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Discussion MY MKXL PATCH LIST FOR KP3 (Post Yours)

Helter Skelter


Look, there is these many characters that needs lots of buff.
If anything needs changes are the general gameplay rules, there is a line to be drawn to what is considered good and what is to good, too many characters cross that line in many aspects of the game, that is mostly what needs to be changed.
Doesn't that go back to what I was saying about toning down the top tiers?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
ninjitsu is fine...no buffs needed.
I didn't said otherwise, i think Honest characters don't need buffs.
Doesn't that go back to what I was saying about toning down the top tiers?
This is what NRS has been doing every game, in the end the result is always just switching characters on the tier list, we swapped Kung Jin and Erron for Kung Lao and Tanya, for Kitana and Quan, to Cassie to Alien and Sonya.

As much as top tiers characters needs nerfing, there are weaker characters abusing the same stuff, if you nerf one, others will just take place.

What needs to happen is a general gameplay fix, like ranges needs to be adressed, blockstuns, better defense mechanics. All that before killing character to have another tier position switch.

The goal shouldn't be nerfing the top tiers, it should be making the game enjoyable by giving what is lacking in the game as a general mechanic, which is, defense options should work properly and not feel like gambling every time you want to avoid stuff.
Buffs And Nerfs List: By FOREVER KING JR

Buffs first then nerfs so if you see a high tier character with the words "buff" don't panic. I hope you guys agree with these buffs and nerfs. Please :) @noobde and @colt

General Buffs acrossed the cast
Make jabs, pokes, or other normals anti air and have way more priority against jump in punches and cross over jump in punches similar to MK9

General Nerfs acrossed the cast
Make jump in punches and cross over jump in punches have a lot less priority against anti air attacks

Alien Buffs

Konjurer Buffs
DB1 and DB1 Meter Burn should have a lot less recovery frames
DB4 should have no cool down
DB4 and DB4 Meter Burn should recover a lot faster
You should be able to hold DB4 Meter Burn longer
You should be able to do inputs right after summoning DB4 Meter Burn. If you do DB4 Meter Burn and try to press something it won’t come out right away because Alien is yelling for so long to activate DB4 Meter Burn

Alien Nerfs

Universal Nerfs
B3 should have less range
DB3 and DB3 Meter Burn should be -22 on block (from -15 on block)
BF4 should either be a mid (from an overhead) or be -12 on block (from -7 on block)

Acidic Nerfs
DB4 and DB4 Meter Burn should deal 2.00% to himself (from 1.00%)

Tarkatan Nerfs
The low swipe from delayed BF2,1,4 shouldn’t be plus on block
DB2 and DB2 Meter Burn should be 12 frame start up (from 9 frame start up)

Jason Vorhees Buffs

Universal Buffs
2,3 should be a true block string
F3 should be 16 frame start up (from 24 frame start up)

Unstoppable Buffs
DB1 should have the same priority as Kotal Kahn’s anti air grab and be 20 recovery frames (from 33 recovery frames)
DD3 Meter Burn should last for 7 seconds (from 5.5 seconds)
DD4 Meter Burn should do +1% HP (from 0.30%)

Slasher Buffs
Standing 2 should be 9 frame start up (from 14 frame start up)
2,4 should hit more consistently so the last hit doesn't whiff on hit
B2 should hit the opponent straight upward rather than hitting them diagonally for easier and more consistent conversions
BF2 Meter Burn should be +2 on block (from -5 on block)

Relentless Buff
DB1 should have the same priority as Kotal Kahn’s anti air grab and be 20 recovery frames (from 33 recovery frames)

Kung Lao Buffs

Universal Buff
1,1,2,1,2,4 shouldn't whiff on crouch blocking opponents

Hat Trick Buffs
You should be able to do Air DD2 and DD2 Meter Burn after Teleport and Meter Burn Teleport
DF1 Meter Burn shouldn’t launch until the last hit so there is less gravity scaling for better damage

Buzz Saw Buffs
DF1 Meter Burn should have less damage scaling
DF1 Meter Burn shouldn’t launch until the last hit so there is less gravity scaling for better damage
DB2 Meter Burn should be +6 on block (from +4 on block)
You should be able to convert off of BF2 Meter Burn on hit better
You should be able to convert off of DF2 Meter Burn (on the way down) on hit better

