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Mileena Kitana Kabal weaknesses


Ok, so these 3 characters are pretty much the top 3 characters in the game I have trouble against. Also, in my opinion, these characters all have 0 bad match-ups. All of their zoning is phenomenal, alot of their special moves are hard to punish, their rushdown/close combat is pretty nice, etc. So I would like to dedicate this thread to:

What are these characters weaknesses, and how do you exploit them?

How do you play against these characters?

What characters are a bad match-up against these characters? (I honestly don't think they have any)

Lets discuss

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I know that good spacing > Kitana, she might have long reach but her recovery is pretty crappy. She cant do anything with her fans if you have the life lead too.

Mileena is just overrated IMO, dont get hit by sai, expect a D4.
Ok, so these 3 characters are pretty much the top 3 characters in the game I have trouble against. Also, in my opinion, these characters all have 0 bad match-ups. All of their zoning is phenomenal, alot of their special moves are hard to punish, their rushdown/close combat is pretty nice, etc. So I would like to dedicate this thread to:

What are these characters weaknesses, and how do you exploit them?

How do you play against these characters?

What characters are a bad match-up against these characters? (I honestly don't think they have any)

Lets discuss
Mileena is sooo underrrated, she is really good. but her weakness is rushdown IMO

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
now i dont consider myself a pro or anythin but noob saibot can be effective v mileena its hell but its doable baitin wake ups is about all u can do stay out of d4 range is a must
for kitana noob can out spam her but if its a pressure type kit hes not gonna fair too well
kabal ...... hope he doenst know de matchup lol and do in front portals any time u try a trap cause dat ex nomad dash is a killer
just my 2 cents


Mileena is sooo underrrated, she is really good. but her weakness is rushdown IMO
I'm not so sure about this, because you can't really rushdown a good mileena with her super low hit box + long reach on her d4. She can back away and d4 all day and it would be hard to rushdown on her. She also has really good anti-airs and safe strings such as 42 that can link into safe EX telekick sai etc. That's why she seems like so she has no weakness lol. Theres no actual way to play vs her

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature

I've always felt smoke is a bad MU for kabal, at least in theory, never actually seen a top tier kabal against a really good smoke so i don't have a definite idea of how it really plays out. All im thinking is that kabal absolutely CAN'T zone him and his rushdown is somewhat limited compared to the rest of the cast.


now i dont consider myself a pro or anythin but noob saibot can be effective v mileena its hell but its doable baitin wake ups is about all u can do stay out of d4 range is a must
for kitana noob can out spam her but if its a pressure type kit hes not gonna fair too well
kabal ...... hope he doenst know de matchup lol and do in front portals any time u try a trap cause dat ex nomad dash is a killer
just my 2 cents
Yea noob could be a possible 5-5 matchup with kitana/mileena but I doubt he has advantage over them. But idk I have never really used noob because I like to play alot more rushdown, but I'm willing to choose any character if they are a bad matchup for those characters lmao. I hate them



I've always felt smoke is a bad MU for kabal, at least in theory, never actually seen a top tier kabal against a really good smoke so i don't have a definite idea of how it really plays out. All im thinking is that kabal absolutely CAN'T zone him and his rushdown is somewhat limited compared to the rest of the cast.
I was actually thinking about picking up smoke just because of his shake, that gets rid of the zoning factor these 3 characters have. Mileena is a problem still without her zoning tho, but I'm definitely gonna be practicing with smoke the next couple of days

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
@ king d4 upknee = godlike 8D
[MENTION=6463]Caraecrika[/MENTION] have u ever seen aris's smoke v reos kabal he nearly won it was at dev or sbv one or de other so yeah id assume smoke is a nice counter for kabal

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
I was actually thinking about picking up smoke just because of his shake, that gets rid of the zoning factor these 3 characters have. Mileena is a problem still without her zoning tho, but I'm definitely gonna be practicing with smoke the next couple of days
Yep, that's the reason why im picking him up and prob main him as well, those are imo cyrax's worst MU, and i need a "shit just hit the fan" character to counter-pick em.
I'm not so sure about this, because you can't really rushdown a good mileena with her super low hit box + long reach on her d4. She can back away and d4 all day and it would be hard to rushdown on her. She also has really good anti-airs and safe strings such as 42 that can link into safe EX telekick sai etc. That's why she seems like so she has no weakness lol. Theres no actual way to play vs her
Hmm, I play scorp and I dont have a real matchup problem against her, but shes just such a pain because you have to respect all her moves and any mistakes and that bitch will ride over you.

