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Video/Tutorial - Cyber Sub-Zero Optimized Meterless Knockdown Vortex with 5-way Mix-Ups (42%+ Meterless Combos)


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I refuse to believe that nrs guys don't know that their dlc come with all this bullshit when they release them. Surely they do on purpose because a broken character sells better...

This, or they have the worst testers in the world.

I swear, it's like they took all the tools that made the top tiers top before MKXL and just gave it to KP2 DLC...


Your hole is mine!
They need to increase the buffer for two moves hitting at the same time breaking low/oh block becoming mids. Problem solved.

/i play cyrax and i'd be fine with this.
Been saying this since TYM went on a Summoner witch-hunt after his skull buff. This would have solved so many issues with so many characters.


I swear, it's like they took all the tools that made the top tiers top before MKXL and just gave it to KP2 DLC...

Idk man... most if not every character is dumb af in this game. These characters just simply haven't been explored fully.

It seems a 50/50 vortex or dumb ass pressure and damage is acceptable in this game only as long as ppl have been fighting it since day one. New characters have to be absolutely ass otherwise everyone will whine until they get them to that level regardless.

Although, I'm sure some broken shit does get thru that NEEDS to get patched. It happens, but I wouldn't say NRS or the testers are stupid either. We need new characters that can compete with the existing cast for the long run. Not characters that ppl are gonna lose to only because they're new, but once it all fleshes out they'll be ass tier or decent.

I think ppl are just jumping the gun way too fast, but its kinda expected from the community at this point. -_-


Couldn't you just reversal or jump after the d3? Or would the explosion catch you?
I was just doing D+3 for swag. That's not even part of the set up, lol.

Smoke and Hollywood Cassie care not about your vortex. ;)
Cyber Sub-Zero can just block while the bomb is out and get a full combo and put Cassie in the same situation again. Same thing with Smoke. Just block and punish fade with 1,1,1~Ice Ball. Yeah, they have an option, but it's equally as risky.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Cyber Sub-Zero can just block while the bomb is out and get a full combo and put Cassie in the same situation again. Same thing with Smoke. Just block and punish fade with 1,1,1~Ice Ball. Yeah, they have an option, but it's equally as risky.
At least it's an option, I guess.


Thread Referee
I refuse to believe that nrs guys don't know that their dlc come with all this bullshit when they release them. Surely they do on purpose because a broken character sells better...

This, or they have the worst testers in the world.
Eh... not to be a dick, but actually watching the Kombat Kasts (which I hadn't until KP2 characters) made me lose most of my belief that NRS has employees that actually know anything about fighting games. I mean, Derek is just annoying and inept and Tyler's cool but pretty awful too. Even 16Bit seemed kind of dumbed down and lethargic by being next to those guys.

I could be totally wrong. But if those two are the public face, they are not inspiring confidence. Just my harsh two cents.


Why wouldn't you just play them anyway? If you enjoy the character then who cares what happens to them. I'll play a character that I love regardless of nerfs.
I guess it's different if you're a serious tournament player, but most people aren't.
game plan will change alot if people rely on overhead dive kicks, that will become mids soon...


The Longbow Hunter.
This isn't that different from the normal mkx wake up meta @YOMI REO. If they wake up it blows up all setups except the anti wake up one and he gets punished. If he baits and blocks the wake up the opponent gets punished. Also corner specific? Cyber sub needs to guess if they are waking up or not, nothing is guaranteed if I am not missing something?


What's a Smarrgasm?
This isn't that different from the normal mkx wake up meta @YOMI REO. If they wake up it blows up all setups except the anti wake up one and he gets punished. If he baits and blocks the wake up the opponent gets punished. Also corner specific? Cyber sub needs to guess if they are waking up or not, nothing is guaranteed if I am not missing something?
One problem off the bat is that if your armored move doesnt take you off the bomb you will likely get frozen and he will still get a combo into the setup again.

Give it some more testing and I bet there will be setups like this to cover just about every wake up scenario that CSZ will come across.
I refuse to believe that nrs guys don't know that their dlc come with all this bullshit when they release them. Surely they do on purpose because a broken character sells better...

This, or they have the worst testers in the world.
TBH you are right about the worst testers in the world, that why when they do kombat cast, they don't take their times on learning the characters at it fullest. They made Smoke look shit compare to the other cybers.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I was a QA tester for a big firm from 2000-2007 and if stuff like this occurred, not to mention the vanilla build of mkx day 1 (beta), you would be fired with no excuses back then. Because of today's standards and hardware, everything is pure lazy on the QA submission, as patches will address issues. Gone are the days of pure grinding of 100% playthroughs and every secret and possible combination found.
Yea because gmes back then(especially fighting games) were sooo balanced, fair and bug-free...


King of the Jobbers 2015
There's a lot of people completely disconnected from reality posting here.

The "they make the character good to sell more!" Point, you guys need to realize 99.99999% of the people who are puechasing this have a hard time even doing a special move. None of this applies to them. The fact that the game has any sort of balance at a high level is thanks to people like Paulo who does care about this. So enough of that crap.

The "they have the worst testers" is insulting. The dumbass who made the comment about getting fired for releasing a character like this apparently can't tell the difference between what an actual QA does and what the QA guys at NRS do. I mean we all remember how 2000-2007 was a golden age in fighting game balance. The people who are qa'ing that are competitive players are very capable and I'm sure they've chipped in on this, and I'm sure that if there's another patch this will be addressed.

Yeah this is fucked up, but maybe you should stop pointing fingers and saying silly stuff.


Everyone that got on me for saying CSZ is broken day 1 should apologize. I told you it was obvious.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
LAWL all of you people.

Don't you see you're falling for it?

Cyrax can do this kind of hard to blockables anywhere on the screen from any net, non stop, without even causing a knockdown to worry about wakeups.

This is just an attempt to divert attention to CSZ who can only do it in the corner, so THEY CAN WIN EVO WITH CYRAX.

It's obvious come on ppl really

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
LAWL all of you people.

Don't you see you're falling for it?

Cyrax can do this kind of hard to blockables anywhere on the screen from any net, non stop, without even causing a knockdown to worry about wakeups.

This is just an attempt to divert attention to CSZ who can only do it in the corner, so THEY CAN WIN EVO WITH CYRAX.

It's obvious come on ppl really
So can cyber sub do these unblockables anywhere on the screen, and atleast cyber sub has armor lol.