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I actually like all you put there, great balance ideas! I still would add Quan Chi's low bat to be a hard knockdown on hit, to avoid the pseudo reset there, other than that very good list.

EDIT: add Kabal :D
Reactions: REO


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Character Specific Changes:

Hat Trick
- Calling hat back during travel will absorb all projectiles it comes in contact with (Think Sub-Zero EX ice ball and Ferra toss) : Cool but I think putting it out absorbing a projectile would be better.
- Animation during hat call back in air (D,D+2) can now be cancelled into a dive kick. : Uhhh I just think they need to nerf the recovery so we can convert from it, this seems a little weird lol.
- D,D+2 above high hat trap now hits Overhead when called back : The hitbox isn't really big enough for that to be of much use tbh.
Other suggestions: They should remove the gap in BF2EX, fix the hitbox on callback so it actually hits mid all the time, and give a little more conversion time/change the hit reaction.

- Decrease the startup of the reload by 20 frames (to compensate for the lack of safe reloads due to the B14 nerf)

Special Forces
- B2 is now neutral on block : B2's really more of an extender than a starter I feel, not sure this is the right change for her.
- Reduce the recovery on B2 by 5-10 frames to make conversions easier/increase her potential damage output.
- Allow her to convert from more moves cancelled into park drone to increase her damage output.

- All versions of Telekinetic Strike (D,B+4) are now -3 on block. : Tempest much? :DOGE
- EX Spirit Charge is now +7 on block. : WOAH...I mean it'd help but plus SEVEN?! #MK9 lol
- EX Tele Flurry is now -6 on block and has it's whiff recovery cut in half : I mean it's already -9 and I don't think that's that bad especially considering you'll never use it up close, but yeah less whiff recovery.

Jacqui Briggs
- EN B,F+2+BLK is now -9 on block.
- D,B+1 now has slightly less recovery.
These changes don't really address Jacqui's problems. She needs less pushback on strings like F12 and 114 to allow her to be able to continue pressure with something like standing 1 since her range is so ass her own strings push her too far away to frame trap properly. Making ex BF2 -9 doesn't make it more worth using, the damage buff didn't and still doesn't, it should still be a launcher. Armoured but 23 frames startup and full combo punishable sounds fair wouldn't you agree? As for tech shield it's not the recovery that's the problem, it's that it's a little too slow on startup. Decrease the startup and it'll be a better move, the recovery is fine.

- Loading up a Stun Arrow no longer has a timer.
I'd also like to add that his arrows need the recovery pretty much halved in some cases. For a variation with zoning capabilities its zoning is pretty terrible. The air ones should have much less recovery than they do right now.
Also arrow load should have some frames taken off of it so he at least more than two strings to rely on cancelling from to get a safe reload. Testing the frame data for his arrow load cancels was frighteningly sad.


Kobu Jutsu
I also think they should remove or heavily shorten the outrageous blockstun on her third rekka, that thing is impossible to punish half the time because you can't tell when you can move.


- 2% overall damage reduction on all and every single plasma laser attack.
Also maybe a slight recovery increase on his lasers perhaps?

- Amulet Strike (B,F+1)has lessened recovery when negating a projectile attack.

- All forms of Judgement fist (D,B+1) can now be cancelled and linked into on hit from normals.
Again this wouldn't address his problems. He's not designed to be a pressure character/cancel character, he's a zoner. His zoning tools are the problem and should be addressed. Plus he does decent damage in Necro if you land a hit, I don't know if increasing it is a priority. They should make DF4 safe (only the meterless version, not the ex version) so that he has something to cancel his strings into since most of them are unsafe. This would also address the problem of how meter intensive he is by giving him a way to build a little more. They should also make Flick faster as a way of getting around the problem of the tracking on it sucking. Maybe bring it down by about 5-10 frames max.

Erron Black
- Caltrops will no longer kill an opponent who is in danger. (EX Caltrops still will) : P L E A S E

- D,B+2 is now safer on block. : Hmm giving Ermac safe options might be kinda scary.

Kotal Kahn

War God
- EX D,B+1+BLK is now -20 on block instead of -14. (Think Erron Black pre patch sand toss VS post patch sand toss) : I don't really get what this is for lol.

- Hitbox has been increased on both hits of B+1,1 so it can no longer be low profiled by any character. : This is pretty much a priority.
I don't think some of these changes really seem to address the problems of the characters...I've made some notes on the ones I'm curious about and if you want to let me know why you decided on those changes then that'd be cool :p I agree with all the rest that I haven't noted.

I also think that they should implement these changes:
Spec Ops - Decrease the recovery of DD1 by 5-10 frames

Brood Mother - Increase the cancel window on DF1/decrease the startup on DF1 delay to allow for easier conversions.

Slight decrease the vertical hitbox on Ground Slam (it currently can hit people out of their instant air projectiles which I think is a bit much)

Erron Black:
Decrease the startup of F3 from 14 to 11 frames
Gunslinger - Decrease the recovery of Standoff Stance by 5-10 frames.