Sonya Buffs

Special Forces Sonya Buffs
DD1 should have a lot less recovery
Pressing DD1 while drone is active should reset the time that it takes disappear
2+Right Trigger should zap the opponent in place for combos rather than hitting them back
3+Right Trigger should be 18 frame start up (from 28 frame start up)
4+Right Trigger should be 20 frame start up (from 31 frame start)

Sonya Nerfs

Demolition Nerfs
DD1 Meter Burn should have more recovery frames
Bake 'N' Wake should have a lot more recovery frames on whiff and be -12 on block (from -9 on block)

Kenshi Buffs

Universal Buffs
Standing 3 should be 10 frame start up (from 11 frame start up)
D3 should be +1 on block (from -2 on block)

Kenjutsu Buffs
B2 should be 22 frame start up and should be +5 on block (from 27 frame start up and -18 on block)
F4 should be +6 on block, be a mid and be a true mid (from +2 on block and a high)
Jump 1 should be +13 on hit for attacks landing on hit more consistently (from +1 on hit)
BF2 Meter Burn should be +3 on block (from -13 on block)

Balanced Buffs
F2 should be +1 on block (from -6 on block)
F4 should be +6 on block, be a mid and be a true mid (from +2 on block and a high)
All ranges of DB4 should be -10 on block and +8 on hit (from -49 on block and -1 on hit)
BF2 Meter Burn should be +3 on block (from -2 on block)
BF3 and BF3 Meter Burn should have slightly less recovery frames
BF3 Meter Burn should have increased pushback on block
All ranges of DB4 Meter Burn should lead into a hard knockdown, be +2 on block and have increased pushback on block (from -10 on block)

Possessed Buffs
F4 should be 16 frame start up and -16 on block (from 29 frame start up and -20 on block)
DB1 should be a hard knockdown on hit
DB1 Meter Burn should be -5 on block (from -10 on block)
BF3 and BF3 Meter Burn should be -5 on block (from -23 on block)
BF3 Meter Burn should let you the toss the opponent left or right
All ranges of DB4 Meter Burn should have increased pushback on block

Kitana Buffs
B1 should be 9 frame start up (from 10 frame start up)
D1 should be +6 on hit (+3 on hit)
B2 should be 15 frame start up (from 25 frame start up)
Standing 3 should have increased range and should be a true mid
Standing 4 should be 17 frame start up (from 30 frame start up)

Royal Storm Buffs
2,4 should be +2 on block (from -11 on block)
DF1 Meter Burn should be +2 on block (from +1 on block)
DB3 Meter Burn should be -5 on block (from -17 on block)
Air DB3 and Air DB3 should have a lot less whiff recovery
Air DB3 Meter Burn should be -2 on block (from -17 on block)

Assassin Buff
DF1 Meter Burn should be +2 on block (from +1 on block)
Mournful Buffs
Air DF1 Meter Burn should keep the on opponent in the air longer to make conversions more consistent
DB3 Meter Burn should be -5 on block (from -12 on block)

Scorpion Buffs

Inferno Buffs
DB1 should be -5 on block (from -21 block advantage)
DB1 Meter Burn should be 15 frame start up, +4 on block and be +17 on hit (from 24 frame start up, -21 on block and +4 on hit)
DB2 should be 16 frame start up, -9 on block and +5 on hit (from 28 frame start up, -19 on block and -8 on hit)
DB2 Meter Burn should be be 16 frame start up, -5 on block, have increased pushback on block and +5 on hit (from 28 frame start up, -19 on block and -1 on hit)

Hellfire Buffs
DB2 and DB2 Meter Burn should be +7 on hit (from -1 hit advantage)

Sub-Zero Buffs

Unbreakable Buffs
DB1 Meter Burn (DB3 active) should do 15% of damage (from 12% of damage)
DB3 should decrease all damage dealt to Sub by 10%
DB3 Meter Burn should decrease all damage dealt to Sub by 50%
BF4 Meter Burn should do 14% of damage (from 11% of damage)
A grab should do 17% (DB3 active) of damage but DB3 goes away after landing the grab

