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Why it took NRS so long


The problem is that your scenario isn't based purely in facts. Your premise is anecdotal at best. As is my premise. Just as easily as you can say that it is "unplayable", I can provide evidence of it being playable.

Your original talking point was that you were sold a product that does not work. Specifically, you said it was "unplayable." Streams such as MilkySituation, ESL, Pig Of The Hut, are all actual pieces of evidence that directly contradict your argument of the online being unplayable.

So no, you saying that you were sold an "unplayable online experience" is completely anecdotal and not based in complete facts. If it were literally unplayable, ESL couldn't possibly exist.

Again - I think you're missing the point in an attempt to "win." In a perfect world yes, you should be given exactly what you are promised.

That isn't consistent with reality. No one is saying, "don't be upset with the netcode." My point has always been, "Be upset, but also acknowledge you share responsibility for your dissatisfaction because you took an advertisement at face value instead of making an informed buying decision."

That's they key part - taking advertisement at face value. While using facts is a method of persuasion, it is only ONE method of persuation. An advertisement's first goal is to convince you to buy a product.

No where did I say that NRS' isn't responsible for its bad netcode, or that people shouldn't be upset. However, you chose to buy the game when you had other options for games that HAVE a reputation for quality online.

So yes, the customer bases some responsibility for buying a bad product. It's not like there wasn't a precedent from NRS for it's online play.
Again, I never said that the game couldn't be played for anyone. *most* people have had issues with online. Just because some people can stream online play doesn't make what I'm saying any less objective. Just because a problem isn't happening with everybody, doesn't mean that problem isn't an objective one. You seem to think just because there are a chunk of people who have played online, that the problems many people face are aren't facts. For some people, the game is playable, but for many it is not .
  1. (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
This is the definition of anecdotal; note it says based on peronsal accounts. The problem with mk online is not just a personal problem, it is a general one. General is an antonym of personal, they are opposites; you think that just because it doesn't happen to every single mk x player makes it anecdotal/subjective, when it is not. It is a factual, general and an objective statement that a lot of people cannot play online due to input lag and dropped games.
And my original point was not simply just "I was sold a product that does not work" it was exactly what salt quoted, the comment directly above yours. These two points :

"people who are giving nrs big props for fixing the online now shouldnt, because it is something we payed for when we got the game."

"if you bought something, it came as an incomplete product, and 9 months later they gave you the rest of the product, you would be happy and thankful to them? Or would you be like "about damn time, I payed for this a while ago" ?"

If you agree with those points above, then you agree with my position, if you don't I don't know what to tell you. We can go in circles like this all day, but I don't really see the point. We disagree, and both of us believe the other isn't getting them.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Again, I never said that the game couldn't be played for anyone. *most* people have had issues with online. Just because some people can stream online play doesn't make what I'm saying any less objective. Just because a problem isn't happening with everybody, doesn't mean that problem isn't an objective one. You seem to think just because there are a chunk of people who have played online, that the problems many people face are aren't facts. For some people, the game is playable, but for many it is not .
  1. (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
This is the definition of anecdotal; note it says based on peronsal accounts. The problem with mk online is not just a personal problem, it is a general one. General is an antonym of personal, they are opposites; you think that just because it doesn't happen to every single mk x player makes it anecdotal/subjective, when it is not. It is a factual, general and an objective statement that a lot of people cannot play online due to input lag and dropped games.
And my original point was not simply just "I was sold a product that does not work" it was exactly what salt quoted, the comment directly above yours. These two points :

"people who are giving nrs big props for fixing the online now shouldnt, because it is something we payed for when we got the game."

"if you bought something, it came as an incomplete product, and 9 months later they gave you the rest of the product, you would be happy and thankful to them? Or would you be like "about damn time, I payed for this a while ago" ?"

If you agree with those points above, then you agree with my position, if you don't I don't know what to tell you. We can go in circles like this all day, but I don't really see the point. We disagree, and both of us believe the other isn't getting them.
It is also factual and objective that a lot of people - streamers, ESL players, ESL winners, can play online, so neither one of us is completely correct or incorrect. So saying that the online is "unplayable" isn't completely factual because there is no consistency.

