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Discussion Australian man makes tier list, world peace occurs as a result! (Current All Variation Tier List)

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
NPO within a tier
Fucking Dank:
Jason Unstoppable
Sonya Demo
Sonya Special Forces
Mileena Ethereal
Mileena Piercing
Takeda Lasher
Predator HQT
Shinnok Boneshaper
Liu Kang Dragons Fire
Ermac Mystic
Raiden Displacer
Quan Chi Summoner
Triborg Smoke
Triborg Sektor

Very Dank:
Jason Relentless
Kenshi Possessed
Kitana Royal Storm
Scorpion Hellfire
Sub-Zero Grandmaster
Mileena Ravenous
Takeda Shirai Ryu
Cassie Hollywood
Jacqui Full Auto
Jacqui Shotgun
Kung Jin Shaolin
Tanya Pyromancer
Shinnok Imposter
Kano Cutthroat
Liu Kang Flame Fist
Ermac Spectral
Reptile Nimble
Reptile Deceptive
Quan Chi Sorcerer
Tremor Crystalline
Tremor Aftershock

Somewhat Dank:
Alien Acidic
Alien Konjurer
Jason Slasher
Kung Lao Tempest
Kung Lao Buzzsaw
Sonya Covert Ops
Kitana Assassin
Kitana Mournful
Scorpion Ninjutsu
Sub-Zero Unbreakable
Takeda Ronin
Cassie Brawler
Kung Jin Bojutsu
Kung Jin Ancestral
Tanya Naginata
Tanya Kobu
BRC Dragons Breath
Leatherface Killer
Leatherface Butcher
Shinnok Necromancer
Kano Commando
Liu Kang Dualist
Ermac MOS
Kotal Sun God
Reptile Noxious
F/T Ruthless
D'Vorah Swarm Queen
Goro Dragon Fangs
Goro Tigrar Fury

Not Dank:
Jax Wrestler
Sub-Zero Cryomancer
Cassie Spec Ops
BRC Bartitsu
Predator Hunter
Kano Cybernetic
Johnny Cage A-List
Kotal War God
F/T Vicious
D'Vorah Brood Mother
Raiden Thunder God
Triborg Cyber Sub-Zero

Very not Dank:
Kung Lao Hat Trick
Jax Heavy Weapons
Jax Pumped Up
Kenshi Balanced
Leatherface Pretty Lady
Predator Warrior
Cage Fisticuffs
Cage Stunt Double
Erron Black Gunslinger
Kotal Blood God
Quan Chi Warlock
D'Vorah Venomous
Tremor Metallic
Triborg Cyrax

Really no trace of any Dank:
Alien Tarkatan
Kenshi Kenjutsu
Jacqui High Tech
Erron Black Marksman
Raiden MOS
Goro KW

Lol fuck off:
Scorpion Inferno
BRC Drunken Master
Erron Black Outlaw
F/T Lackey

Couple things people may have issues with:
- added lol fuck off tier because I feel that some of the characters belong there. These characters don't even have a defined playstyle or strategy imo.

- Grandmaster and Possessed are where they are because I feel they have more losing matchups (Grandmaster) and less winning (Possessed) than the characters they would be potentially placed with in fucking dank tier.

-Cryomancer is where he is due to a poor neutral and footsie game, bad frames on everything, unsafe offense, and meh damage. His powerful mixups and knockdowns can be very overwhelming if he manages to get the momentum, keeping him from being lower.
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AUS FGC represent!
Ehhhh it's a start but there's so much I disagree with here. Lemme post mine [from another Aussie ;)]. For tiers to have any meaning, there shouldn't be more than 10-15 characters in each tier.