my 11's have mid hitbox so her small hitbox arent a problem for me. her mixups arent a problem for me because I know the matchup pretty well and i like to check her from time to time with armor spear. her D4 is a real problem for me, i havent had anyone spamming that move on me but scorpion can use jumpkick and airgrab for 14% on her. you can punish mileena really hard because if you block her specials she will be in the air(if you use B2 with scorp while the opponent is in the air, you will avoid some damage scaling). The biggest problem I have against he is her D4 when I try to use ex teleport to get in, so my main problem is getting in on mileena. I would use Jax against her if I were you, since you cant really zone jax, he can use jumpkick grabs, has good rushdown, dont use wakup against her though, D4 will check that


Hmm, I play scorp and I dont have a real matchup problem against her, but shes just such a pain because you have to respect all her moves and any mistakes and that bitch will ride over you.

my 11's have mid hitbox so her small hitbox arent a problem for me. her mixups arent a problem for me because I know the matchup pretty well and i like to check her from time to time with armor spear. her D4 is a real problem for me, i havent had anyone spamming that move on me but scorpion can use jumpkick and airgrab for 14% on her. you can punish mileena really hard because if you block her specials she will be in the air(if you use B2 with scorp while the opponent is in the air, you will avoid some damage scaling). The biggest problem I have against he is her D4 when I try to use ex teleport to get in, so my main problem is getting in on mileena. I would use Jax against her if I were you, since you cant really zone jax, he can use jumpkick grabs, has good rushdown, dont use wakup against her though, D4 will check that
Yea I have been using jax against all kitana/mileenas, but ive been thinking about using scorpion or smoke on them just because they have alot air control. With scorpion you can try to catch them in midair with a teleport when kitana/mileena jumps alot, and you combo and vortex off of it. But either way best your gonna get on those characters is a 5/5 matchup, I dont think anyone is actually 6/4 or more against them


Come On Die Young
In the new tier list, Kitana has a negative matchup against Kenshi and Mileena, and I agree with both. It can be very difficult for her to get in on both, because they both shut down her zoning and have great keepaway. I also believe the Kabal MU is in his favor, but REO has been disagreeing with that. I also believe there are a couple .5 advantages for some chars, but that's not enough.

As far as the Noob-Kitana matchup goes, I see 6-4 Kitana. At about sweep distance, it's a 50/50 situation with the clones where if Noob guesses wrong, he eats a full combo, and if Kitana guesses wrong, she just gets hit by a projectile. The range of her f2,1 kills his upshadow.


As a Baraka player, I dont find Mileena that hard. Infact I don't find Kitana or Kabal too much of a problem. Im also a CSZ player, and all three of those characters are hard for him, Kitana especially. If she is zoning, then it is very, very hard for CSZ to get in.

Rushing down Mileena just seems pointless because of her good wakeup options. What I tend to do with Kitana and Mileena when I rush down is to bait out a roll/teleport/fan lift, and punish accordingly. For Kabal, well...I just try and play my socks out! It's not the best advice, but I can only say you have to have infinite patience when you fight these three characters. You are going to take a ton of chip damage but you just have to close in, inch by inch and seize the first opportunity you get.
Yea I have been using jax against all kitana/mileenas, but ive been thinking about using scorpion or smoke on them just because they have alot air control. With scorpion you can try to catch them in midair with a teleport when kitana/mileena jumps alot, and you combo and vortex off of it. But either way best your gonna get on those characters is a 5/5 matchup, I dont think anyone is actually 6/4 or more against them
If you do consider picking up scorpion, slips the best scorpion player at the moment posted a full scorpion guide, very useful. So that guide will help you out a LOT.