So yes, part of what you are saying is based off your personal experiences, which are not reflective of all users of the feature. Since it's based off your personal experience and vaguely defined "most" and "others," than your argument at least in part based on anecdote.

Also, you're using these broad statements as to the number of people who can't play, but you haven't offered any actual numbers to back up your claim. Meanwhile, you can count the number of people who stream/compete in ESL/etc. That information is readily available.

Your original talking points were that the online didn't work for you and other people you knew. That is explicitly anecdotal.

I do agree that we're not understanding each other. You're promoting a perspective that the manufacturer of a product should have it's customers' best interests in mind and that a consumer shouldn't have to take an active role in the products they buy and how they spend their money.

I disagree, and say that a consumer is obligated to take an active role in how they spend their money, using every resource available to make the most informed decision possible when handling your money.

To be clear, I never said, "don't be angry at the netcode." Look at earlier posts. I saud, "Be angry, but own your role in the transaction and accept some responsibility for your dissatisfaction."

But since these are polar opposite perspectives, we're not getting anywhere.

Keep fighting the power, brother.


"Another of God confirms points, if you are one of those people who says "don't give nrs gripe because the online was crap at first, at least they are fixing it now" you don't understand how buying a product works. You are buying a product so you can get something out of it. In this case, it's offline AND online play. I payed money to play ONLINE. You are trading a currency for a product that you think is worth it based off of what you are told. If you are okay with what nrs did with its online in the first few months, then you should be okay with people messing up your order when you get food, you should be okay with buying an unfinished book (god confirms example), you should have been okay with what happened with master chief collection, and you should be okay with getting lied too and jipped about every purchase you ever make. If you aren't okay with that, then you should not let nrs off the hook just because you are a fan. Before you think about saying "don't hate on nrs at least there fixing it" think about how you should hold them accountable by voicing your opinion, just like you would any other purchase."

This was my original statements, and basically my whole position, which I find it hard to disagree with. This was my original talking point.

"You're promoting a perspective that the manufacturer of a product should have it's customers' best interests in mind and that a consumer shouldn't have to take an active role in the products they buy and how they spend their money."

Part of this isnt true, I do agree with you in that a consumer should take an active role, but this active role can only help so much in making a purchase, and even then it is still the sellers obligation to give you what you purchased. I posted 2 reviews earlier from two different sources where they do not openly say how bad the online is and say it's "vastly improved". If someone did do research, and was an active consumer, and bought the product and was still jipped, then my position still stands and the seller is still wrong. So even using your stance of being an active consumer, you can still make a purchase that is "smart on paper " but you still get duped, which leads to my original post which I quoted above, which I feel is the appropriate course of action.

But good debate, it's nice to disagree with someone and it not get childish


Hell yeah dude, already signed up :) though I don't use those 4 as a main but I did use Scorpion for a little bit so guess I'll use him(though Im sure he and Sub will be used the most no doubt lol)
Do we sign up in game? I main scorpion, so I'm pretty happy lol
Just because the MK games weren't meant to be competitive fighting games until MK9 doesn't negate the fact that the online component of the MK games should work perfectly or at least efficient enough not to be one of the most complained things about by people that play. It shows, to me anyways, that they didn't really care too much about our complete satisfaction with their products. But obviously that's just my opinion. Maybe NRS has been wanting to fix the netcode for awhile and WB wouldn't give them the go ahead. Either way, at least it's finally getting addressed.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
There were MK games meant to be and could easily be played at a high level, mk2, umk3 especially...regarding older games. Just saying. All the older fighters were alot more basic compared to now. Games evolve.

Mkvs dc was a step in the more competitive direction, mk9 was the first overall game for all players, casual, competitive, online, off etc

MK x much of the same though more technical then any previous mk game.

I think all games start off casual when you think about it, even sports compare them in the 80 and 90s to now, such a huge difference its nuts. Lol


You will BOW to me!
Capcom has done some stupid shit regarding DLC's in the past (Ashura's Wrath, SFxT), yes, but still, it CANNOT be compared to the bullshit NRS has done in their games regarding bugs, imbalancing issues, netcode etc.

