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Cyborg Match-up Discussion

Back injustice 1, Cyborg's d1 was +2 allowing him to shimmy a good chunk of the cast. He still has some shimmy options against some of the cast this time around. Here's an example off of Superman's d1.

I intend to do this to the rest of the cast. It's really good knowledge when it comes to the counterpoke game. Can be done on Dr. Fate and Black Adam as well.


How are you guys doing in the Sub Zero match up?

Seems tough so far. Slide let's him get in so easily and is difficult to punish on whiff. It also makes it harder to set up TA or trait on knockdown. Getting out of the corner is also really hard. Clone catches grapple and doesn't give you room to roll out and Cyborg doesn't have the wake ups to keep him off. I've been resorting to push block and then grapple, but between slide and his crazy d2 I often either get punished or have him on me again immediately
How are you guys doing in the Sub Zero match up?

Seems tough so far. Slide let's him get in so easily and is difficult to punish on whiff. It also makes it harder to set up TA or trait on knockdown. Getting out of the corner is also really hard. Clone catches grapple and doesn't give you room to roll out and Cyborg doesn't have the wake ups to keep him off. I've been resorting to push block and then grapple, but between slide and his crazy d2 I often either get punished or have him on me again immediately
I played my training partner in that matchup vs. his day 2 subzero and got bopped. I'll post the footage later but it wasn't pretty. That matchup for me at the moment looks pretty shitty at the moment, especially in the corner. Subzero can already stuff his wakeups clean mid screen, in the corner its a nightmare.


Seriously Casual Player.
Hard to say since I don't consider myself at the highest level of play for Cyborg. At the moment, I think he beats Wonderwoman, and could potentially beat Black Adam and Atrocitus (could just be an even matchup). Since it's pretty early in the game, it's hard to tell though based off the amount of sets I've watched on these matchups and played. (I would include Swampthing, but the I haven't played this matchup enough, nor seen Swampthing players discuss it on the forums)

Curious to hear what other Cyborg players' thoughts on this.
Here's my response to how Swamp Thing does against Cyborg...

Now obviously that's not completely serious, but due to Cyborg's zoning, I think it's 6-4 him.
@ChoseDeath I have footage playing one of my local Swampthing players (it's his pocket character though). I can imagine that matchup being rough for him, but I have little to no knowledge of Swampthing. I don't think I've ever even picked him once in practice mode lol.

That's going to change today though, after Evo I really want to get better so I'm just going to go down the list testing stuff vs. the whole cast.


Seriously Casual Player.
@ChoseDeath I have footage playing one of my local Swampthing players (it's his pocket character though). I can imagine that matchup being rough for him, but I have little to no knowledge of Swampthing. I don't think I've ever even picked him once in practice mode lol.

That's going to change today though, after Evo I really want to get better so I'm just going to go down the list testing stuff vs. the whole cast.
Rock on buddy! I've already made up my mind I'm going to level 20 every character because I'm digging this game that much. If you need help with Swamp Thing @RNLDRGN has some combo videos and is just a super helpful guy in general.

And also, thank you so very much for all the help you've given me with learning Cyborg! I've really enjoyed reading and applying all your stuff.
@ChoseDeath Thanks man, you have no idea how much that means to me. Back during 1 year after MKX came out, back when one of my own training partners would say "why are you playing injustass/injumptice" I was one of the few who kept playing out of enjoyment of the game.

I originally mained bane but really liked the execution aspect of Cyborg, so I picked him up. I read @Relaxedstate's guide, watched all the match footage on TYM, and really had to search the end of the earth for additional footage on this character. Footage ranging from Kinetic Balding, Allioune, Relaxed State's touney footage, and even NY jailhouse when he was using the character.

Since I wished there was more footage on this character back then, I decided I would just upload all my matches whenever I can, ass-beating or not haha. I just want to get better, and I'm fortunate to have a local scene to help also (shoutout to Austin/TX crew).


