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My Current Tier List (8/31/17)


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
I know about parrying the lasers. And parrying his demons too. But I've been punished when I parry the charging demon and then Darkseid will teleport while his demon is chargng. Then I eat a mixup and die.

It's not the zoning that beats me. It's the mix and his teleport shenanigans that do.
Does WW d2 anti air teleport? If not I know for sure her s1 does


A spaceman
Does WW d2 anti air teleport? If not I know for sure her s1 does
When Darkseid just does a raw jump back teleport yes. But we all know he shouldnt be doing that. Its when he does them instant or he has a demon out and sends that demon to protect him.


House of Bane; ID: 8V596
I have a question for those who've posted their tier lists. Namely, who do you think the characters you've listed in whatever you've labeled as your highest tier lose to and why.


Master of Kombat(frauds)
Thats because I replied to your post before I read his. But what he said still doesn't answer my question.

@EMPEROR_KNICKS What setups of Darkseids can WW walk out of? What ender is Yung using to setup sweep?
Anything lol, i mean i guess there are enders that knock me down farther but why would i wakeup lol. Any setup that doesnt jail, for example it can still be plus but if u are holding back she just walks out of it lol, doing j2 then delayed stomp whiffs, etc, i cant get to anime on wowo cause of her walkspeed.


Master of Kombat(frauds)
When Darkseid just does a raw jump back teleport yes. But we all know he shouldnt be doing that. Its when he does them instant or he has a demon out and sends that demon to protect him.
And yah most characters walk out of regular tele thats not what im talking bout.


A spaceman
This post actually cracked me up. As if that discord is the end all be all for WW. Most of their info is probably coming from Akro anyway lol
Hes the most vocal. Thats for sure. But akro isnt the end all be all about ww. Everyone is contributing and sharing info. There's mu's he says WW loses like Adam or wins like Beetle. Where I think both of those are even. Akro hasn't even been in the discord the past couple of days.

I went in the discord yesterday and asked some of them on what their opinions are about the mu and alot of the answers were similar to what Knicks had said excluding the walking out most of his setups.

Discord is far better then the current WoWo forums.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I think Sub-Zero sucks, I'm not gonna change my opinion because you guys say I'm wrong. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong though, I always want to learn more. Why is Sub-Zero not low tier?

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I think Sub-Zero sucks, I'm not gonna change my opinion because you guys say I'm wrong. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong though, I always want to learn more. Why is Sub-Zero not low tier?
He's not S tier, but he doesn't suck either. He can compete with a good amount of characters pretty well, such as Black Adam, Flash, Doctor Fate and Green Arrow. He can't be bad if these are the characters he can beat.


He's not S tier, but he doesn't suck either. He can compete with a good amount of characters pretty well, such as Black Adam, Flash, Doctor Fate and Green Arrow. He can't be bad if these are the characters he can beat.
The thing about Injustice 2 is that lower tier characters beating higher tier ones is considerably more common than it usually tends to be in fighting games.

Sub Zero definitely isn't bad in every matchup, but I think he probably has more than most do in terms of more uphill battles, hence why he's generally placed in low tier. Off the top of my head he does quite badly (i.e. 4-6) against Wonder Woman, Starfire, Darkseid, Batman, Supergirl, and probably a few others too.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
He's not S tier, but he doesn't suck either. He can compete with a good amount of characters pretty well, such as Black Adam, Flash, Doctor Fate and Green Arrow. He can't be bad if these are the characters he can beat.
I don't see how Sub wouldn't lose to Fate or any zoner for that matter, he gets obliterated by Batman or any good punishers, the klone is whatever in this game. He's a good anti-rushdown pick, I can't deny that. Just in a tier list he would definitely be on the lower side, I don't feel comfortable moving him up because I don't think he's up to par with the other characters he would be grouped with. Tier lists are matchup based, and Sub-Zero despite being ABLE to win a lot of these fights, he has to fight uphill. He has a pretty good set of tools, just not AS good as the characters I have above him.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I don't see how Sub wouldn't lose to Fate or any zoner for that matter, he gets obliterated by Batman or any good punishers, the klone is whatever in this game. He's a good anti-rushdown pick, I can't deny that. Just in a tier list he would definitely be on the lower side, I don't feel comfortable moving him up because I don't think he's up to par with the other characters he would be grouped with. Tier lists are matchup based, and Sub-Zero despite being ABLE to win a lot of these fights, he has to fight uphill. He has a pretty good set of tools, just not AS good as the characters I have above him.
There are chars that are gonna give him hard time and you have to counter pick another char instead (in my case, Starfire), but he can a good chunk of the chars. So no, I'm not gonna put him in a tier higher then A (using @RevetLeafing tier list here), but to put him any lower then that will also not be fair. Also you aren't suppose to use the Klone in every MU, as at least in the larger degree, you can't just go and play him like in MKX.

