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Let's See If Your Corpse Bloats: The Corner Vortex/Reset

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
GIANT ASS EDIT. Redid almost this entire post now that I've optimized this. Short summary, this is a true unreactable 50/50 reset. It has a midscreen and corner variation. The f3 overhead can be beaten midscreen by d1, backdash or MB b3 but all these options are option selected by the b2 low. It's a hard read regardless of what you do about it. If it's even possible to fuzzy guard this, delay low becomes a threat. I'll list the restand combos, followed by the optimal conversions you want.

1~4, j2~cancel, 3~4, j2~cancel = 157.16
b22~4, j2~cancel, b22~4, j2~cancel = 178.53
3~4, j2~cancel, 3~4, j2~cancel = 191.16

B2 conversions

b22~4, j2~cancel, b11u3, d2, b11, b11u3~db3 = 250.92 (optimal)
b22~4, j2~cancel, d2, b11, micro step, 1232 = 211.31 (HKD)
b22~4, j2~cancel, b11u3~db3 = 220.23 (easy)
b22~4, j2~cancel, micro step, 2d3~db2 = 193.62 (guaranteed bf1 chip/f21 pressure)
b22~4, j2~cancel, b22~db2 = 181.44 (jailing 12 followup for plus frames)
b22~db2(MB), b3, b11, b11u3~db3 = 345.60 (one bar BnB)
b22~db2(MB), f3, j3, 1232 = 323.76 (HKD)

F3 conversions
f3, j3, b11, b11u3~db3 = 372.06 (optimal)
f3, j3, 1232 = 323.93 (HKD)

1~4, j2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel
= 170.43 (trait conservation)
1~4, j2~db2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 204.94
b22~4, j2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 190.59 (trait conservation)
b22~4, j2~db2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 220.01
3~4, j2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 204.43 (trait conservation)
3~4, j2~db2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 238.94
2d3~4, j2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 219.01 (trait conservation)
2d3~4, j2~db2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 250.15
nj2~db2, 2d3~4, j2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 291.73 (trait conservation)
nj2~db2, 2d3~4, j2~db2~cancel, 2d3~4, j2~cancel = 312.90

B2 conversions after trait conservation combos
b22~4, j2~cancel, b11u3, b11, b11u3~bf2
= 248.93 (optimal)
b22~4, j2~cancel, b11u3, 1232 = 235.89 (HKD)
b22~db2(MB), nj3, b11u3~4, j3~db3 = 351.98 (one bar optimal)
b22~db2(MB), nj3, d2~db2, 213 = 333.39 (swag HKD)

F3 conversions after trait conservation combos
f3, j3, b11u3~4, j2~cancel, b11u3~bf2
= 379.90 (optimal)
f3, j3, b11u3~4, j1~cancel, d2~db2, b12 = 363.63 (swag HKD)

B2 conversions without trait conservation
b22~db2(MB), j3, b11u3~4, j1~cancel, b11u3~bf2
= 345.27 (optimal)
b22~db2(MB), nj3, d2~db2, 213 = 333.39 (swag HKD)

F3 conversions without trait conservation
f3, j3, b11, b11u3~bf2
= 364.50 (optimal)
f3, j3, d2~db2, b11u3~4, j1~cancel, b12 = 358.64 (swag HKD)

Edit 1: After tightening up my timing, you actually can't escape the F3 with MB B3 period. It doesn't even have the time to come out.

Edit 2 :Updated with optimal routes.

Edit 3: Revised entirely. Optimized flowchart+damage.
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Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I'm pretty sure it's "see if your corpse floats" haha

I don't have access to console ATM to check how the spacing differs or even the damage but you can also do this on every character:

B22~4, J2~Torpedo, J2~Torpedo~4, B22~Torpedo

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
I'm pretty sure it's "see if your corpse floats" haha

I don't have access to console ATM to check how the spacing differs or even the damage but you can also do this on every character:

B22~4, J2~Torpedo, J2~Torpedo~4, B22~Torpedo
No you can't. The game locks you out after 2 j2 reps.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
wouldnt call it a vortex, reset sure tho.

still, most of the time i'd rather just capitalize on damage, get a knock down and play the oki game.

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
I've always viewed vortex's as 50/50s which loop back into the same situation.

This is a really solid jailing restand and will definitely be one his go to things to do in the corner. It is great tech for sure.
Yeah, I called it half vortex/half reset because only one option loops back.


Not even lying, been doing this since day 1, but didn't post because I didn't think it was good enough.

99% of the time I go to post what might be considered tech, I just figure it's not good enough or that people will be like "already known bitch".

I still don't think this is that good but it's worth getting out there if others don't know. I'd rather just cash out with a b11u3 bnb after a starter float jump 2.

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
Not even lying, been doing this since day 1, but didn't post because I didn't think it was good enough.

99% of the time I go to post what might be considered tech, I just figure it's not good enough or that people will be like "already known bitch".

I still don't think this is that good but it's worth getting out there if others don't know. I'd rather just cash out with a b11u3 bnb after a starter float jump 2.
I think having a reset is always a good thing to have in your pocket to whip out on the occasion. It's still big damage if it succeeds.


UPR DanableLector
IMPORTANT: I need to preface this comment with the following: I am not being a dick. I am legitimately asking.

What exactly is new here?

REO pointed out a lot of this stuff in the first week of Manta's release, and as far as I know this stuff has been pretty standard for Manta players without meter.

Am I missing the tech here? I am pretty out of the loop. Maybe a video (as @IrishMantis suggested) would help.