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
How do you beat F23Man like if I'm destroying them with combos and set ups they always resort to spamming lazers how do you guys stop it Borges zoning isn't the best it's hard to get trait out its so slow
How do you beat F23Man like if I'm destroying them with combos and set ups they always resort to spamming lazers how do you guys stop it Borges zoning isn't the best it's hard to get trait out its so slow
I actually suck at this matchup as well but I've been getting better at it. Here a few things (any other Cyborg players feel free to correct me or chime in):

  • This is one of those match ups were IAFB comes in handy (I personally think it's a must have in this matchup at the highest level of play). A regular nova blast will get tagged by straight laser (and air laser) but IAFB fireball has faster recovery allowing you to guard both options.
  • The sweet spot is to stay 3/4ths screen. If Superman shoots a straight laser, you can duck it and follow up with an immediate IAFB which will tag him if he shoots another straight laser. If a ground laser, you should be able to duck in time (just keep an eye out for the meterburn version)
  • Once you get your ground fireball game going (meaning if Superman blocks a regular NB or IAFB) you can keep shooting them and his other zoning options get stuffed (except air laser, read next bullet point)
  • The next layer of yomi involves Superman going to the air and doing air laser to avoid ground NB or IAFB. On a read you can do a MB ground nova blast to check both options. Or jump at max height and hit him out the air with air nova blast.
  • If you do tag Supes out the air, always confirm with EX NB. The delayed fireball with hit superman on the way down.
  • Anytime you score a knockdown against Superman or a hit with NB, follow up with TA or Trait. With Trait, use the kamikaze version, then follow up with another TA, then with more NB to build meter and check his zoning.
  • Miscellaneous note: Avoid being put in the corner at all cost. Cyborg gets straight curved stomped against Supes in the corner, so push block if he has trait, MB roll, or grapple (don't grapple if trait is on however).
For video help, watch Kinetic Balding vs Theo's superman on Red Hot sundays....actually let me just post it below haha:

Match starts at 2:11
Does someone want to run the Bane mu at some point?
Add me, I need some Bane matchup experience. I also still don't know the timing of punishing his damn elbow drop. Bane was my first main character in injustice 1 so I'm interested to see the dirt he has in this game.

I won't be able to get on tomorrow though, (job searching haha) but maybe a later time.

PSN is the same as my TYM name
Just made two threads, one on Darkseid and Superman for a living matchup guide. Links are below, help out any way you can (need tech on delayed getup and tech roll, as well as reversal situations).

Cyborg vs. Darkseid

Cyborg vs. Superman

Next thread will probably be on Deadshot and Aquaman, but I need to fill out the info on these threads first.
This is me testing the ranges at which Cyborg's diagonal fireball can tag superman out of the air (if he jumps straight up). Only works from ranges 1-4 as shown in the video (at range 5 it no longer reaches):



All too easy...
Add me, I need some Bane matchup experience. I also still don't know the timing of punishing his damn elbow drop. Bane was my first main character in injustice 1 so I'm interested to see the dirt he has in this game.

I won't be able to get on tomorrow though, (job searching haha) but maybe a later time.

PSN is the same as my TYM name
The elbow is -29 but he stays low to the ground. B2 powerfist is most reliable punish
  • Hey guys just letting you know that if you ever find yourself blocking Atocitus's punch walk you can backdash the 4th hit (just count the hit's "1,2,3" then backdash) and full combo punish with 12b2 into PF. This goes for the EX version also. Did it in ranked (will upload later) after testing a while back in practice mode


Vic Stone
Protagonist would like to say I am subscribed to your you tube channel. You are doing great things for the cyborg community.

- For the Superman match up there is no answer. You have to be preemptive when your nova blast and always use the up trait to keep him boxed in the best you can. Use the Knee/punch combo as much as you can we you see supes creeping in. You MUST use push block and try using the shimmy. There is no easy wins against an decent supes.


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
that matchup feels quite good for me, although i'm not sure if I have played very many super-good Ivys. anything you're struggling with in particular?
With me sometimes if their good if they see me use trait they use trait also and shoot blended up wheatgrass and ground spike over and over I cant do anything I was wondering if you can clash or push block it somehow its a low and mid at the same time I haven't been able to jump and if the vomit knocks you down you're back at square 1
d3 low profiles f23 that's helped me a bunch vs superman also when he's in I use 11 to get out of his pressure 23 also helps a bunch instant airs are key in the mu along with push blocking