Mileena Buffs

Ravenous Buffs
DB4 should tick throw off of the fourth hit of F1,2 on block
DB4 should tick throw off of the second hit of F2,3 on block
DB4 should tick throw off of the second hit of F3,4 on block

Mileena Nerfs

Universal Nerf
F1 should be -7 on block (from +2 on block)

Piercing Nerf
B1,2 should be -9 on block (from -5 on block)

Takeda Nerfs

Shirai Ryu Nerfs
Meter Burn DB1 should be +5 on block to prevent jailing pressure and all the 3 kunais should connect on block to prevent hard unblockables
BF2 Meter Burn should only be able to be used once in the same combo

Ronin Nerf
B2,1,2+4 should have less cancel advantage so blade drop isnt +2 after using B2,1,2+4
BF2 Meter Burn should only be able to be used once in the same combo

Lasher Nerfs
BF2 Meter Burn should be -22 on block (from -12 on block)
DB2 Meter Burn should be -22 on block (from -11 on block)

Cassie Cage Buff

Spec Ops Buff
DB1 should have less damage scaling and should be 5.00% on hit (from 2.00% on hit)

Jacqui Briggs Nerfs

Shotgun Nerfs
DB2 Meter Burn should be -24 on block and should have more damage scaling (from -6 on block)

Kung Jin Buffs

Ancestral Buffs
All summoned arrows should never go away
Low fire arrows should be a hard knockdown on hit
Vampiric arrows should do 4% (from 2%)
All aerial arrows should have a lot less recovery frames
All aerial arrow shots should be -6 on block and +7 on hit (from -25 on block and -3 on hit
Air DD1 should be -6 on block and +7 on hit (from -16 on block and +6 on hit)
All Meter Burn aerial arrows should be +6 on block and +14 on hit (from -6 on block and -2 on hit)
Air DD2 Meter Burn should be +6 on block and +14 on hit (from +3 on block and +7 on hit)

Bojutsu Buffs
DF1 and DB1 Meter Burn should have a lot less recovery but only be able to have one flame on the screen
DB3 should be a hard knockdown on hit
All 3 hits from DB3 should connect more consistently
BD3 should be a hard knockdown on hit

Shaolin Buff
BF1 Meter Burn should be a true block string
DB1 Meter Burn should be a true block string

Kung Jin Nerf

Universal Nerf
Instant Forward Jump 1 shouldn't jail into block strings

Tanya Buffs

Universal Buffs
Damage should return to how it was originally
2,4,3 should be a true block string
F2 should be a true mid
3,4 cancel advantage should return to how it was originally

Kobu Jutsu Buffs
Make all follow ups after B1,2+4 jail on block and have less damage scaling
3,2,1 should be a true block string
DF1 Meter Burn should be +3 on block (from -4 on block)
DF2 Meter Burn should have 1 hit of armor

Dragon Naginata Buffs
Make B2 -12 on block (from -22 on block)
B3,2 should return to being +2 on block
Air D2,4 should be a true blockstring
Fix all inconsistent hitboxes and combos
Should have a variation exclusive effect for aerial teleports to have some invincibility frames on start up to help increase Dragon Naginatas defense and mobility

Pyromancer Buffs
DF2 Meter Burn should restand
All ground and aerial fireballs should have a lot less recovery frames
All Meter Burn aerial fireballs should have a lot less recovery frames and increased pushback on block

Bo Rai Cho Buffs

Universal Buffs
D3 should have increased range
F4 should be 15 frame start up and be -5 on block (from 25 frame start up and -7 on block)
BF4 Meter Burn should be -5 on block (from -15 on block)

Dragon Breath Buff
F1 should be a true mid

Drunken Master Buffs
F1 should be a true mid
DD1 should have a lot less recovery frames
DD1 should last 15 seconds before vomiting (from 10 seconds before vomiting)
It should only require 1 DD1 to perform DF1
Both hits from DB1 and DB1 Meter Burn should always connect and should have a lot less whiff recovery
Using DF2 and DF2 Meter Burn should set back the vomit by one stage if DD1 was used. The more Bo drinks the longer the vomit lasts for. Say Bo drinks twice and Bo uses DF2 or Meter Burn DF2 it should set Bo back to level 1 drinking from level 2 but Bo vomits regardless of the use of DF1 or DF1 Meter Burn from level 1 drink. Level 3 DF2 and DF2 Meter Burn should be separate attacks from level 0-2 DF2 and level 0-2 DF2 Meter Burn. Level 3 DF2 and DF2 Meter Burn should be BF2 and BF2 Meter Burn so it doesn’t affect Bo Rai Cho’s DF2 corner combos