MKF, are you seriously comparing the cost of money regarding SF4 and MKX? Srsly? We are talking about a game which was released in 2009 ffs. Thats 6 years ago! So, yeah, i would say thats a good deal.

At least Capcom supported the game all these years and that was shown during each EVO. Thats why SFIV was announced as the "King" of fg's for EVO. And lets not even compare those two games regarding balance issues, game depth, netcode etc.

NRS stopped caring about their games after a year, a year and half since their initial release. It says alot that IGAU was their best game so far, regarding, pretty much, everything.

If people believe the recent launch of the enhanced online beta of MKX, among other things, is a coincedence, then i really dont know what to say. They know when SFV is released, they are going to get hit hard, so they are trying to save whats left of MKX.

NRS/WB should have done their job regarding the online enviroment since MKX launched. That is unacceptable on their behalf, especially for a game which is running on 2 ESL seasons in that pathetic online enviroment.

Capcom might charge its customers for stupid things, but at least, the quality of their games is much better, in almost all aspects, than NRS's.

I love the MK franchise, i really do, but NRS has done some of the most idiotic mistakes i ve ever seen for their products. Thats not good business and as Kung Lao would say i hope they "learn from this".


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Metzos, it's not comparable I'm sorry but Capcom is proven to be more greedy and treat their fans far worse then NRS.

People only have NRS netcode, netcode, netcode. Well now they're fixing it so they can't use the same excuse anymore to hate on them. So yes it CAN be compared to Capcom's bs, you dont charge your fanbase for the "REAL" ending, sorry but that's the most idiotic thing ever, period. What WB or NRS game has done that or game in general? NONE!

I don't care when a game was released just that Capcom ripped people off, but if you want to deny this because of the "SF craze" now, be my guest it still doesn't change the past.

Umm NRS supported their games enough to be at Evo multiple years in a row what are you talking about?

"King?" really? you're going off a subjective title now? Let me tell ya something SF wasn't even the first fighter it was Karate Champ, before both MK and SF....the original SF was a joke and not even taken remotely seriously.

NRS has only made 3 games yet you're comparing really? That's ok though because if you're going that route we both know which franchise has more successful media in general between games, comics, movies, shows and it's not SF....;)
NRS released the newly improved online for few reasons, but the side ones don't matter. MKX is by far their most successful game thus far and they care for it and are doing everything opposite that you're claiming "they don't care, blah, blah"

If they didn't they wouldn't be improving the netcode, giving us more DLC(which we can dl btw and not have to pay another 40 bucks just to update) and they're just doing a MK X XL version with everything in it, they do that right unlike Capcom...

I don't think you realize the amount of work that goes into a fighting game now days, then I can say well Capcom should have had perfect game without any infinites, glitches etc of their own, you can't use that argument because NO fighter comes out of the oven perfect. No matter what the game is.

I disagree, overall Capcom has done far more bonehead moves then NRS...especially regarding money and greed, there's tons of people on youtube ranting about Capcom's dumb business moves way worse then NRS, all I'm going to say and the quality of games part is your opinion, I disagree MK has just as good if not better games then SF, quality? Dude, MK X sold more than Injustice, SF4 and MK X did individually...I don't know what you're talking about but that's your opinion.
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@MKF30 will bring up Capcom's other products besides SF when it suits him in an argument then completely forget about them later. NRS and MK franchise spanning 20+ years? Completely interchangeable if it helps him in his argument.
lol you still think Raiden is top tier and Capcom is still for sale? wtf are you talking about?
Top players agree that you need top tier to stay competitive remember Tanya and Tremor

Comparing NRS to Capcom is laughable.
Capcom doesn't even primarily make fighting games.
You're comparing apples and oranges.

I don't have to compare NRS to Capcom before I criticize NRS.
They're two completely different companies with different goals.

Considering NRS's only job is to make fighting games and Capcom's isn't.
NRS should be better at it.

so MKF420 can understand:

Imagine you have a giant company (lets call them company A)
that makes all sorts balls. tennis balls, baseballs, soccer balls, beachballs, ect...

Then you have another company (Company B) focused on only making one product: Baseballs.

Who would you think is better at making Baseballs?
A normal person would assume company B is the best at making baseballs since that is their specialty.

