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i break down robins gameplay, what are your thoughts on the new boy wonder?

FL Rushdown

When you and 30 other people do it, yes. It makes TYM look like a giant add. Like I already said. People don't like giant adds.

Also a lot of people use these things when they're at work etc, and definitely can't watch videos. If all they see are videos they're not going to use this place.
No that's not an add. It's called info. A lot of new players prefer videos to written text because they don't understand terms and notation. It's easier for them to see what you're talking about than it is to read it. Get out of here with your bullshit.
Any fucking way....

Robin seems to be a cross between Batgirl and Deathstroke. I can see zoners being a problem, unless Deadshot RIP already, but his fast great ranges normals and sword attacks seem to dominate the neutral. My.main Supergirl has chicken arms, meaning Robin will have the sword advantage no matter what. Luckily his ranged options seem garbo compared to others. It'll be a to deal with teleport counter zoning. And if that rush attack has armor!?!?!? Supergirl/Fate/Spawn as Mains. Robin so far as secondary. Atro next.

This game is gonna be hype as fuck.
he looks like a mid range beast, the reach on that sword looks mean. and i think the way he can get around zoning is with his whiff capability. he just has the potential to really keep your opponent guessing.

the fact that both the combo strings shown resulted in a knockdown is how i think they are balancing him, that he wont have huge combos or damage and lower health. so if you zone him effectively he's fucked or if you have a good rush game or get inside with a grundy like character you can do a lot of damage to him quickly.

im guessing

still looks like one to main tho


Why everyone hating cuz he uploaded a video? It was clear what the video had in it... u didn't have to click the thread.... u didn't have to respond either lol


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
Ok.. As of the current state of the roster.. this is my day 1 main. We'll see if anything changes that.. but, fucking wow..
Same here, he looks amazing.

And I'm gonna have to check out Aquaman and Harley Quinn as my pocket backups, since I loved them in the first game.

Although I have a feeling that every single character reveal trailer is going to make everyone look incredible, and I'll want to try them all... just like with MKX.
Same here, he looks amazing.

And I'm gonna have to check out Aquaman and Harley Quinn as my pocket backups, since I loved them in the first game.

Although I have a feeling that every single character reveal trailer is going to make everyone look incredible, and I'll want to try them all... just like with MKX.
im an aquaman main and people always seem to rip on me lol "anyone can play aquaman! he's easy his trait is OP"

how come i rarely came up against him online then? lol

but i think you're right, every new guy they show off im gonna drool a little and say " ok he's my main!" haha


Administrator and Community Engineer
I don't think they should be doing it either, unless it's a 20 second clip or whatever demonstrating a glitch/bug/way to beat something people are having trouble with) either.

Or maybe I'm just old and afraid of change.

But I don't think it's a good look for outsiders looking at getting into the community. But ya'll do ya'll.

Edit: As for what you just linked, that kind of thing should be sent straight to the people who run TYM, and they decide whether it's front page worthy or not. Shouldn't go on the forums.
We appreciate people trying to start discussion, however they do it. People will all feel comfortable making their point in different ways.. For some, that's writing a long detailed post with fancy colors and bullet points. For others it's making a video.

I can relate as certain things are easiest to consume in written form (like frame data and guides), but the important thing here isn't just the OP.. It's all the discussion afterwards. So let's just take it for what it is -- a personal preference :cool:

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Ive never liked Damien as Robin. I think he has no fixing and will always be an arrogant evil little Chucky
I tend to agree. I like some interpretations of Damian, but definitely not this Injustice version that kills Nightwing(my favorite Robin) in a random rage fit.

Tim Drake is still alive in Injustice even though I think he's in the phantom zone they shoulda brought him back as Robin or Red Robin, kept Damian as Nightwing so we could have Dick as gear.

That being said Robin looks insanely fun to play as in this game so I'm gonna try him on that alone.


It's all so very confusing.
I dint play Inj1 when it was a thing, I only spent some time learning it when Inj2 was announced so I had some frame of reference for things, and wasn't going in cold when it dropped.. and based on that small amount of experience, Robin looks super exciting.

The game seems to have a measured pace, not what Id call slow, but its a more thoughtful speed as opposed to the sometimes (I feel) extreme speed of some titles. It's easier to kind of plan and adjust and think on your feet (speculation from watching streams and such, I dont have a code) and the more I think about it, the more I feel like that plays to the strengths of what Robin *seems* to be, which is a midrangy-space and pace control character with some fairly solid movement options. In a game with dial-in strings and long animation moves, the ability to teleport is a more magnified strength than in super fast paced games, and so is the reach on his sword. Walk speeds are improved in Inj2, but that midrange reach is still going to be really strong.

I think he stands to be a strong character based on the moveset on display. Obviously thats just a pure speculation on my part because any tool's strength only really matters when put in the context of its rivals.. ie, a character that has, say, a jab that can kill you in two hits sounds amazing, but compare it to a character that has a similar jab that kills in ONE, and your two shotter is significantly weaker. Extreme and silly example but you get the idea. If his tools have reasonable frame data and damage to accompany them though, I like his move set alot and again, think it stands to be pretty solid.

Just kind of going over things in my head, I like the complexity that tool set allows. It *appears* he will have numerous was to approach a fight and ideally, this will lend itself to a varied and dynamic playstyle. That in itself usually carries a character into the 'good' section of a roster because you can not only adapt, but that adaptation is still letting you do optimal shiat.

That said, I have decided, from S2 in SFV on, I will be a tier-whore and only play super good characters, so even though he looks awesome and he's currently my numbah 1, Ima frog-hop to whoever looks super strong but not outright broken.. and I wont play outright broken only because *usually* outright broken gets nerfed into the pooper instead of properly adjusted.

Injustice 2 went from something I was outright against (after the PC debacle with MKX I swore off anything WB/NRS - then XL happened and I said fuck it and came back) to something I was kinda neutral about, to luke warm, to interested and now to friggen HYPE.


Fingers crossed for Grundy though.
We appreciate people trying to start discussion, however they do it. People will all feel comfortable making their point in different ways.. For some, that's writing a long detailed post with fancy colors and bullet points. For others it's making a video.

I can relate as certain things are easiest to consume in written form (like frame data and guides), but the important thing here isn't just the OP.. It's all the discussion afterwards. So let's just take it for what it is -- a personal preference :cool:
thank you,

essentially im here for an exchange of ideas and discussion. and the last few threads i have started have got people debating the game and talking.

what you guys give me i genuinly appreciate and incorporate into whatever video i may make.

i dont post as an ad

i post to create discussion and to inform, and to get the mojority view of the FG community.

newbs dont get info from text these days its all video. and to me that makes sense,

if you're new to the scene you need something visual to relate the terms to.

gone are the days when the likes of us would hang around arcade machines and actually , y'know, hang out and exchange tips.

newcomers dont have that anymore , so for me, a video is the next best thing to replicating that.

talking jargon , tho great for people within, is pointless, because it doesnt grow a community if people who dont know have no point of reference.

so if i post a video

its not! an "add"

and that should be apparent from how i break things down and dont beg for likes and subscribers and say "whats going on guys" like every f'ing wannabe you tuber
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