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New Reptile Mix ups!! (NEW RESET AT THE END)

Hey guys, sorry i havent been active been busy with life lately! lol. But, here are the nwe mix ups for you guys.. and A new reset at the end. So, please, READ ALL THE CAPTIONS IN VIDEO SO YOU UNDERSTAND. other than that, everything else is in the video.. also, shout out to xxxantijoshxxx hes one of my good buddies and him and I will be coming out with awesome mix ups.. and guys, I'll be coming out with some tag combos soon! It shall be Rain and Reptile! (even mix ups with those two) Stay tuned!


Salt Proprietor of TYM
None of that was new and that and where was the reset?

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
None of that was new and that and where was the reset?

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
I guess you weren't watching it seems like you never have anything nice to say when watching my videos, step off my videos, and never comment again, your an ignorant hater. not responding to you.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I guess you weren't watching it seems like you never have anything nice to say when watching my videos, step off my videos, and never comment again, your an ignorant hater. not responding to you.
No man I'm just saying its not a reset it is just a dropped combo I didn't mean disrespect I apologize if I came off that way

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I guess you weren't watching it seems like you never have anything nice to say when watching my videos, step off my videos, and never comment again, your an ignorant hater. not responding to you.
He's just stating what the rest of us are thinking. Maybe don't make your title so misleading next time? "(NEW RESET AT THE END)" generally makes people curious as to where the actual reset is.

Muffinmuggers said:
2:22 After the EH slow ball its a block stun, so if your opponent is either blocking low (or releases block because they think they now have advantage) you can to a JIP to hit on the low blocker. And it acts like a reset.
Have you tested this against a human opponent? Certainly looks like they'd at least have the opportunity to uppercut/d1 your JIP attempt after the EX slow FB.
No man I'm just saying its not a reset it is just a dropped combo I didn't mean disrespect I apologize if I came off that way

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
2:22 After the EH slow ball its a block stun, so if your opponent is either blocking low (or releases block because they think they now have advantage) you can to a JIP to hit on the low blocker. And it acts like a reset.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
2:22 After the EH slow ball its a block stun, so if your opponent is either blocking low (or releases block because they think they now have advantage) you can to a JIP to hit on the low blocker. And it acts like a reset.
Ok I assumed you were talking about somewhere else in the combo, this still isn't a reset, but it is a good setup and i use it for pressure all the time. All the person has to do is high block and they are in the clear.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
There aren't any resets, and some of these wakeup mixups are reliant on players not rolling their face on the buttons while being juggled. :/
There aren't any resets, and some of these wakeup mixups are reliant on players not rolling their face on the buttons while being juggled. :/
2:22 is a reset because if they block low, or let go of block(which a lot will do, i've tested this and everyone falls for it) its a reset..


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends


Reset is a word that's thrown around a lot in MK. Standing reset, 50/50 reset, guaranteed reset, combo reset, etc.

I personally would call your reset being meaty on wake up. In fact, at 2:22 after enhanced force ball it doesn't look like you're at advantage. It looks like the opponent could anti-air you or do a wake up attack.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The point of the vid was to show that you can techroll after 1221. And thus EX forceball NEVER even comes close to hitting.

I just tried it doing EX slow ball.
Reset is a word that's thrown around a lot in MK. Standing reset, 50/50 reset, guaranteed reset, combo reset, etc.

I personally would call your reset being meaty on wake up. In fact, at 2:22 after enhanced force ball it doesn't look like you're at advantage. It looks like the opponent could anti-air you or do a wake up attack.
Thank you for actually analyzing that unlike the other idiots here. And it may not look like it, but it like stuns them, it works i've tried it! :D


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Whoa, whoa, whoa...I analyzed it. And you know what? As soon as I saw it, I went in and tested with techrolling on to make sure that didn't blow it up.
The point of the vid was to show that you can techroll after 1221. And thus EX forceball NEVER even comes close to hitting.

I just tried it doing EX slow ball.
You know why? first, you did not Dash quickly enough after 1224. Second, watch the video again.. Its a DOuble dash And then I BACK up, EH slow ball JIP. ENHANCED. was yours enhanced? no. Anything is escapable.. Reptiles forward 3 Back 1+2 is escapable..
Whoa, whoa, whoa...I analyzed it. And you know what? As soon as I saw it, I went in and tested with techrolling on to make sure that didn't blow it up.
Also if they tech rolled, you threw out an Enhanced slow ball anyways, which means they are still getting pressured.. so no flaw techinically.. reset into a mix up.. after tech roll?


I tested the advantage of uncharged ex force ball (slow and fast) on block. Turns out you're actually at advantage but only about +1 or +2. I wasn't able to test out your particular reset cuz it was too hard, but if we were to assume you did ex force ball into your "reset" exactly the way you showed at 2:22, then your opponent should have enough time and space to anti-air if you do a jip.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Muffin, re-read what I said. If you techroll 1221, the double dash will lead to them rolling away, and thus the EX forceball NEVER WILL HIT THEM. At least if you do double dash as fast as I was doing.

Double dashing as fast as possible results in my vid. Double dashing at the slower pace that you were doing results in a techroll into you. So it does work and I stand corrected.

But stuff like at 0:36 does not work because of techroll.

Playpal, yeah, I had no idea about that actually. New ideas now. :D