Leatherface Buffs

Universal Buffs
F1,2,B2 should be -9 on block (from -12 on block)
F1,2,B2 should be a hard knockdown on hit
Standing 3 should be 9 frame start up (from 12 frame start up)
D4 should be 10 frame start up and -10 on block (from 16 frame start up and -16 on block)

Killer Buffs
B2 should be a hard knockdown on hit and be -8 on block (from -14 on block)
DB3,2 should be 0 on hit (from -1 on hit)

Butcher Buffs
D1 into command grab should be a tick throw
DF4 and DF4 Meter Burn should be a hard knockdown on hit

Pretty Lady Buffs
B2 should be a hard knockdown on it be -8 on block (from -14 on block)
DB2 should be +2 on block and +12 on hit (from -4 on block and from 0 on hit)
DB3 Meter Burn should be a hard knockdown on hit

Predator Buffs

Warrior Buffs
Needs a command grab
The command grab should be 15 frame start up, be 49 recovery frames on whiff (as much recovery frames as Sun God Kotal Kahns command grab) do 8.00%, and be +15 on hit
BF1 should be a hard knockdown on hit
DB4 should be -35 recovery frames (from -181 recovery frames)
DB4 Meter Burn should be -35 recovery frames (from -187 recovery frames)

Hish-Qu-Ten Buff
All hits of DB3 Meter Burn should connect on block and be a true block string

Shinnok Nerf

Universal Nerf
B3 should be -15 on block (from -11 on block)

Shinnok Buff

Necromancer Buff
BF2 should return to how it was originally where on hit it makes the opponent roll backwards
DB1 Meter Burn OTG should have less damage scaling

Kano Buffs

Universal Buffs
The last hit of 1,1,2 should be a true block string

Cutthroat Buff
The first knife toss in DF2 Meter Burn shouldn't whiff on crouch blocking opponents

Cybernetic Buff
DF2 Meter Burn should have a lot less damage scaling

Commando Buffs
DF1 and DF1 Meter Burn should be a mid
The first knife toss in DF2 Meter Burn shouldn't whiff on crouch blocking opponents

Cutthroat Nerfs
DB1 should have less range
DD3 Meter Burn should have less damage increase

Johnny Cage Buffs

Fisticuffs Buffs
The last hit of 1,2,1 shouldn't whiff on crouch blocking opponents
B1, B1,2 ,B1,2,1 and all punches continued afterwards should be 0 on block (from -3 on block)
B1,2,1 should be a true blockstring
Fisticuffs should have a BF1 Meter Burn similar to Flame List Liu Kangs DD1 Meter Burn

Stunt Double Buffs
The last hit of 1,2,1 shouldn't whiff on crouch blocking opponents
DB2 Meter Burn should be a true block string but be +3 on block (from +5 on block)

A-List Buff
B2 should be +3 on block (from -2 on block)

A-List Nerf
F3,4 shouldn't exist (ill be honest as a cage player). If you input F3,4 it will come out because it's a string and you can cancel the string in A-list. Special moves don't come out on whiffing strings. That would fix F3,4 whiff cancels. Cage would still have F3 cancels with shadow kick run cancel rather than F3,4 string cancels. So instead of F3,4 Cage could use F3,BF4. Whiffing normals and being safe for the most part is kind of crazy lol :)

Erron Black Buffs

Marksman Buffs
DF1 should be 25 frame start up, be -15 on block, a hard knockdown on hit and have 45 recovery frames (from 24 frame start up, -30 on block and -142 recovery frames)
DF1 Meter Burn should be 16 frame start up, be +2 on block,have increased pushback on block, a hard knockdown on hit, and have 45 recovery frames (from 24 frame start up, -30 on block and -142 recovery frames)