Cock Master!!
mileena does have rush down ability, 4,2 mix in a tele kick special cancel to keep her foes in check. numerous safe jump moves..

anyway i use kano vs mileena. hes able to take her telekick~sai out of the game. kind of like how lao does it with his spin. kano upball does it..

vs Kitana i use sindel mainly. sindel can take kitanas zoning out of the equation. mix in alot of high air fireballs and :en fireballs to keep kitana grounded.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
as a mileena player, her only real weakness seems to be tht once u get past her d4,slow normals cant get her out so she can be pressured. i would say just try to break them down and and bait. a goood mileena, kitana and especially kabal are the scariest matchups 4 me, regardless of who im playing as lol. o and use jump kicks to beat those stupid pokes
well you can exploit them by using them, Kabal beats both mileena and kitana. mileena because of his d1 f4 ND combo off of blocked tele kick. i would assume smoke and a few other could punnish this as long as they have good quick anti air and especially ones who can link combos. Kitana would lose to IMO kaba once he has perfect zoning shes SOLl, mileena because of her mix up pressure thats pretty safe and tele kicks, liu kang if he can stay in. im not a pro, but i do know a lil somthing about this game. i play kabal and i lose to mileena and kitana, they are tough. and kabal is good but against him you need to block low to avoid spam and be ready for full screen nomad dash cancel to low command grab. as far as dash cancels just poke out or jump out, its simple, he has alot of 5-5 6-4 match ups and not everyone plays him at top level. watch reo and online tonys playstyles and see when they get countered and how to do that with you char. everyone has a d1 poke, and alot have other anti air.


Bad Reputation
mileena does have rush down ability, 4,2 mix in a tele kick special cancel to keep her foes in check. numerous safe jump moves..

anyway i use kano vs mileena. hes able to take her telekick~sai out of the game. kind of like how lao does it with his spin. kano upball does it..
^ This. Dan and I have played this match-up A LOT. I generally struggle with Kano, though (Im still learning a lot of match-ups, actually [Ermac, Kenshi, Kano, Stryker come to mind]), but what he says about Upball is definitely true. I could still see this being a 5-5, though. Feels like a 6-4 to me, but I wanna partially blame lack of experience.

Mileena may not have any. I need to test more against Smoke and Kenshi. Like I said, I think Kano is indeed a 5-5 with matchup experience. Kung Lao is also one that I tend to struggle a bit with as Mileena, as well.

Kitana, I feel, has bad matchups against: Kenshi and Mileena. Noob, Stryker, and Kano are debatable. I think if those are bad matchups, they are 6-4s at worst, though.


Smoke can't beat kabal
Once he stops iagbs/bs any cqb is lethal for smoke plus bombs won't track kabal while ndcing from afar
Teleport gets eaten alive by nd and the exnd can armor throught frametraps


Death is my business
To me Kabal vs Smoke is 5-5 , Kabal can't zone him so he's forced to get in and at jump distance Smoke is a beast with his footsies , the good thing is that Ndc pressure is actually good vs Smoke since his fastest launcher ( 2 1 ) is 11 frames and starts high , however Ex smoke away/towards seems a safe way to gtfo and could punish some whiffed strings like f3 or f4


I haven't had problems lately so I stopped using this thread. I pretty much have 0 trouble against the majority of Kitanas I play now, I think Jax and Kung lao handle her pretty well. But Mileena is still a bitch to fight and Kabal is just simply too good lol. Is there any good Kabal or Mileena players on xbox that would like to just get like an hour long series in with me so to help with the matchups?
I haven't had problems lately so I stopped using this thread. I pretty much have 0 trouble against the majority of Kitanas I play now, I think Jax and Kung lao handle her pretty well. But Mileena is still a bitch to fight and Kabal is just simply too good lol. Is there any good Kabal or Mileena players on xbox that would like to just get like an hour long series in with me so to help with the matchups?
I havent seen this thread before, Im having the same problems against Mileena (the kitana player I have to play with isnt a good player and I have no Kabals around to play against so I wont give any opinion about these matchups). I think some Mileenas here in the forums doesnt have too much experience against KL, thats why they think this matchup is even or good to KL, imo its a horrible matchup to him:


All my chars have problems dealing with her zonning and her bugged hurtboxes, I think Smoke would be a good choice agianst her because his main combos hits her while crouch blocking plus the anti zonning tool, but I just decided do not to spend too much time with the game anymore due many different reasons so I gave up learning a new character.