NRS should be making better quality fighting games and they aren't
we don't care about "blah blah blah Asura's Wrath blahblah capcom greed blahbla"

go talk to your therapist about that. we only care about quality in our games.
NRS quality is clearly less than Capcom games.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11

lol, the denial is strong in this one.... because it's just a known fact that Capcom has done shady shit before? But I find the people denying this shit amusing at this point. Meanwhile the haters hating NRS now all you have is "it took so long to fix netcode" and "wahh no PC?" Cry me a river. What else ya got? In case you're not aware if you look up fighters in general have issues on PC, even SF look it up. http://kotaku.com/capcom-says-theyre-fixing-ultra-street-fighter-ivs-bust-1618547793

So curious, will this be but another thing you Capcom fans ignore? How about this Mr. Righteous.

or this?

But yes, Capcom is sooo perfect dude, only NRS screws up. My fault! How silly of me! Or wait...wait let me guess, PS4 is irrelevant right? It's only the 360 and PS3 versions that count right? Let's hear the excuses.

Yeah, because it's not like MK's been around nearly as long as SF...nah.

Ok, Midway used to make MK and I'm pretty sure they made a shit ton of other games? For those of us who grew up during those eras know this.

Oh yeah because it's not like MK X is more balanced then MK 9 was? lol Who are these "top players? Besides there's others views here not just them, thus why it's debatable.

NRS is a newer studio, who cares about making different games or not? WB owns NRS and they make FAR more games then Capcom daily lol

Ok, well I don't have to compare them either to bash Capcom. How's that? One of my best pals was a Capcom fanboy and even he said the fucking "real ending for 7 bucks" was the dumbest thing ever.

Sorry, I don't smoke weed bro if you're trying to say I'm on drugs with your 420 reference? But I do find this rich coming from a guy with "usedcarsalesmang" as his name....very amusing, I'm so sure a car sales manager would totally know how to run NRS better then WB. :rolleyes:

Except your analogy is flawed because company B is a newer established company OWNED by a bigger company who has different divisions for different games, mean while Capcom tries to make different games and tell me, why are they for sale again? Oh yes, because they're struggling to bank off of anything outside of SF and maybe RE....though their RE remakes are really just another desperate way for cash grab. Not to mention in this case, company A+ the company who owns Company B could easily buy company A in this case. But why would WB buy Crapcom when they already own great fighters?


Don't get me wrong, I never said NRS is perfect but then neither is Capcom....

This thread is really just a bait topic to see who deep down hates NRS regardless of the positives and the fact that they're fixing the netcode.

I only brought up the Capcom shit because I'm so tired of the bitching on here about NRS from the people who complain for the sake of complaining...like give it a rest already, if you're that displeased don't BUY NRS games lol.

Sorry but NRS and WB makes more quality games then Crapcom, cry me a river and let me know when anyone whos interest in buying Crapcom ok? ok

MK 9, Injustice and MKX especially are all great quality games....if they weren't they wouldn't have been successful nevermind selling in the over 10 million between the 3 of them. Can you honestly say the same about SF4, MVC3 and SFxTekken? I don't think so. They already confirmed that MK 9 sold more than SFxTekken and more than MVC3 individually, SF4 it was a lot closer however. That's MK 9 alone keep in mind, not even counting Injustice and MK X(MK X I already know sold way more)
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So, there is this narrative floating around that when SFV comes out, NRS is somehow threatened or in danger from it's existance.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

If NRS/Warner Bros.' goal is to make money, the release of SFV has nothing to do with that.


The fortune article is a bit old, but even shortly after release, MK X was leading the pack in sales.


Based on what info I could find with a cursory Google search, the game has sold over 5 million copies, before we add in sales from Kombat Packs.

Adding them in, I think it can be safely said that the game has more than made the company their money back and then some.

So why is SFV a threat? Is it because the are both fighting games? That does not make sense. MKX has made its money. It's very clear that MKX is a commercial success and the fact that the company felt confident enough to make another Kombat Pack proves this. If SFV doesn't out sell a year old game, that would be embarrassing for them.

