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Leo’s Legendary Gear Acessible in Competitive Mode


The Ignore Button Is Free

A new glitch was discovered by (credit to Buffalo who brought it to my attention-HBH) that shows off some new dirt with Leo. His Legendary Gear augment that allows him to MB a trait call can apparently be done in competitive mode. This is absolutely not intended.

I DID NOT FIND THIS! Idk who found but I’m just bringing it to light. I’m surprised it hasn’t been talked about much here. It’s all over discord lol

Notice the startup, the advantage, and the damage it does.

Surely this is a glitch?

edited & promoted by HellblazerHawkman*
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
NIce, didn't see this til now. Thanks for the tip. That would be hilarious if they actually had a secret way to unlock with ABABCABB haha