Triborg (Smoke)
Ermac (Mystic)
Jacqui Briggs (Full auto)
Mileena (Ethereal)
Shinnok (Imposter)
Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten)
Raiden (Displacer)
Liu Kang (Dragon's Fire)

Scorpion (Hellfire)
Jason (Unstoppable)
Shinnok (Bone Shaper)
Liu Kang (Flame Fist)
Cassie Cage (Hollywood)
Triborg (Sektor)
Tanya (Pyromancer)
Kitana (Royal Storm)
Sub Zero (Grandmaster)
Tremor (Crystalline)
Mileena (Piercing)
Takeda (Ronin)
Kenshi (Possessed)

Sonya Blade (Demoliton)
Quan Chi (Summoner)
Cassie Cage (Brawler)
Jason (Relentless)
Quan Chi (Sorceror)
Kung Lao (Buzzsaw)
Tremor (Aftershock)
Kung Jin (Shaolin)
Jacqui Briggs (shotgun)
Kano (Cutthroat)
Kitana (Mournful)
Scorpion (Ninjutsu)

Mileena (Ravenous)
Takeda (Shirai Ryu)
Ermac (Spectral)
Sonya Blade (Special Forces)
Cassie Cage (Spec Ops)
Kano (Cybernetic)
Jason (Slasher)
Leatherface (Killer)
D'Vorah (Brood Mother)
Kotal Kahn (Wargod)
Takeda (Lasher)
Kitana (Assassin)

Alien (Konjurer)
Leatherface (Pretty Lady)
Bo Rai Cho (Dragon's Breath)
Reptile (Nimble)
Sub Zero (Unbreakable)
Tanya (Dragon Naginata)
Sub Zero (Cryomancer)
Shinnok (Necromancer)
Sonya Blade (Covert Ops)
Predator (Hunter)
D'Vorah (Swarm Queen)
Erron Black (Gunslinger)
Johnny Cage (Stunt Double)
Ermac (Master of Souls)

Johnny Cage (A-List)
Kano (Commando)
Kung Jin (Bojutsu)
Reptile (Deceptive)
Alien (Acidic)
Ferra/Torr (Ruthless)
Raiden (Thunder God)
Goro (Dragon Fangs)
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu)
Kenshi (Balanced)
Reptile (Noxious)
Kotal Kahn (Sun God)
Jax (Wrestler)
Alien (Tarkaten)

Kung Jin (Ancestral)
Bo’ Rai Cho (Bartitsu)
Kung Lao (Tempest)
Jax (Pumped Up)
Scorpion (Inferno)
Leatherface (Butcher)
Quan Chi (Warlock)
Predator (Warrior)
Tremor (Metallic)
Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs)
Erron Black (Marksman)
Kung Lao (Hattrick)

Triborg (Cyber Sub Zero)
Kotal Kahn (Blood God)
Ferra/Torr (Vicious)
D’vorah (Venomous)
Liu Kang (Dualist)
Jacqui Briggs (High Tech)
Goro (Kuatan Warrior)
Goro (Tigrar Fury)
Triborg (Cyrax)

Kenshi (Kenjutsu)
Bo’ Rai Cho (Drunken Master)
Jax (Heavy Weapons)
Ferra/Torr (Lackey)
Erron Black (Outlaw)
Raiden (Master of Storms)


Stay focused or get Caged
Ehhhh it's a start but there's so much I disagree with here. Lemme post mine [from another Aussie ;)]. For tiers to have any meaning, there shouldn't be more than 10-15 characters in each tier.

Triborg (Smoke)
Ermac (Mystic)
Jacqui Briggs (Full auto)
Mileena (Ethereal)
Shinnok (Imposter)
Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten)
Raiden (Displacer)
Liu Kang (Dragon's Fire)

Scorpion (Hellfire)
Jason (Unstoppable)
Shinnok (Bone Shaper)
Liu Kang (Flame Fist)
Cassie Cage (Hollywood)
Triborg (Sektor)
Tanya (Pyromancer)
Kitana (Royal Storm)
Sub Zero (Grandmaster)
Tremor (Crystalline)
Mileena (Piercing)
Takeda (Ronin)
Kenshi (Possessed)

Sonya Blade (Demoliton)
Quan Chi (Summoner)
Cassie Cage (Brawler)
Jason (Relentless)
Quan Chi (Sorceror)
Kung Lao (Buzzsaw)
Tremor (Aftershock)
Kung Jin (Shaolin)
Jacqui Briggs (shotgun)
Kano (Cutthroat)
Kitana (Mournful)
Scorpion (Ninjutsu)

Mileena (Ravenous)
Takeda (Shirai Ryu)
Ermac (Spectral)
Sonya Blade (Special Forces)
Cassie Cage (Spec Ops)
Kano (Cybernetic)
Jason (Slasher)
Leatherface (Killer)
D'Vorah (Brood Mother)
Kotal Kahn (Wargod)
Takeda (Lasher)
Kitana (Assassin)