Now, this is purely speculative on my part, but I think it's safe to say that NRS is smart enough to know an extra DLC pack won't out-sell a full game. So everything KP2 makes is extra.

Considering that MKX is nearly a year old, I don't see how it is in financial competition with SFV. It's Apples and oranges. Also, it's very likely NRS is working on another game while working on KP2. Simply because they have made two fighting games doesn't mean they will only make fighting games in the future.

I'm pretty confident in saying that if NRS were in some kind of dire strait over the release of SFV, we wouldn't be getting 10k lot bonuses consistently.

Which leads me to believe that people here think that SFV will somehow affect the tournament scene. Why?

For one thing, with some exception, most top MKX players don't play SF at the highest level and aren't top players in both games, if they play at all. So I don't see SFV taking away our top players.

So that leaves the low and mid level guys. Yeah, I'm pretty sure some will leave, but it's not like Street Fighter and NRS games haven't existed and thrived alongside Capcom before.

People proclaimed the death of Injustice with USF4, and it didn't happen.

People proclaimed the death of MK9 with Tekken Tag 2, and it didn't happen.

Same for Soul Calibur 5.

The list goes on and on.

KiT had something like 160 entrants for MKX, which is great. Couple that with pot bonuses from NRS, the next season of ESL, and I don't see the game going to the grave anytime soon.

I suppose Final Round will be the first piece of evidence we get, as SFV will be out by then.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
That's actually a good point, if you research it you most likely will get "great reviews" like certain games get, every single year. What's laggy to some isn't laggy to others, and even then it doesn't let the seller off the hook if one person gave it a good review
I want you to find me the review that says MKX has excellent netplay.
Here, I did it for him. All on the front page of the first google search I made.


"Local battles are great fun, but online matches are where modern fighting games thrive in the long run. Chances are, the best players in the world don't live on the same street, leaving online matches as the true test of one's skill outside of tournaments. The netcode that drives Mortal Kombat X's online matches is fine, meaning that it will sometimes offer an experience that feels proper, but that you should expect laggy matches from time to time. When you get into a fight with a poor connection, you may as well exit and search for a new opponent, because it will be difficult to pull off simple combos and special moves. At that point, its a competition between man and machine. Thankfully, this is a rare occurrence."


"The online matches themselves play smoothly, though matchmaking takes longer than it should, and there's no guarantee that you'll be matched up with someone of equal skill (even in ranked play)."

These are two of the biggest names in games reviews, I'm not going to bother going any further, but I guarantee it wouldn't take too much effort to find more reviews giving a very false impression of the netcode and not saying anything about it's issues

Reading these reviews + promises from NRS that the netcode would be fine, kinda takes away from the "shoulda read the reviews first" argument. You know they buy their reviews right? It's no secret lol
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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Also, to the people arguing against valid complaints about not receiving the NetCode they payed for, "cry me a river" "more tears plz" "stop whining you babys" isn't a valid response, and has no bearing on the facts of the matter. You guys do NOT have a career in business lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
People in general need to stop complaining, NRS addressed it the beta is now. It is what it is.

Either play the game or don't at this point.


Aspiring scrub
People in general need to stop complaining, NRS addressed it the beta is now. It is what it is.

Either play the game or don't at this point.
I love what they're doing and I am thankful we're getting a new netcode, but everyone has a right to complain. So if these complaints and people disagreeing with you bothers you that much, ignore it. No one is going to shut up nor should they.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
People in general need to stop complaining, NRS addressed it the beta is now. It is what it is.

Either play the game or don't at this point.
If you payed to go see the new Star Wars, and and he cinema started the film halfway through, would you tell everyone "you need to stop complaining, we've been given the movie where it's up to now, it is what it is".?

People ARE allowed to give critical feedback for their purchases lol, and they are allowed to complain when they don't get what they payed for


If you payed to go see the new Star Wars, and and he cinema started the film halfway through, would you tell everyone "you need to stop complaining, we've been given the movie where it's up to now, it is what it is".?

