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Injustice 2 First Balance Patch Reactions, Hype and Tears Thread


Tier Whore.
yes most likely I will find new characters to complain about but I can die happy knowing that MB FTD doesn't launch
fine, I will be maining whichever is best. won't affect me one bit.

Supergirl, Robin & Flash are looking top now.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
GL is fine.
You don't play GL. And some GL players are in denial even tho they're getting mopped by not having the same things I'm saying he needs lol

This is injustice 1 all over again everyone said he was fine and he ended up losing 8-10 matchups and being mid/low tier the entire games life span. I was right then and I'm right now. Stop mentioning me


Tier Whore.
You don't play GL. And some GL players are in denial even tho they're getting mopped by not having the same things I'm saying he needs lol

This is injustice 1 all over again everyone said he was fine and he ended up losing 8-10 matchups and being mid/low tier the entire games life span. I was right then and I'm right now. Stop mentioning me
Gross is doing well and he thinks GL is fine. I heard him saying on stream how he was cheap.
I played GL in Inj1.
I'm in love with the Brainiac Buffs. He was only a pocket to beat up on weak players. Now he looks to be tournament viable.

Most of the top tier got the ax they needed.

Black adam looks like he was the least affected. I wonder if Paolo being a Black Adam main has anything to do with that...lol

In before online is flooded with Supergirl and Black Canary
Brainiac was already tourney viable now hes top 10 maybe even top 5 lmao

Mind Flex

Mind Gamer. BOOSH
I really only wanted Brainiac's trait to be buffed. The damage was a pleasant and welcome addition and could very possibly catapult him near the top when its coupled with the new trait.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Not even touching that horrible looking char and I never cared about her, only said that to mess with you.

I will be picking up Supergirl & Ivy. Where did you read I was picking her up?

Also i'm free to play whichever char I want, I don't set crazy rules in my head like you do. The game knows no morals.

but how do you feel about Ivys changes?
I'm fine with the changes. She got 2/3 things we asked for, on top of other buffs as well. She'll see more players for sure


Lawless Victory!
And he'll continue to see minimal success in the game. He's the hipster character of this game that people want to upplay.
Not sure who is up playing BB. I'd say most of the community is quite honest with their thoughts and analysis of BB.

except they didnt, they left many top tiers and buffed many mid tiers while leaving low tier beetle in the dust makes no sense.
They tackled a fair few of each, I'm cool with that approach - I wasn't expecting every character to get changes either. Let's see how things play out bro.

As it happens we actually have a buff wish list thread in the BB forums, but neither of you two posted there (but have here...eerily mysterious!)

I'd be genuinely interested in what you both think he actually needs - especially in light of today's news. It's all well and good crying that your main didn't get any buffs, but if you don't actually have any solid suggestions, you don't have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to these discussions.


It's all so very confusing.
I think the Catwoman changes add up to be significant. She will still be good, but it won't be stupid like it was before.
I agree, but like you said, she will still almost certainly be really good and her primary gameplan (outside yolo exploiting random b3 crap and j2 spam) doesn't change. She's still quite safe with good approach options, and if the damage nerf is reasonable, then functional damage, given how many ways she can earn that damage. Cat dash losing armor is painful in a way, but its still a crazy powerful whiff punish tool and her generous frame data and snakeshit crazy back dash make her SMART play sound like it'll still be really strong.

She def got weaker, but its the kind of weaker that ON PAPER (we're all just debating this on paper for now of course) wont super heavily effect the good players, and should weed out the gimmick spammers abusing her more broken aspects to get away with shit they probably shouldnt.

Of course, thatr being said, ultimately, I think of the two I'l pick up Batman as my secondary. Good fucking day to be a Canary main. I hope her buffs dont break her. I worry she just became REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY good though - and I want her good, but not broken, lol.
Not sure who is up playing BB. I'd say most of the community is quite honest with their thoughts and analysis of BB.

They tackled a fair few of each, I'm cool with that approach - I wasn't expecting every character to get changes either. Let's see how things play out bro.

As it happens we actually have a buff wish list thread in the BB forums, but neither of you two posted there (but have here...eerily mysterious!)