Alien (Konjurer)
Leatherface (Pretty Lady)
Bo Rai Cho (Dragon's Breath)
Reptile (Nimble)
Sub Zero (Unbreakable)
Tanya (Dragon Naginata)
Sub Zero (Cryomancer)
Shinnok (Necromancer)
Sonya Blade (Covert Ops)
Predator (Hunter)
D'Vorah (Swarm Queen)
Erron Black (Gunslinger)
Johnny Cage (Stunt Double)
Ermac (Master of Souls)

Johnny Cage (A-List)
Kano (Commando)
Kung Jin (Bojutsu)
Reptile (Deceptive)
Alien (Acidic)
Ferra/Torr (Ruthless)
Raiden (Thunder God)
Goro (Dragon Fangs)
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu)
Kenshi (Balanced)
Reptile (Noxious)
Kotal Kahn (Sun God)
Jax (Wrestler)
Alien (Tarkaten)

Kung Jin (Ancestral)
Bo’ Rai Cho (Bartitsu)
Kung Lao (Tempest)
Jax (Pumped Up)
Scorpion (Inferno)
Leatherface (Butcher)
Quan Chi (Warlock)
Predator (Warrior)
Tremor (Metallic)
Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs)
Erron Black (Marksman)
Kung Lao (Hattrick)

Triborg (Cyber Sub Zero)
Kotal Kahn (Blood God)
Ferra/Torr (Vicious)
D’vorah (Venomous)
Liu Kang (Dualist)
Jacqui Briggs (High Tech)
Goro (Kuatan Warrior)
Goro (Tigrar Fury)
Triborg (Cyrax)

Kenshi (Kenjutsu)
Bo’ Rai Cho (Drunken Master)
Jax (Heavy Weapons)
Ferra/Torr (Lackey)
Erron Black (Outlaw)
Raiden (Master of Storms)
Fisticuffs is not the worst variation of Cage anymore. I know my prepatch propaganda was strong, but things have changed:p
Stunt double is where the trash is now.

Also Balanced Kenshi B tier... ? in same tier than A-List, commando Kano, Reptile...? breeeh

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Ehhhh it's a start but there's so much I disagree with here. Lemme post mine [from another Aussie ;)]. For tiers to have any meaning, there shouldn't be more than 10-15 characters in each tier.

Triborg (Smoke)
Ermac (Mystic)
Jacqui Briggs (Full auto)
Mileena (Ethereal)
Shinnok (Imposter)
Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten)
Raiden (Displacer)
Liu Kang (Dragon's Fire)

Scorpion (Hellfire)
Jason (Unstoppable)
Shinnok (Bone Shaper)
Liu Kang (Flame Fist)
Cassie Cage (Hollywood)
Triborg (Sektor)
Tanya (Pyromancer)
Kitana (Royal Storm)
Sub Zero (Grandmaster)
Tremor (Crystalline)
Mileena (Piercing)
Takeda (Ronin)
Kenshi (Possessed)

Sonya Blade (Demoliton)
Quan Chi (Summoner)
Cassie Cage (Brawler)
Jason (Relentless)
Quan Chi (Sorceror)
Kung Lao (Buzzsaw)
Tremor (Aftershock)
Kung Jin (Shaolin)
Jacqui Briggs (shotgun)
Kano (Cutthroat)
Kitana (Mournful)
Scorpion (Ninjutsu)

Mileena (Ravenous)
Takeda (Shirai Ryu)
Ermac (Spectral)
Sonya Blade (Special Forces)
Cassie Cage (Spec Ops)
Kano (Cybernetic)
Jason (Slasher)
Leatherface (Killer)
D'Vorah (Brood Mother)
Kotal Kahn (Wargod)
Takeda (Lasher)
Kitana (Assassin)

Alien (Konjurer)
Leatherface (Pretty Lady)
Bo Rai Cho (Dragon's Breath)
Reptile (Nimble)
Sub Zero (Unbreakable)
Tanya (Dragon Naginata)
Sub Zero (Cryomancer)
Shinnok (Necromancer)
Sonya Blade (Covert Ops)
Predator (Hunter)
D'Vorah (Swarm Queen)
Erron Black (Gunslinger)
Johnny Cage (Stunt Double)
Ermac (Master of Souls)