People ARE allowed to give critical feedback for their purchases lol, and they are allowed to complain when they don't get what they payed for
This is exactly why many games these days are coming out like shit or just incomplete. Many consumers are afraid to voice their opinion, and when they do people always say "stop bitching, be thankful". It's like, thankful for what? I gave them my damn money. I always go back to this example, but the master chief collection had such fucked up online that 343 HAD to make sure halo 5's online was tip top, because everyone was near that line of being fed up. If people voiced their opinions more, then there would be more change. When destiny wasnt going to sell individual emotes, people flipped shit (because it was a cheap ass move to get people to spend another 40$), and bungie immediately changed there position.

In a weird way, it's like don't let companies bully you... if you let them do whatever they want, they will.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@bomborg I agree, but fans also have the right to say hey guys, in a perfect world I'd like this, that but I get it's work I'm happy to have the product you put alot of effort, time and money into as well.

I think there's been a misunderstanding here, just to set the record straight. I'm all for improvements via constructive criticism, but some people on here will flat out bash or insult nrs which doesn't help anyone. Put yourselves in their place just for a minute, you have thus great game, millions of people telling you what you should do, while others disagree....

Sure you and I may disagree on things then there may be people who don't agree with either of us or understand both of out arguments. You know?

It's why I said earlier, nobody is perfect regardless if the company. But is also obvious they're trying and putting that extra effort into improving the game instead of ignoring us all together and like well, We got our money fuck everyone else. Know what I mean?

If you payed to go see the new Star Wars, and and he cinema started the film halfway through, would you tell everyone "you need to stop complaining, we've been given the movie where it's up to now, it is what it is".?

People ARE allowed to give critical feedback for their purchases lol, and they are allowed to complain when they don't get what they payed for
People also are allowed to give props to soneone for fixing stuff too lol. I understand that But that's a bit different, a movie you're paying on the spot to see a full showing which you'll always get. Now a good time as in 'worth it' is a diff story.

A game you're buying for that portion that you know of at the time, unless the developers say 'hey we will also offer 5 months of dlc post release, buy our game' I'd agree with your point, but let's face it a game,we can't assume it'll do that unless it's successful and the demand is there. Know what i mean?

Besides, movies it's usually another issue of 'man I wasted 20 bucks on this crappy movie' lol which usually is subjective with a movie. Example, you used star wars, yes? Alot of folks i bump into were disappointed with it, while others were like 'yeah best movie evaa' hear what I'm saying?

Lastly, like rude stated earlier people are also responsible for their own actions, meaning Developers aren't forcing you to purchase their game. Fixing an issue is a lot different then some one buying a game with false assumptions of hiwbthat individual wants the game to play personally.
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lol, the denial is strong in this one.... because it's just a known fact that Capcom has done shady shit before? But I find the people denying this shit amusing at this point. Meanwhile the haters hating NRS now all you have is "it took so long to fix netcode" and "wahh no PC?" Cry me a river. What else ya got? In case you're not aware if you look up fighters in general have issues on PC, even SF look it up. http://kotaku.com/capcom-says-theyre-fixing-ultra-street-fighter-ivs-bust-1618547793

So curious, will this be but another thing you Capcom fans ignore? How about this Mr. Righteous.

or this?

But yes, Capcom is sooo perfect dude, only NRS screws up. My fault! How silly of me! Or wait...wait let me guess, PS4 is irrelevant right? It's only the 360 and PS3 versions that count right? Let's hear the excuses.
Rofl. At least know what you're talking about before you start talking shit.

First you link some article from 2014 (nice, 2 years old,) exactly at the point SF4 transitioned from GFWL to Steamworks, which was a rough period. It was afterwards fixed, and SF4 on PC is the strongest version of it.

The PS4 articles you linked were indeed correct, and mistakes made. But unlike NRS, Capcom actually fixed that version in August 2015. I mean, are you genuinely stupid? Since both of your examples were examples of things Capcom and/or Steam fucked up that were then fully fixed, so all they do is prove the opposite of the point you were trying to make.

Additionally, you said 'fighters in general have issues on PC' which tells me you're entirely ignorant of fighters in general on PC. KOF XIII, Skullgirls, SF4 *and* GGXrd on PC are all the superior versions to their console counterparts.