I'd be genuinely interested in what you both think he actually needs - especially in light of today's news. It's all well and good crying that your main didn't get any buffs, but if you don't actually have any solid suggestions, you don't have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to these discussions.
He definitely needs a damage buff.
Just because i dont currently use the character doesnt mean I didnt want to go back to him.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You don't play GL. And some GL players are in denial even tho they're getting mopped by not having the same things I'm saying he needs lol

This is injustice 1 all over again everyone said he was fine and he ended up losing 8-10 matchups and being mid/low tier the entire games life span. I was right then and I'm right now. Stop mentioning me
I play GL...kinda. He was my #3 in IG1 and I still bust him out occasionally.
They should've never replaced the Minigun. That thing would come sooooo much in handy :(.
Even with the Bubble Burst and the Brick Wall, he's in a difficult spot. B1 isn't enough to make one afraid of him, but the argument could be made that rebalancing him now could be jumping the gun. I feel the same about Joker (who was my first "ehh, maybe he'll be my new main before Red Hood came out) in that you dont want to give someone the accidental Bane in IG1 treatment and then have to knock them back down later.

I would give this patch a 9/10 though. All the stuff that absolutely need doing got done, and nothing was overdone.

ATL Jones Bro3

Dojo Trainee
Not sure who is up playing BB. I'd say most of the community is quite honest with their thoughts and analysis of BB.

They tackled a fair few of each, I'm cool with that approach - I wasn't expecting every character to get changes either. Let's see how things play out bro.

As it happens we actually have a buff wish list thread in the BB forums, but neither of you two posted there (but have here...eerily mysterious!)

I'd be genuinely interested in what you both think he actually needs - especially in light of today's news. It's all well and good crying that your main didn't get any buffs, but if you don't actually have any solid suggestions, you don't have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to these discussions.
Not my main, one character i enjoy using, but I also enjoy winning consistently against good players so I play atrocitus. The beetle community as a whole has upplayed like hell for a character with absolutely nonexistent success.


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
Was taking notes during the stream. Feel free to pin these or copy them.

Injustice 2 confirmed patch changes.

Subzero - No Changes

Swamp THing - When trait is active, Swamp has armor on his vine grab. (can absorb a projectile) Trait Recovers and activates faster

Trait stays active when blocking.

More defense for big body characters.

Aquaman - Mb tenticle strike does not launch anymore.Reduced chip damage on trident rush, and damage on hit.B123 is now slightly negative on block

Catwoman - J2 is adjusted. It's aimed up a little bit.B3 has more recovery on whiff. Hurt region adjusted. Reduced pushback on block
Reduce damage via damage scaling. No Armor on meter burn cat dash!!! Trait no longer has wakeup invincibility.

Atrocitus - Dextar moves now take more trait bars. F223~Puke is now no longer a true block string.YOu can duck the puke. F22 puke is STILL a true block string.
Vomit advantage is the same regardless of distance now.

Flash - BF2 (lightning punch) is now slightly faster. Running man stance lost ability to combo in the corner for free, but he has a safe option off running man stance.Damage scaling given to trait combos

Harley - No Changes.

Green Lantern - No Changes

Batman - MB Batarangs frame advantage reduced.

Red Hood - Head Dive slower on startup (nerf) Mb Restand trait combo reduce advantage (nerf)

Superman - BF3 Superman punch is now a high (not a mid), and it has lost armor. Rising Grab has more recovery frames on whiff and block. Damage scaling.

Joker - No Changes.

Gorilla Grodd - Defense increasing. Stampede now does a lot more damage. Can now cancel into telekenetic push and trait moves immediately after hitting trait. (Faster)
Infinite combo removed from the game.

Cheetah - 223 combo safe on block. 332 string now advantage on block. (Made her stronger when she gets in)

Deadshot - B1 slower and more negative on block. B12 is now negative on block. D1 is now 7f d1.(buff) F1 is no longer 6f it's 8f)

Poison Ivy - D2 is now faster. Hitbox on it has been tremendously improved. Vine Slingshot stance has better damage scaling. She gets more damage from it.
D1~ball and chain mb will truly link. Her combo damage has been increased overall.

