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Question - Leatherface Anyone else eating their words?


The story became important eventually. Otherwise there wouldn't be Mythologiez Sub-Zero and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, Story Modes, movies, serials, comics books, etc. Mortal Kombat is a separate universe of its own with its own characters and the roster became huge for these past +20 years and any character of this entire canon roster is much more fascinating to see revisited with new technology than any guest character in the world.
Well they profit from putting these characters in the game. Do you think Game of Thrones would become more popular if Ronald Mcdonald was included?


My blades will find your heart
No. He is not a martial artist of any sort. Mortal Kombat cast consists of actual kombatants, kung-fu masters, ninjas, edenian assassins, street fighters (like Kano or Kobra), brawlers, shokan warriors, etc. Both Jason and Leatherface has nothing to do with any of this and so did not Freddy. All three guests sucks.
For starters, a "Brawler" is just simply someone who fights. Anyone can be one. Same thing with "street fighters". That isn't even a real thing.

Also Stryker pretty much makes this post useless. He's a cop, wtf does he have to do with a tournament for martial artists? At least Leatherface has crazy strength.


Well they profit from putting these characters in the game. Do you think Game of Thrones would become more popular if Ronald Mcdonald was included?
Maybe, but GoT is doing great on its own as did MK before without any guest characters. MK9 was a success even though nobody new Freddy would be here and Kratos was the only one exclusive guest there, yet Xbox 360 well besides PS3 version.


For starters, a "Brawler" is just simply someone who fights. Anyone can be one. Same thing with "street fighters". That isn't even a real thing.

Also Stryker pretty much makes this post useless. He's a cop, wtf does he have to do with a tournament for martial artists? At least Leatherface has crazy strength.
Stryker is a Mortal Kombat character, Leatherface is not. Simple as that.

Human spirit in MK universe is a special kind of magic by the way, that's why Stryker won some fights in MK9, probably =)

Besides, MK already had its own "faceless" character with a much more interesting story than Leatherface ever had:



Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
For starters, a "Brawler" is just simply someone who fights. Anyone can be one. Same thing with "street fighters". That isn't even a real thing.

Also Stryker pretty much makes this post useless. He's a cop, wtf does he have to do with a tournament for martial artists? At least Leatherface has crazy strength.
In defense, many cops train hand to hand combat regularly. Its a profession the strong tend to flock to - and there is real motivation to get stronger.


Plus on block.
Baraka, Sindel, Rain, Fujin, Sareena, Li Mei and Frost played a part in the main story, bigger or smaller, I think you can understand fans of those characters wanting their favs instead of guests. Personally I wanted Shang Tsung, but I wouldn't have had any issue with having one of those characters instead (even Baraka, witch I really dislike), Leatherface IS a wasted slot.

If they're already in the story then why does it matter if they're playable or not? Even if they are made into DLC they aren't getting any more story anyway.Is it because of gameplay? If gameplay is what's important to you then you can get fun gameplay with ANY character regardless if you are familiar or a fan of that character or what they're from.

If a playable <insert random thing> is as fun as a playable Rain or Sindel, or whoever, why does it matter which one is playable if they're both just as enjoyable to use? Is it because one has a big fat "MK OFFICIAL" sticker slapped on it and the other is something you're not familiar with? Does familiarity take priority of actual enjoyment?

I guess I value whether something is fun or not over nostalgia.

And again, there are no wasted slots in DLC. post-release DLC isn't planned along with the games initial development or story, and isn't tied to anything, the slots have no value so they cannot be wasted. If they did have value it would be purely based on gameplay(as that's all they really have), and how fun a character plays is subjective, opinion based. A character already being in the story is pointless in this equation because they did that before becoming DLC, them becoming DLC didn't add anything to the story, they already made their contribution.

Stryker is a Mortal Kombat character, Leatherface is not. Simple as that.