I've played pretty much every fighter on PC the past 5-6 years, some of them religiously, and by a number of different companies. This is my first NRS game, and I can easily tell you it's my last, because no other dev has been this terrible in all my experience. And I *am* including SFxT in that experience. I played that game for 15 hours tops, and I still feel more fucked over by NRS than Capcom with SFxT ever did, despite my disappointment (both of their design approach and business practices with that game.)

There's never been a time as good for fighters on PC as the last 2 years. Heck, PC is even getting crossplay for the newer games (KI/SFV) and they're heavily relying on the PC player base, so that archaic and naive 'fighting games on PC are expected to suck!'-mentality you can just gtfo with, honestly.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Rofl. At least know what you're talking about before you start talking shit.

First you link some article from 2014 (nice, 2 years old,) exactly at the point SF4 transitioned from GFWL to Steamworks, which was a rough period. It was afterwards fixed, and SF4 on PC is the strongest version of it.

The PS4 articles you linked were indeed correct, and mistakes made. But unlike NRS, Capcom actually fixed that version in August 2015. I mean, are you genuinely stupid? Since both of your examples were examples of things Capcom and/or Steam fucked up that were then fully fixed, so all they do is prove the opposite of the point you were trying to make.

Additionally, you said 'fighters in general have issues on PC' which tells me you're entirely ignorant of fighters in general on PC. KOF XIII, Skullgirls, SF4 *and* GGXrd on PC are all the superior versions to their console counterparts.

I've played pretty much every fighter on PC the past 5-6 years, some of them religiously, and by a number of different companies. This is my first NRS game, and I can easily tell you it's my last, because no other dev has been this terrible in all my experience. And I *am* including SFxT in that experience. I played that game for 15 hours tops, and I still feel more fucked over by NRS than Capcom with SFxT ever did, despite my disappointment (both of their design approach and business practices with that game.)

There's never been a time as good for fighters on PC as the last 2 years. Heck, PC is even getting crossplay for the newer games (KI/SFV) and they're heavily relying on the PC player base, so that archaic and naive 'fighting games on PC are expected to suck!'-mentality you can just gtfo with, honestly.
FYI I do, at least have an argument instead of petty insults. Secondly sure when you tell others to stop um 'talking shit' as you say it I'll humor you. Til then...I'm merely posting the facts with and my viewpoints on others.

I don't care if its five years old or 2, point is capcom isnt perfect only a tool would think they're perfect anymore then nrs. Umm nrs has fixed their problems so far with the exception of the pc nonsense by I can say the same do sf ps4 and some pc bits...so no im not stupid, are you? Are you that upset over different opinions?

So you're using second rate fighting games that nobody outside the fgc, plays when I'm talking about mk and sf having known issues on pc? Lol, my point referred to mk and sf specifically, I already know for a fact more people play fighters on consoles then pc. Tell me, is mk9, Injustice, smash and sf4 tourneys played mostly on consoles or PC?

You like fighters on pc, fine. But I'll bet you anything the demographic for fighters overall are far more on consoles then pc. Until sf,MK,S.G., whatever are on par with wow, Destiny, lol, heroes etc then we'll talk.

Then you obviously are either ignorant or forgetting the fact of capcoms shady bs with sf xtekkens paid disc nonsense among other things they've pulled. Sorry ypu feel that way but I'm as entitled to my view as anyone else here I'm not going anywhere,don't like it too bad, leave. I admit nrs isnt perfect but capcom sure as hell isnt either.
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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
FYI I do, at least have an argument instead of petty insults. Secondly sure when you tell others to stop um 'talking shit' as you say it I'll humor you. Til then...I'm merely posting the facts with and my viewpoints on others..
No you aren't, you've been insulting people all the way through this thread lol. E.g.

Some "fans" are just spoiled, entitled brats who need to get off their high horse since I know for a fact they can't do a better job otherwise they'd be working on games instead of bitching on a forum board.
I didn't even have to search for it was just open on another tab, youre just a waste dude stop being a complete hypocrite


You will BOW to me!
Metzos, it's not comparable I'm sorry but Capcom is proven to be more greedy and treat their fans far worse then NRS.