Liu Kang Buffs

Universal Buffs
D1 should be 7 frame start up (from 9 frame start up)
F2,1,3 should have more cancel advantage to benefit dualist and Dragon’s fire has loopable pressure already so making it more plus wouldn't be crazy

Dualist Buffs
Solar BF3 should be 14 hit advantage (from 8 hit advantage)
Air Solar BF1 should be -10 on block (from -25 on block)
Soul BF1 (stop sphere) should be 1 frame start up (from 34 frame start up)
Soul BF1 Meter Burn (stop sphere) should be 1 frame start up (from 34 frame start up)
Soul BF3 (stop sphere) should be 1 frame start up (from 34 frame start up)
Air Soul BF1 (stop sphere) should be 1 frame start up (from 34 frame start up)

Ermac Buffs

Universal Buffs
B2 should be 12 frame start up (from 32 frame start up)
B2,3+4,1,2 should do 13.00% and have less damage scaling (from 8.00%)

Kotal Kahn Buffs
Blood Gods Buffs
Blood Totem should drain whatever health Kotal Kahn gained regardless of being hit
He should have a meter burn totem that summons a totem with the effect of all 3 totems at once but with the same duration as the regular totems which all 3 are active for 7 seconds. It also has a cool down of 12 seconds.

War God Buff
DB1 should be a hard knockdown on hit so ending combos on hit won't put the user with negative hit advantage or getting punished due to really high gravity scaling. It should be the same knockdown as a neutral jump kick

War God Nerf
DB1 should have no pushback on block

Reptile Buff

Noxious Buff
DD3 Meter Burn should have 15 recovery frames (from -281 recovery frames)

Ferra/Torr Buffs

Ruthless Buff
DB2 should not whiff on crouch blocking characters. Some characters can ignore Ferra/Torrs DB2 pressure and punish him. Its also technically an option select to block the DB2 and BF2. Some characters crouch block under DB2 100%. Some characters have to time when to stand up and punish it but to do this you have to start by crouch blocking (which covers BF2). If Ferra/Torr throws DB2 then to punish it you stand up and DB2 will whiff and Ferra/Torr can easily be punished. (This doesn't work with the DB2 Meter Burn)

Vicious Buff
DB2 should not whiff on crouch blocking characters. Some characters can ignore Ferra/Torrs DB2 pressure and punish him. Its also technically an option select to block the DB2 and BF2. Some characters crouch block under DB2 100%. Some characters have to time when to stand up and punish it but to do this you have to start by crouch blocking (which covers BF2). If Ferra/Torr throws DB2 then to punish it you stand up and DB2 will whiff and Ferra/Torr can easily be punished. (This doesn't work with the DB2 Meter Burn)

Lackey Buffs
B2 should be 16 frame start up (from 23 frame start up)
BF2 and BF2 Meter Burn should be a hard knockdown on hit
Increase the hit box on DB2 Meter Burn so the second hit won’t whiff on crouch block by small hit box characters like the whole female cast, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kung Jin, Kano, Raiden

Ferra/Torr Nerf
Less damage increase in Pain “N” Gain

D’Vorah Buffs

Venomous Buffs
DF1 and DF1 Meter Burn should be -15 on block (from -23 on block

D’Vorah Nerf

Swarm Queen Nerf
DF1 Meter Burn have have a lot less hit advantage

Raiden Buffs

Universal Buffs
F2 should be 11 frame start up (from 15 frame start up)
F2,4,4 should be special cancelable
DB2 Meter Burn should be a mid and a true mid

Master Of Storms Buffs
Static trap should be a mid when orbs are connected
All static traps should be -15 recovery frames (from -567)
All Meter Burn static traps -15 recovery frames (from -103)
Individual orbs should do 0.50% of damage (from 0.20% of damage)

Quan Chi Buffs

Universal Buffs
Make air DB2 and air DB2 Meter Burn both overheads (from mids)

Sorcerer Buffs
While standing on the DD1 when it is active, all attacks that get boosted should increase by .20% on hit, on block and should drain the opponent’s meter rather than depleting it for Quan Chi’s own benefit