Human spirit in MK universe is a special kind of magic by the way, that's why Stryker won some fights in MK9, probably =)

Besides, MK already had its own "faceless" character with a much more interesting story than Leatherface ever had:

Leatherface isn't "faceless", he has a face, he just wears other people's faces after he rips them off and sows them into a mask. And Drahmin has a face as well, he's just dried up and fleshy like beef jerky, and he wears a mask.

Whether a story is more or less interesting than another is entirely up to opinion. Plenty of people think Liu Kang is the lamest and least original character in MK, but that doesn't make it true. Plenty of people love Liu Kang, so who are those people to talk as if what they think about the character is factual?
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Thread Referee
The saltiness of uptight fanboys is delicious. Anyone else feeling like we should open up a butcher shop? We'll be curing meats for decades with the help of this section of the community.


If gameplay is what's important to you then you can get fun gameplay with ANY character regardless if you are familiar or a fan of that character or what they're from.
Not necessarily. Gameplay consist not only of moves, but personality as well. We've seen how MKX characters moved and acted throughout the franchise and we all recongnize them here, but also appreciate entirely new elements like Dualist Liu Kang which still has Liu Kang's essence, but with new additions. Characters talk, have significant animations and voices. When you play, you watch and listen your favorite character and it adds to the satisfaction from their gameplay a lot more than you think.

This is what MK fans of not included in MKX characters want to see as well. A new generation version of their favorites. And looking at current NRS creativity towards already known characters, they can revisit and make even Mokap a great character, after all he started just like Johnny Cage, a simple actor, but for CGI effects. Taven, Daegon, Shujinko, Hsu Hao, Kira, Kobra and other most hated characters in MK universe could have become excellent if give them a second chance. Tremor got his second chance after MK Special Forces and he turned out outstanding and Tanya after MK4/MKD/MKA.

I would love to see Blaze in his MKDA version with current technology. Him being a fire elemental could have looked so cool, especially on arenas like Dead Forest or Sky Temple by thanks to the special effects his body would give in reaction with snow and rain and imagine your character having their fists and legs burned out because of punching and kicking pure fire. That could have so much potential... If only :(


Soul Stealing Loyalist
If they're already in the story then why does it matter if they're playable or not? Even if they are made into DLC they aren't getting any more story anyway.Is it because of gameplay? If gameplay is what's important to you then you can get fun gameplay with ANY character regardless if you are familiar or a fan of that character or what they're from.

If a playable <insert random thing> is as fun as a playable Rain or Sindel, or whoever, why does it matter which one is playable if they're both just as enjoyable to use? Is it because one has a big fat "MK OFFICIAL" sticker slapped on it and the other is something you're not familiar with? Does familiarity take priority of actual enjoyment?

I guess I value whether something is fun or not over nostalgia.

And again, there are no wasted slots in DLC. post-release DLC isn't planned along with the games initial development or story, and isn't tied to anything, the slots have no value so they cannot be wasted. If they did have value it would be purely based on gameplay(as that's all they really have), and how fun a character plays is subjective, opinion based. A character already being in the story is pointless in this equation because they did that before becoming DLC, them becoming DLC didn't add anything to the story, they already made their contribution.

Leatherface isn't "faceless", he has a face, he just wears other people's faces after he rips them off and sows them into a mask. And Drahmin has a face as well, he's just dried up and fleshy like beef jerky, and he wears a mask.

Whether a story is more or less interesting than another is entirely up to opinion. Plenty of people think Liu Kang is the lamest and least original character in MK, but that doesn't make it true. Plenty of people love Liu Kang, so who are those people to talk as if what they think about the character is factual?
I can see your point and it's not stupid at all, in fact my MK9 main was Liu Kang, despite Shang Tsung being my favorite character in the MK franchise (on par with Shinnok). But I also have to say that I loved having him in the game, as I knew I could play as and against him anytime. Having Shang as an NPC would really annoy me so, once again, I understand fans of those characters, and think that Leatherface will keep being a wasted slot until their favs take a roaster spot themselves. In the end, I also think that there should be a limit to the number of guests, there's written Mortal Kombat on the cover after all.


