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Breakthrough - Demolition One grenade per combo?

Hi, so if I'm understanding the new patch correct then they really did a number on Sonya demo. Is it true she's only gonna be able to do one grenade per combo? And her OH is reactable now correct?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I remember the last time they fixed Grenades.

And the time before that

And the time before that

It's only a matter of time before people start swagging out with electro grenades making people hover over a short pitch frag grenade just long enough to have it hit meaty and comboing for maybe 5% less in the corner. :p Lets be honest here, Sonya mains are crafty bastards. I doubt this will really stop them.


People aren't going to react to 19 frames in real matches. Grenades still trade, her 50/50s will still be ambiguous and it'll be way harder to blow them up with most armor now being splat moves, rather than full combos. Poke into grenade still exists. Etc

Demo, Mileena and Cutthroat got slaps on the wrist. Ermac got buffed practically. Alien got nerfed but he'll still be good. None of the top tiers got ruined imo.

I didn't mention Takeda because I don't have a real prediction on him yet.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
The combo damage is slightly less. I haven't figured out how to use EX Grenades to extend combos yet... It's like they made Demolition more simple with the nerf but she'll be fine.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Yea it was a question, well actually two questions but my aim was for your thoughts on it, I don't know if I can change the prefix but I'll try.,
the cool thing is I use Special Forces. so untouched :) besides the B1 slower and bigger gap in B14. but hey i used the mids mostly anyways and frame traps with her highs and so on, that Drone lets me drop like 4-6 attacks with Oh and Delayed mid like a boss.