting beat out but looks like a low profile
yeah, I wouldn't play rush down Jade into Baraka at all

your kinda forced into Zoning with her multiple Glaive moves and keeping him away.

Shadow Kick his ass away if you block charge.

AK Harold

So her pole vault is a safe overhead that crushes standing normals?
And her cancel let's her do a low or pressure string.
That sounds like a decent combo in addition to her normals.
Going to give her a try today, any tips?