People only have NRS netcode, netcode, netcode. Well now they're fixing it so they can't use the same excuse anymore to hate on them. So yes it CAN be compared to Capcom's bs, you dont charge your fanbase for the "REAL" ending, sorry but that's the most idiotic thing ever, period. What WB or NRS game has done that or game in general? NONE!

I don't care when a game was released just that Capcom ripped people off, but if you want to deny this because of the "SF craze" now, be my guest it still doesn't change the past.

Umm NRS supported their games enough to be at Evo multiple years in a row what are you talking about?

"King?" really? you're going off a subjective title now? Let me tell ya something SF wasn't even the first fighter it was Karate Champ, before both MK and SF....the original SF was a joke and not even taken remotely seriously.

NRS has only made 3 games yet you're comparing really? That's ok though because if you're going that route we both know which franchise has more successful media in general between games, comics, movies, shows and it's not SF....;)
NRS released the newly improved online for few reasons, but the side ones don't matter. MKX is by far their most successful game thus far and they care for it and are doing everything opposite that you're claiming "they don't care, blah, blah"

If they didn't they wouldn't be improving the netcode, giving us more DLC(which we can dl btw and not have to pay another 40 bucks just to update) and they're just doing a MK X XL version with everything in it, they do that right unlike Capcom...

I don't think you realize the amount of work that goes into a fighting game now days, then I can say well Capcom should have had perfect game without any infinites, glitches etc of their own, you can't use that argument because NO fighter comes out of the oven perfect. No matter what the game is.

I disagree, overall Capcom has done far more bonehead moves then NRS...especially regarding money and greed, there's tons of people on youtube ranting about Capcom's dumb business moves way worse then NRS, all I'm going to say and the quality of games part is your opinion, I disagree MK has just as good if not better games then SF, quality? Dude, MK X sold more than Injustice, SF4 and MK X did individually...I don't know what you're talking about but that's your opinion.

NRS had almost 5 years to fix their netcode. They didnt. With each new game release they knew their netcode was shit, but didnt do anything about it. That says alot. Regarding SFxT and AW, Capcom paid for their mistakes. Both games died quickly. I never said Capcom is perfect, but quality wise they were more capable than NRS, even if you take netcode alone. There were PC and PS4 issues for SFIV and were corrected immediately. Balance wise, what NRS has done for the Cyrax resets, Kabal and Smoke BS during MK9? Nothing. Thats why MK9 was the laughing stock of EVO. Because of those mistakes. NRS got their money yeah, but their mistakes remain. In SFIV there werent characters who were 8-2ing 99% of the cast consistently.

I remember NRS saying that they removed the Cyrax resets, then the next day Tony-T comes with a video showcasing even more damaging resets. From the moment that video was revealed, NRS should have released a hotfix to address that. What did they do? Nothing.

Capcom has supported their games with balance patches, updates, bug fixes, hotfixes etc. NRS has done nothing of the sort. They didnt even give MK9 a breather and kept bombarding it with patches when it launched. Thats how much unfinished the game was and thats not how you balance a game. Supporting a game is not only about money pots.

Street Fighter is as popular as Mortal Kombat, i dont know where you got the impression its not. MK is more gory thats why its been in more media than SF. Gore and violence sell. It doesnt change the fact though, that both games stand at the top of the fg chain.

Releasing a GotY edition after MKX hasnt even closed a year of its release shows me that much. What if they decide to release more stuff after KP2 and XL hits which arent included in those versions. How do you think people will feel about that? Cheated.

SFIV was announced as the king of fg's because it had the largest number of entries during each EVO since its release. So yeah, SFIV is the king of EVO and fgs in general, by numbers alone.

I do realize how much work a product needs. But i also realize the work that must be done, should be done correctly. Capcom has done that in most of its games, NRS hasnt. Marketing wise, yeah NRS is better than Capcom, game quality wise Capcom is miles ahead. Also keep in mind that they dont only make fg's. They have other heavy hitting titles as well. NRS on the only hand only makes fg's and they keep making the same and the same mistakes since 2011.

Last but not least, regarding your stupid ass assumption "they don't care, blah, blah", i DO care, because i love the MK franchise, thats why i m saying what i m saying and i m not a sheep, like most of TYM these days.