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Discussion MY MKXL PATCH LIST FOR KP3 (Post Yours)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
This patch can be what makes or Breaks MKXL IMO.
NRS needs to be very careful on how they will handle things with this patch, but one cannot see their vision without being an integral member of the crew.
However, optimism is something that is not lacking.

For starters, the time the update is taking or will take to come out since the last patch it could be a bunch of things

Optimistic options:
a) NRS will probably reduce the ammount of 50-50s in game
b) NRS will adress the general defense mechanics to people can defend better against advancing strings like backdashes, more startups on jump normals, all j2 more dificult to autoface, the juggle difference of standing vs crouch will be fixed. And every single jump attack to be -3
c) DLC characters will probably be less of a 50-50 and more neutral based
d) NRS will do all above, while making some minor adjustments to underused characters and some minor fixes to Alien.

Paulo's Vision:
a) Alien will be Murdered, one KP3 DLC will be ass, one will be stupid broken
b) More 50-50's DLC characters will replace the current ones
c) Hat Trick will be ignored again, along with other underused variations.

A viable character is a character that feels comfortable while playing, can have difficulties here and there, but overall doesn't feel helpless most of the time, it doesn't need to win everything easy, but everything shouldn't be surprisingly hard as well.

A well rounded viable character in MKXL in my honest opinion is Ninjutsu Scorpion, his play field is midscreen, his disjointed hitboxes launchers are extremely negative, has a so, so walkspeed, having no armor is a good trade off as a weakness, he isn't stupid super good, but he isn't horrible either, there is always a room for improvement with him if you grind MUs well enough and learn from it. From a competitive stand point, i don't think with the current changes Scorpion Ninjutsu shouldn't ever be touched again, the only thing that could improve for him for better results in tournaments, is a slightly better walkback speed and a good backdash, nothing else, and nothing more.

That is how every underused variation should feel.

An example of a unviable character IMO, is how i see Hat Trick, has no way to maintain a sort of reliable pressure to maintain neutral, his only defensive option is armored launcher which is super punishable when blocked, his walkspeed is horrible, input buffer window being too large messes up with his neutral, his backdash is just as bad, tools that should be reliable don't work as intended, whiff issues, slower in everything than most of the cast.

So since he is minus at everything else unless a meter is used and he is slower with full of moves that can be easily low profiled, the character is just as bad as almost not being able to press any button, the outcome after it happens its most of the time him having to block to face an ammount of different options every single time, so there is practically no area in competitive stand point where he can force other characters to respect his tools.

on top of that, Buzzsaw happens to have the same problem, since he is a setup variation with slow advancing projectiles, he strongly depends on 2 launchers to do good damage (44, and B321) and those 2 are respectively slow that any neutral tool existing in game, and can't be used outside of punishing tools.

Buzzsaw doesn't need his hats to do more damage, he needs is at least his ex BF2 to launch people when grounded as in the vanilla version, so he can actually spend a bar has hat trick does to get some reliable damage.

are things like these that NRS needs to analyze, the whole spectrum, nerfing a character for the sake of nerfim without knowing the possible outcome is just wrong.

But they're doing nice things with Injustice 2, this patch can be a solid proof that either NRS will just put stuff in, or will actually take a good look on what needs changing and apply the correct changes.

I'm kinda divided now, they apply what they learn, but then the balancing decisions its what it seems to need some more polishing, hopefully they improve over time.



Necromancer Shinnok, anyone? Hello? Remember that little guy?

1. Better tracking. No freaking way should my grab WHIFF on running opponents
2. After you fix the stupid tracking, fix the recovery frames on the move so I won't be standing there like Forrest Gump, just waiting to be punished.
3. Make Hand Crush and Hand Grab cancellable so I can continue my pressure or establish my offensive dominance.
4. Make Regular hand flick a little safer on block (from -6 to -3)

General fixes:
Have Shinnok's normals (F4, 312, 22) actually do some decent damage (and a little chip on block). And fix F4 so I don't whiff it every time my opponent gets up.


Dojo Trainee
Buff everyone's s1 to anti air very well. Nerf broken jump in's like Kotal and Sonya. Nerf CT kano's db1 to be -15 and b121 to be -6. Fix demo Sonya's 50/50's or pretty much any 50/50 where you have to guess again meterless. And fix alien somehow. And might be too much to ask for but make mileena's b1 -50 on whiff and b12 -30 on whiff.


Lin Kuei Scum, yellow robot enthusiast
I have a whole patch list but some highlights would be:

Fix every single stupid hitbox issues (alien, sub, etc) (cough females cough crouching)
Make mids true mids

- mileena- telekick sai on block doesn't work
b12 is -3 (allow for pokes)
slight damage nerf

- sonya should die but i'll settle for grenade going away on hit

- alien flip is -9 and low tail is more punishable, and maybe tone down his chip just a smudge.

- give cyrax his net back after a bomb for gods sake.
And a 4% damage buff for smoke and cyber sub.
f13 ice ball works for cyber sub

sub zero has all his combos and bugs fixed plus one safe clone cancel (b12) and 123 to be 0 on block

give erron his old ex sand grenade back, Lao's orbiting hat is plus 12 again and hat trick can combo hat traps, takeda's ex kunais are mids (chill out mains he's not gonna die smh), and dvorah's puddle goes away on hit.

Just a decent start


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Agreed. Some of these can be really strong, maybe too strong if given the right buff though.

Tanya is good in the right hands and is almost a completely different character before the patch so she has to be played differently.
I've been seeing Yungmonster tearing people up with her and Vax is no slack either.
Kobu Jutsu needs more damage along the fix to 34 + special move delay thing


Filthy Casual
Fatter ass for Mileena
Fatter bewbs for Cassie


idk. Just generally give the chicks and skinnies fatter stuff so my best blockstring doesn't whiff all the time. That would be cool.

I'm honestly not even knowledgeable enough on 90% of the cast to speak about them, so I won't.
Lackey and Vicious are pretty balanced and basically don't need touched. Ruthless should simply be changed back to the way it was pre-XL in my opinion, since it was balanced then. I guess it can keep the ex Command Grab on hit since that's universal to command grabs now and it can keep the extra frames on hit off most normals, since that's just a quality of life buff for Pain & Gain cancels.

If this happened, I think
Ferra/Torr would be one of the most balanced characters in the game with all 3 variations having their own strengths and favored matchups.
I really hope a KP3 comes out but I very much doubt it, my best guess about the news Ed was referring too will most likely be a final season of ESL, Season 4.


What's up with the Sonya "nerf" party now? Demolition is good yes but it's NOT "THAT" good. Scar got ya up the wall, doesn't he?


Not THAT good LOL. When was the last time you played MKXL? 1 year ago?
Figuring that Sonya only started to get exposure with the recent MKXL patch, I'd say I've been playing for throughout the game's short lfiespan of one year and one month. Again like I stated, Demolition isn't that good. Once you get in on Demo Sonya, it's not that hard to stay in with her. Plus the way you make it appear, she's like Alien or Piercing Mileena. Only time she's scary is when she has fully reloaded other than that, it's pure game for you.

Stop upplaying her when there's no reason to. Scar got you guys scarred for life with his tremendously exceptional Demo Sonya.



i only want ONE of these, idc which:

make f2 a mid
make f4 8 frames startup
21 is a true mid / can't be low profiled

luxury buff: ex ice bombs explode when stance switch is pressed


Thread Referee
As little as I care about MKXL or it continuing to be supported, I hope NRS actually applies balance changes across the board, that are tested thoroughly, and don't just do reactionary bullshit.