My blades will find your heart
Stryker is a Mortal Kombat character, Leatherface is not. Simple as that.

Human spirit in MK universe is a special kind of magic by the way, that's why Stryker won some fights in MK9, probably =)

Besides, MK already had its own "faceless" character with a much more interesting story than Leatherface ever had:

You're talking to like the only other person who actually wanted Drahmin in the game, but you don't see me bitching because I am realistic.

I have no problem with people not liking guest characters, but cut all the "he can't compete" bullshit. If that were the case no one could compete with Raiden because he's a god.



Thread Referee
You're talking to like the only other person who actually wanted Drahmin in the game, but you don't see me bitching because I am realistic.

I have no problem with people not liking guest characters, but cut all the "he can't compete" bullshit. If that were the case no one could compete with Raiden because he's a god.

I'm sorry, Raiden is a disastrously underwhelming god.


Thread Referee
Well sure but it makes no sense that a god can be killed by a cop, so I don't see how a serial killer taking on the supernatural is really that far fetched.
Didn't we just spend the last page discussing how sense and Mortal Kombat do not belong in the same thought together? Or did I miss the gist of the page...

I was thinking about a TYM inspired butcher shop that will never be... :(
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@KeyserSoze I'm sry but also being a big fan since MK1 remind me again when guest chars appeared in past MK games before MK9. Because Cyrax, Sektor and Stryker are ORIGINAL MK characters, not from another franchise, their origins are in context to MK lore.

@Blade4693 I was heavliy into MK3 back in the day and don't remember seeing anyone say or post they didn't fit, infact the cyborgs were apart of the Lin Kuei story, it was part of the lore, fit like a glove. Stryker was just a cop...defending earthrealm from Shao Khans invasion and was very popular back then. Where is your proof they are not trained fighters, F/T is a defender of outworld and you honestly believe they are not trained in combat? Molach is an ONI of neatherealm (supernatural demon) not some out of shape sicko in a basement wearing/eating people.

@Pterodactyl I'm certain most would prefer them playable over being in/adding to the story if those were the only options....This is a fighting game after all not an RPG, what do you spend more time doing? People just want to play as original chars from the series, many people aren't tier whores or care about specific gameplay. They invest in the chars themselves so no, not all will have fun with ANY character no matter the gameplay, big assumption there. Your second paragraph makes little sense to me so please educate to me what you really meant. What I got was <insert random thing> is the same as a whole other character because they are common gameplay wise and both fun? Right so personal preference (in a fighting game of all things) is simply out the window? So say I like to zone, because one char throws flaming skulls horizontally and one shoots purple orbs diagonally in the air, since they are both fun and alike its the same? Just because DLC isnt planned (which I don't believe looking back at mk9 and injustices success with dlc and gaming devs in general these days) doesn't mean that guests aren't taking up possible MK character slots, how do you know for sure that the story chars wernt originaly intended to make it in later but was scraped to add more guests.

All the assumptions going on here is comical (I know I'm even making a few). If you cant see why MK fans want MK characters, trained martial combatants over a overweight crazy who catches stupid victims by surprise with an obvious advantage (chainsaw/hammer/etc) then anything I can say wont help open your eyes as to why we respond the way we do when asked in a FORUM for discussing our thoughts on said matter. Instead of oh I see your perspective, half this thread is the same few saying to those that actually reply; oh well stop crying, you salty, get over it, let it go or some other BS banter or meme. Most have, but this is a discussion no? isn't this the place for such things..