Super Girl - Damage Scaling improved. She will do slightly more damage in combos. MB Breath now does a few percent of damage now. B123 is now safe on block. (Yuck) Still has the gap in B12~breath

2 has more frames, but it's now a mid.

Green Arrow - No Changes.

Doctor Fate - Glyph move less punishable on block.(still negative)

Blue Beetle - No Changes (!?)

FireStorm - No Changes

Black Canary - 112 now safe on block. 112~throw is a true tic throw. (!) 33 is now + on block. More moves out of cartwheel have more pushblock on block. The upkick is now safe. B12 now does more damage and is safe on block.

Darkseid - No Changes

Wonder Woman - Air Shield and Ground Shield now fucntion identically. They both can create a full combo. F23 Is now safe on block. (safe low) B23 is now + on block. Still has the gap and pushback.
Trait recovers much quicker on activation and can be used within combos or strings.

Black Adam - Damage Scaling across the board. Needs a bar to combo now. Orbs scale in combo.
(regular combo now does 414 with trait in combo)

Captain Cold - Hitbox adjustments. S3 is a great anti air now. Less recovery on arctic trap. Removed gap on the full screen ice wall.

Robin - F3 fixed. Can now aim far or close F3. 212 sword hitboxes fixed. Swoop Mb fixed.

Braniac - Damage increased on a lot of different attacks. Trait can now be held in. As long as he doesn't let it go, it wont go away on block or hit.

Bane - Increased Defense. MB moves now do more damage. standing 1 is now faster.

Scarecrow - No Changes.

Interactables - More cooldown added to some interactables.
Godless u sir I was waiting for this. Now let's see #nrs patch notes then the actual patch. They gave a date for the changes yet/balance patch


Patch was kind to everyone I use (Wonder Woman, Cheetah and Blue Beetle) so I'm pumped. Cheetah having more usable strings is a big deal especially considering standing 2 is one of her fastest mid normals.

A lot of match ups that were challenging or worrisome for Beetle and Cheetah got nerfed so very excited by this patch.

The Blue Beetle community in general (not just Chris G) seem to think he is a decent mid tier character and I find it kind of weird to see people who dropped the character after two weeks in here acting like they've truly grinded and put in the work with him. Nobody can ever just admit a character isn't for them or they're just not good enough.

He's very fair and all around a solid character, but he isn't going to carry you as a player. You either do the work or you don't. That's it.

@Pakman Join the Blue Beetle discord my good sir.
bruh im speechless , this is probably the worst patch i ever experienced in a fighting game ever
Paulo should get his ass fired
and yo 16bit how the hell this patch doesn't change the meta? the top 10 is completely changed.

im so done with this game
Honestly the patches felt very overrall good. It did not feel like they gutted Aquaman or buffed to the sky any other character. I am displeased with Darkseid meterless beams still hitting low profiling stance special moves but I'll adapt till that is fixed. Also happy with the Swamp Thing buff and slight Cheetah buff.

ATL Jones Bro3

Dojo Trainee
Patch was kind to everyone I use (Wonder Woman, Cheetah and Blue Beetle) so I'm pumped. Cheetah having more usable strings is a big deal especially considering standing 2 is one of her fastest mid normals.

A lo of match ups that were challenging or worrisome for Beetle and Cheetah got nerfed so very excited by this patch.

The Blue Beetle community in general (not just Chris G) seem to think he is a decent mid tier character and I find it kind of weird to see people who dropped the character after two weeks in here acting like they've truly grinded and put in the work with him. Nobody can ever just admit a character isn't for them or they're just not good enough.

He's very fair and all around a solid character, but he isn't going to carry you as a player. You either do the work or you don't. That's it.

@Pakman Join the Blue Beetle discord my good sir.
I guess no one has been good enough. The character has atrocious results.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
There seems to be a big misconception that Brainiac's trait can now be held. It could always do that. The issue, fundamentally, wasn't that it could go away while it was held, it was that it goes away in any circumstance while it's on-screen.
It's great that you can use it as a "get-out-of-jail" tool for having held it and let go just as someone starts a combo, but it still could've been reworked to not go away on block, period.