Warlock Buffs
DF1 should be +6 on hit and should be a hard knockdown on hit (from -5 on hit)
DF1 Meter Burn should be 8.00% (from 2.00% damage)
DF2 should be -6 on block (from -14 on block)
F3 should be a hard knockdown on hit
The last hit of 2,1,F3 should be a hard knockdown on hit

Goro Buffs

Universal Buffs
B1 should be a true mid and reach farther
DBF1 should have an increased hitbox and reach farther
Telestomp and Meter Burn Telestomp should always do 9.00% like it did originally

Tigrar Fury Buffs
BF1 should be +16 on hit(from +4 on hit)
All fireballs from BF1 Meter Burn should be mids
DB4 and DF4 should be a hard knockdown on hit
DB4 and DB4 Meter Burn should be 20 frame start up (from 30 frame start up)
DF4 and DF4 Meter Burn should be 20 frame start up (from 34 frame start up)

Kuatan Warrior
DD4 Meter Burn should be +8 hit advantage (from -1 hit advantage)
DD4 Meter Burn OTG should have less damage scaling

Dragon Fangs
Overall chip damage with bladed gauntlet attacks should do .50% extra chip damage
BF2 and BF2 Meter Burn should be a hard knockdown on hit

Tremor Buffs

Universal Buffs
D1 should be 7 frame start up (from 9 frame start up)
D3 should be +1 on block (from -2 on block)

Metallic Buffs
DB1 (while in Gold Skin) should be +2 on block and be +15 on hit (from -20 on block and +2 on hit)
DB1 Meter Burn should be +5 on block (from -10 on block)
Upward DB1 (while in Gold Skin) should be +4 on block (from -6 on block)

Triborg Buffs

Universal Buffs
1,1,4 should be a true block string
D4 should be 11 frame start up (from 13 frame start up)
D4 should kick towards the ground rather hitting diagonally upward

Cyrax Buff
Make him day 1 Cyrax but to compensate make him have more damage scaling from mid 40% combos to mid 30% combos

Cyber Sub-Zero Buffs
2,1,2 (drone buff) should be +3 on block (from -1 on block)
F1,2 and F1,2 (drone buff) should be a true block string
F1,2 (drone buff) should be +2 on block (from +1 on block)
F1,3 into ice ball should connect on hit
F2 should be a mid but be -5 on block (from +2 on block)
B2 and B2 (drone buff) should be +2 on block (from -10 on block)
DB4 Meter Burn should launch with the use of the drone buff
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Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
ill probably edit this post later when i feel like reading the rest, but as far as alien is concerned, no its meterless tail flip should neither be made mid nor-12, the meterless version is fine how it is, the MB tho could be changed a couple ways if people really have problems with it. Don't know about making the meterless low tail grab unsafer unblock, the armored version sure.

as far as ronin is concerned, i think it should be left alone, if you wanna spend 2 bars to get more damage out of your combo then you should be able to, simple as that. Same with his overhead string being left alone. The only real issue with takeda is his HTB in SR.
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I like Tekken 8
Those Kung Lao changes are pretty cool. Never thought of them. I agree with them. They should also fix his 112124 string whiffing on crouch blocking opponents, make teleport 3 zero on block, a bit faster d1 or standing 1, and fix his j2 whiffing.
But I'm not an expert on the character by any means.


Publicly Educated
Can we fix air and anti airs attacks and useless block breaker in this game first before adding characters buffs/nerfs?
Look how Kung Lao was ruined in XL patch when he suffer too many universal game mechanics nerfs and character nerfs and Tempest nerfs at the same time


I 100% agree with those buzzsaw buffs. Also the BF2 needs a slightly more hit advantage so i can get a dive kick in to get a bnb.
Yeah his spin should launch on last hit so i can get another spin in or something else.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Alien Buffs

Konjurer Buffs
DB1 and DB1 Meter Burn should have a lot less recovery frames
DB4 should have no cool down
DB4 and DB4 Meter Burn should recover a lot faster
You should be able to hold DB4 Meter Burn longer
You should be able to do inputs right after summoning DB4 Meter Burn. If you do DB4 Meter Burn and try to press something it won’t come out right away because Alien is yelling for so long to activate DB4 Meter Burn