Johnny Cage (A-List)
Kano (Commando)
Kung Jin (Bojutsu)
Reptile (Deceptive)
Alien (Acidic)
Ferra/Torr (Ruthless)
Raiden (Thunder God)
Goro (Dragon Fangs)
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu)
Kenshi (Balanced)
Reptile (Noxious)
Kotal Kahn (Sun God)
Jax (Wrestler)
Alien (Tarkaten)

Kung Jin (Ancestral)
Bo’ Rai Cho (Bartitsu)
Kung Lao (Tempest)
Jax (Pumped Up)
Scorpion (Inferno)
Leatherface (Butcher)
Quan Chi (Warlock)
Predator (Warrior)
Tremor (Metallic)
Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs)
Erron Black (Marksman)
Kung Lao (Hattrick)

Triborg (Cyber Sub Zero)
Kotal Kahn (Blood God)
Ferra/Torr (Vicious)
D’vorah (Venomous)
Liu Kang (Dualist)
Jacqui Briggs (High Tech)
Goro (Kuatan Warrior)
Goro (Tigrar Fury)
Triborg (Cyrax)

Kenshi (Kenjutsu)
Bo’ Rai Cho (Drunken Master)
Jax (Heavy Weapons)
Ferra/Torr (Lackey)
Erron Black (Outlaw)
Raiden (Master of Storms)

The weakest tier in this game are B at the worst IMO, some of these characters are definitely B.


AUS FGC represent!
Fisticuffs is not the worst variation of Cage anymore. Also Balanced Kenshi B tier... in same tier than A-List, commando, Reptile...breeeh
Balanced is not as bad as you make it out to be. Kenjustsu is trash, balanced is ok. Possessed just does pretty much everything balanced does but better. I say this as someone who actually plays balanced and has quite a bit of experience using him.

No, he's not the kenshi I wanted. But you can't honestly place him in the same tier as Cyber Sub, Inferno and Hattrick.

As for Fisticuffs, I'll be honest I haven't really seen much of what he can do post patch but what I have seen hadnt impressed me. I'm willing to admit I could've gotten that one wrong, but in my experience, he's the weakest of the cages.

The weakest tier in this game are B at the worst IMO, some of these characters are definitely B.
Tier Lists are all relative. If you make a tier list with 20+ people in the same tier, it doesn't serve any purpose of differentiating them. When you have 100 variations to sort through, you need to separate them into ~8/9 tiers in order for the list to be meaningful. Call the tiers whatever you want; I could've gone with S+, S, S-, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-. The name isn't important, what is important is adequately separating characters into meaningful groups.


Stay focused or get Caged
Balanced is not as bad as you make it out to be. Kenjustsu is trash, balanced is ok. Possessed just does pretty much everything balanced does but better. I say this as someone who actually plays balanced and has quite a bit of experience using him.

No, he's not the kenshi I wanted. But you can't honestly place him in the same tier as Cyber Sub, Inferno and Hattrick.

As for Fisticuffs, I'll be honest I haven't really seen much of what he can do post patch but what I have seen hadnt impressed me. I'm willing to admit I could've gotten that one wrong, but in my experience, he's the weakest of the cages.
That's fine.

Until/if balanced gets a two bar armor launcher treatment (as others have) or a suprising buff that actually makes a difference, I can't rate him that high. He lost his antiair/anticrossup power which differentiated him from the other two variations.
Expush was safe armor before patch anyway, overhead slash is still slow af and with no substantial hit advantage, teleflurry sucks on whiff and extf is still useless. Counterpoking game still sucks. Balanced is for jedis. I like that, but doesn't make him B good imo.

About fisti, it's not the best thing in the world, but when they (finally) gave him exfistbump, his low option became more useful and he gained some new gimmicks. Also armor launchers removal indirectly buffed speedbag string.