The thing about Injustice 2 is that lower tier characters beating higher tier ones is considerably more common than it usually tends to be in fighting games.

Sub Zero definitely isn't bad in every matchup, but I think he probably has more than most do in terms of more uphill battles, hence why he's generally placed in low tier. Off the top of my head he does quite badly (i.e. 4-6) against Wonder Woman, Starfire, Darkseid, Batman, Supergirl, and probably a few others too.
That's true in general, and yes he does have some uphill MU's, but the chars he can beat and turn their MU's into 6-4 in his favor is noticeable enough. Yes it's not any of the chars that you've mentioned, but it a different case with others.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
There are chars that are gonna give him hard time and you have to counter pick another char instead (in my case, Starfire), but he can a good chunk of the chars. So no, I'm not gonna put him in a tier higher then A (using @RevetLeafing tier list here), but to put him any lower then that will also not be fair. Also you aren't suppose to use the Klone in every MU, as at least in the larger degree, you can't just go and play him like in MKX.

That's true in general, and yes he does have some uphill MU's, but the chars he can beat and turn their MU's into 6-4 in his favor is noticeable enough. Yes it's not any of the chars that you've mentioned, but it a different case with others.
You couldn't clone in every matchup in MKX either, but he had enough dominant matchups and even when he lost a matchup handily he had insane enough set play to get back into it. You could go and play him in MKX because he was a good character. And once again, to be clear I don't think Sub is the worst he just sucks compared to the better characters.


The Power of Lame Compels You
I think Darkseid should be moved down one, Red Hood, Batman and Harley moved up. Scarecrow moved down one and MAYBE Brainiac moved down one (I completely know how dumb he is but he has some matchups that are gross to watch, not a ton tho) other than that it's not too terrible. Swampy is place correctly at least.


Gotta strongly disagree with anyone claiming Sub Zero to be anything other than bottom 5 in the game and he certainly doesn't beat Green Arrow or any character with strong zoning tools imo.

His flaws that I've noticed:

Nearly all if not all of his strings are highly punishable on block unless special/trait canceled

He seems to be a defensive character but needs to get in to be effective yet iceball was made piss poor since it both travels slow and he's easily counter zoned and hit out of the iceball start up. Many cases any opponent can start their projectile after SZ and hit him then block or duck the iceball if their projectile didn't stop his from firing.

He's nearly neutralized completely so long as the opponent plays defensive, uses projectiles and crouches. Crouching and blocking beats his slide (which also can be heavily punished if blocked) and outside of forward 3 he can only hit a crouch blocking opponent at the end of a string like 111 and back 23 can be punished if not perfectly spaced against a crouching opponent.

Because of these flaws he's very meter heavy in my experience since crouching opponents eliminate so many of his offensive options that I've had to use meter burn forward 3 or bounce cancel combos in order to get anything going on an opponent with decent blocking ability.

Some other things is that 33 whiffs on some characters in crouch, from what I've seen he can't tick throw with polar puncture and his forward walk speed feels slow.

My friend plays Joker and will wall me out with teeth while popping in and out of crouch with Jokers pistol. So it would seem that that's a bad match up for SZ.