Alien Nerfs

Universal Nerfs
B3 should have less range
DB3 should be -22 on block (from -15 on block)
BF4 should either be a mid (from an overhead) or be -12 on block (from -7 on block)

Acidic Nerfs
DB4 and DB4 Meter Burn should deal 2.00% to himself (from 1.00%)

Tarkatan Nerfs
The low swipe from delayed BF2,1,4 shouldn’t be plus on block
DB2 and DB2 Meter Burn should be 12 frame start up (from 9 frame start up)
They need to fix this glitch between Konjurer and Leatherface. After watching the match and the testing in practice from the fellow Konjurer users I avoid it, because I don't want to use it to my matches (I try to be fair).

Tarkatan and Acidic already got nerfed. They need to buff them to have the same damage like Konjurer has.

Sub-Zero Buffs

Unbreakable Buffs
DB1 Meter Burn (DB3 active) should do 15% of damage (from 12% of damage)
DB3 should decrease all damage dealt to Sub by 10%
DB3 Meter Burn should decrease all damage dealt to Sub by 50%
BF4 Meter Burn should do 14% of damage (from 11% of damage)
A grab should do 17% (DB3 active) of damage but DB3 goes away after landing the grab
That's true as long as we have the Ice Aura on.

B2 should be a bit faster, because it would be a nice combo with B12> Ice Aura> B2> B2. B2 should be a tight link like B12 is in this combo B12> Ice Aura> B12. This would compensate for the weak damage.

Grandmaster fix
They need to fix the Ice Klone whiff in some occasions.

Cryomancer Buff
Air Ice Hammer needs to have its own EX with 12% DMG, while sending the opponent on air like the ground EX Ice Hammer does. The Air Ice Hammer does only 6% DMG and it's literally the same like the NJK.
That list is bunker IMO yo it would just shuffle the tier list deck and not change anything. I disagree with all the Takeda changes the ex kunai being +1 is stupid it cost a bar of meter why would I waste a bar of meter to be +1 when I can just use the mid kunai and be +2
ill probably edit this post later when i feel like reading the rest, but as far as alien is concerned, no its meterless tail flip should neither be made mid nor-12, the meterless version is fine how it is, the MB tho could be changed a couple ways if people really have problems with it. Don't know about making the meterless low tail grab unsafer unblock, the armored version sure.

you make a good point on low tail scoop. i figured since it can be used from a distance and its only -14 some characters cant punish it from far distances in time. similar to kotals overhead sword pushback

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
yes but at the same time, what does it really give alien? a bit of damage and some space, nothing really major. no need to go tearing the move a new one.
That list is bunker IMO yo it would just shuffle the tier list deck and not change anything. I disagree with all the Takeda changes the ex kunai being +1 is stupid it cost a bar of meter why would I waste a bar of meter to be +1 when I can just use the mid kunai and be +2
very true. illl change that. out of the characters that have jailing pressure he doesnt need it

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
the main thing i hate about shinnok is his b3 on block. its one of the hardest unsafe moves to punish and considering its tough to react to
i guess, but its still pretty punishable with jab starters and what not. the thing that really irritated me was making the hellsparks +7 on block...no, just no.

also, your supposed to try and fuzzy shinnoks 50/50, yes he can delay it, but its still your best bet most of the time.
They need to fix this glitch between Konjurer and Leatherface. After watching the match and the testing in practice from the fellow Konjurer users I avoid it, because I don't want to use it to my matches (I try to be fair).

Tarkatan and Acidic already got nerfed. They need to buff them to have the same damage like Konjurer has.

That's true as long as we have the Ice Aura on.

B2 should be a bit faster, because it would be a nice combo with B12> Ice Aura> B2> B2. B2 should be a tight link like B12 is in this combo B12> Ice Aura> B12. This would compensate for the weak damage.

Cryomancer Buff
Air Ice Hammer needs to have its own EX with 12% DMG, while sending the opponent on air like the ground EX Ice Hammer does. The Air Ice Hammer does only 6% DMG and it's literally the same like the NJK.
b2 wouldnt need to be faster in the case that it combos off of ice aura cancel on hit. either ice aura could have less recovery or faster cancel advantage on certain strings