About Kenjutsu, he's bad, but imo not that far from Balanced level of shit. Kenjutsu, unlike Balanced, at least got something different in exchange for armor launcher loss: he now has safe 50/50s for a bar.
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Get over here!
Inferno is super unsafe and to get that meterless damage, u either gotta commit to his super unsafe 50/50s or get a punish. Not to mention, scorpion doesnt have a true vortex as f4 and b3 can be fuzzy guarded after the teleport restand. Also, inferno has a poor neutral, with d4 being his best normal. As for Grandmaster bad mus, Kenshi, Kitana and maybe even Mileena are tough matchups for him.
B3 and f4 isnt even a fuzzy guard tbh. Good players can straight up react to the f4 and block accordingly. If it was tight enough where they were forced to just fuzzy it you could delay the low and get more lows to hit but in this case the f4 can be seen and blocked.
the S and S+ tiers are pretty accurate, i would just swap gm sub with unstoppable jason and put relentless jason in S and move Smoke in S cuz im a smoke player and i downplay Kappa

and i also think crystalline should be in S tier instead of aftershock, flex is too strong


Not bad. There's a few key things that stood out to me though that looked a little out of place:

- Shaolin is somehow lower than his other 2 variations, despite being the best
- Crystalline is somehow lower than other variations even though it's the best
- All Kitana's might as well be the same tier, they are so similar
- Switch Outlaw and Drunk Master's spots lol


Not bad. There's a few key things that stood out to me though that looked a little out of place:

- Shaolin is somehow lower than his other 2 variations, despite being the best
- Crystalline is somehow lower than other variations even though it's the best
- All Kitana's might as well be the same tier, they are so similar
- Switch Outlaw and Drunk Master's spots lol
Some might say ancestral is kung jin's best variation but for the most part, I agree with u that shaolin is the best. As for crystalline, @YUZU_RZA has claimed that aftershock is tremor's best variation. However, I do feel that crystalline is better than aftershock.


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
1. Every Tremor player says Aftershock is the best and all the non-Tremor players say Crystalline is. Who do you think would actually be correct? Lol

2. Metallic is slept on.

3. Ancestral is slept on.

4. @Pan1cMode i Fuck with most of your Tier list but I think I almost puked when I saw War God in the same tier as Lasher. Lasher can definitely hold his own against more of the cast than War God
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This is my billionth life cycle.
Its amazing how people are still rating any variation of erron as mid tier (gunslinger, maaaaybe, marksman? are you kidding me?)


Administrator and Community Engineer
S tier is supposed to mean basically broken. It's what Alien was before he was broken. S tier was prepatch Superman in Injustice.

S+ means you are so broken that almost no other character even touches you. You basically 9-1 90% of the cast (sort of like Kabal in MK9)

S/S+ tiers are reserved for Special situations where something is riduclously overpowered :)

Most of what you have in these S tiers should be in the A to A+ tier, which means they are very strong and some of the best in the game, but not Vanilla Tanya levels of broke. Raiden, Smoke, Sub Zero etc. are not S+ tier characters.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Inferno is super unsafe and to get that meterless damage, u either gotta commit to his super unsafe 50/50s or get a punish. Not to mention, scorpion doesnt have a true vortex as f4 and b3 can be fuzzy guarded after the teleport restand. Also, inferno has a poor neutral, with d4 being his best normal. As for Grandmaster bad mus, Kenshi, Kitana and maybe even Mileena are tough matchups for him.
As GM main, his bad MUs are the following:

Kung Lao
D' Vorah
Bo' Rai Cho

Kitana is easy to deal with, because she has a lot of openings to get punished. Only Mournful variation is the problem against GM.


Aftershock | Crystalline | Metallic
1. Every Tremor player says Aftershock is the best and all the non-Tremor players say Crystalline is. Who do you think would actually be correct? Lol

2. Metallic is slept on.

3. Ancestral is slept on.

4. @Pan1cMode i Fuck with most of your Tier list but I think I almost puked when I saw War God in the same tier as Lasher. Lasher can definitely hold his own against more of the cast than War God
Thank you man


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
Thank you man
No problem fam. Where would you put Metallic on the tier list?

He ends everything in a restand, stupid unbreakable damage materless, he gets a good trade with lava low rock (idk what it's actually called lol) and he gets armor (when it works).

I know those are just tools but those have to mean something in mu's.

P.S. I really hope they fix his armor glitch, it's kinda fucked up how it's still like that