Honestly on its own I wouldn't care that LF is in the game (I might even play as him, Pretty lady looks okie gameplay wise (sign I miss Sindel), what gets me annoyed is the fact that he got in when other more deserving story chars didn't, even though they are already fights ingame. These chars have helped carry the damn series for years! They could have taken any MK character of past and made them just as kick ass or better then LF. If all the missing story characters were alrdy playable I would with open arms welcome any guest char, but thats not the case. Most don't care if their beloved char(s) don't get some big part in the story, they just want to experience them in this new AMAZING game with new mechanics and possibilities. Leatherface was just so left field for me, loosely based on a RL killer, okie... hasn't been relevant since 2003 (and what 1974 before that), most of the movies are straight garbage and have horrible reviews and have even being labeled despicable and with plastic scripts. Every other slasher villain has had more success and is more widely know.

MK9 was great and had most of everyone's favorites from MK1-3 but lets be real that game was so unbalanced and just way different then this beast. MK has never been as big as it is now and most just want to enjoy its success with the chars that helped pave it (and now in good netplay). Like someone said earlier we wouldn't even care if they were changed, because thats even better, a fresh take on classics! The characters of old are what defined MK outside of fatals/finish hims. Ask most casuals or diehards and they will tell you their favorite thing about MK is characters and the lore. People in this thread saying no one liked Fujin before his redesign, GTFO. That Sindel is boring?! GTFO, that because LF is 'big' he's now some looming threat, please without his chainsaw/weapons I'd fuk that dude up let alone the likes of someone like Scorpion or Tremor. Have yal honestly seen a 250+ pound untrained 'human' man run in RL, dude wouldn't last a minute up against a disciplined monk or even dan level ninjitsu practitioner.

In the end its NRS's call, I understand putting LF in might have had legit reasons, personal or not. But I've never understood company's of fighting games removing chars (liked ones) from there next installment, Its one of the few things I hate about the genre. I get that MK has a huge list of chars and only so many can make the cut and new souls need to be introduced to keep it fresh but imo at least honor and stay true to your roots, not make 1/9th of the cast guests. idk have typed so much alrdy im kinda losing myself, either way im fine with w/e NRS does (save drop PC players). Ive alrdy adapted and found several characters in this game I really like so everythings all good here. I mean no disrespect to anyone who likes LF or those I pointed out. I will def be buying him and labbing but as a MK fan I would still take any story char over him without question.
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Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I didn't know about that stuff from the comics. You make good points sir. Thank you for the informative post.

I guess, part of the issue I see that I failed to mention, is why would leatherface even want to fight these guys? Wouldn't he be more likely to avoid them, so he can do what he likes to do best? I just think it's odd to think of Kotal or Shinnook wasting time with him. I can see the rest of the cast giving him trouble...just not leatherface. He doesn't factor into the story in anyway...but then either does Jason, as you say. NRS does do great work with this kind of stuff though, so I have to wait a month to see what they come up with.
Who would Leatherface not attack?


I would say that their involvement in the plot was very minimal

Fair, bad examples.

Is there any evidence to suggest that Fujin won't be a main cast member in a future MK game?
Tanya didn't play a huge role, but if not for her, Mileena would still be in prison.


@Leviathan925 : There is really nothing to suggest they have ever been trained in martial arts/military training. Even if we only look at how they fight in the games to me is enough to see that they likely haven't had any formal training the same way the martial artist characters have. Maybe each of their races have their own specefic type of training that they do or learn, but thats just speculation. I am sure they have both fought many times (self trained), but I don't see either of them sitting around learning from a teacher or anything. There is no proof to support either claim though so discussing it isn't really important.

I seem to recall a (small) group of people saying that MK was about martial artists and said robots had no part in MK, and I know for a fact I had come seen/heard people making fun of Stryker for being " a guy with a gun" in a MK game. Our personal experiences likely differ heavily, as I never got to experience an actual arcade, just random people who owned the console versions (Like myself) I have always loved the cyborgs and thought they felt right at home, but I remember I had come across a few people saying otherwise.

Though I am on the side of that anything can fit in MK due to how the universe is set up.