Reverted the horizontal reach of 42+4 to its original state (ok this is more of an "I want this" rather than an "I think this is kind of necessary for the character" like the rest but it's funny and I like it and I want it baaaaaaack)

Increased run speed/walkspeed
Kuatan Warrior - Decreased recovery on Chest Lunge by 5-10 frames

Jacqui Briggs:
Decreased pushback on her F12 and 114 strings
Increased hitbox on her B3/B33
Increased window to input 4U4
Shotgun - Decrease the startup of DB2 to 13 frames max and DB2EX to 10/11
High Tech - Decreased the time taken before you can cancel DF2

General damage buff
Relentless - Can't be hit if he has disappeared from the screen when performing Lake Mist
Unstoppable - Effects of damage and health buffs increased

Standing 1 changed from 8 frames to 7
All whiffing issues fixed (like standing 2, which is an important normal, and non-Cybernetic knives which can whiff on crouch BLOCKING characters such as Scorpion)
Hit and block reaction changed on F4 so that several moves will not whiff after it, either that or increase the range of said moves that can whiff when cancelled from F4 (like DB1 in Cybernetic).
Whiff recovery from mb air ball halved.
5 more frames of hitstun from ex ball cancel (this will make Commando bnbs easier to execute and allow Commando to tap in to a slightly higher damage output)
Up Ball issues fixed (ie getting beat out by a lot of normals, variable startup with anywhere between 6 and 9(!) frames)
Cutthroat - Ex buff's DoT effect removed
Cybernetic - 2% damage increase to DF2 (and therefore 0.5% chip damage) increase to allow him to compete in zoning wars and actually have zoning worth worrying about
Cybernetic - Slightly decreased damage scaling on 2+4MB launcher to allow him to have average combo damage and so his variation-specific combo extender isn't made redundant by his universal combo extender (ex ball cancel) since it currently does around the same damage
Cybernetic - You can now choose where you'd like to place the opponent when doing Kano's 1+3 ender, 1+3B places them near you, 1+3F places them 3/4 screen. In its current state it leaves the opponent in an awkward position where nothing Kano has that's guaranteed reaches and where anything that does reach isn't guaranteed.
Cybernetic - Slightly increased block advantage on ex knives (from +5 to +8)
Cybernetic - MB Up Laser hit reaction changed/recovery reduced to allow for more consistent conversions
Commando - Slightly decrease the damage scaling on 321+3MB so that the move isn't made redundant by ex ball cancel combos as they currently do more damage
Commando - New tick throws implemented, either B1, F4, B3 or all of them (note: You might think I'm crazy but look at all the other grapplers and try telling me that'd be broken in comparison somehow)
Commando - Parry inconsistencies fixed (ie being able to parry lows high but not low, vice versa)

D3 startup reduced from 11 startup frames to 7
Balanced and Kenjutsu - Reflect startup frames reduced from 10 to 8
Balanced - Spirit Charge block advantage increased from -2 to +4
Balanced - Rising Karma startup decreased form 17 startup frames to 11

Kung Jin:
Ancestral - Reduce the recovery on arrow load by 12 frames
Ancestral - Half the recovery on Air Straight Arrow, Air Split Shot and Air Angle Arrow

Kung Lao:
Reduce the meter gained from a blocked Fist Fury/Chain Fist
Buzz Saw - Reduce the hit advantage on Low Grinder (from +16 to +9)
Tempest - Reduce the block advantage of Hat Spin to -10 and Orbiting Hat to +4, this would force Tempest to rely on meter more and hit confirm into hat spin instead of just throwing out it out for free
Hat Trick - Gap removed from BF2EX on block
Hat Trick - Decreased recovery on Hat Trap and Low Hat Trap by 5-10 frames

Liu Kang:
Dragon's Fire - Increase the number of frames before Liu can cancel out of Dragon Fire (BF1)
Dragon's Fire - Reduce the number of frames before Liu can cancel out of Double Dragon (BF1EX)
Flame Fist - Increase the block advantage on Windmill Flurry from -16 to -10
Dualist - Decrease the startup and recovery of Soul Sphere/Stop Sphere
Dualist - Fix issues where Soul Sphere would disappear into the side of some stages

Further damage scaling on Smart Disc and Scimitar Slam
Hish-Qu-Ten - Increased number of frames before you can Plasma Caster Cancel

Quan Chi:
Ex runes decreased from +14 to +5 on block
Summoner: Demon Spawn attacks cannot be used while the opponent is affected by Trance

B11 hitbox increased
Active frames on Shocker decreased
Master of Storms: Decreased startup/recovery on Static Traps

Impostor - Decreased recovery on teleport
Necromancer - Block advantage on Summoned Fiend increased from -20 to -5
Necromancer - Startup on Devil's Flick decreased from 22 frames to 16 frames
Bone Shaper - Increase the startup/recovery of Dark Beam and Dark Blast

Demolition - Decreased startup on Drone Drop by 20 frames
Special Forces - The ability to cancel more strings than just B14 and B332 into Spawn Drone and continue the combo

Sub Zero:
Unbreakable - Slight damage buff
Unbreakable - Parry recovers much faster after parrying a projectile
Grandmaster - Fix clone-related issues

Startup on D1 reduced from 8 frames to 7

Increase the number of frames before Tanya can cancel her teleport
Kobu Jutsu - Increase the recovery/decrease the block advantage of B12+4
Kobu Jutsu - Rekkas no longer give Tanya meter
Kobu Jutsu - Tonfa Throw has a consistent gap independent of screen position
Kobu Jutsu - Tonfa Strike only has one hit of armour
Kobu Jutsu - Heavily reduced blockstun from a delayed Tonfa Push
Dragon Naginata - Change the hit reaction from Staff Stance so her bnbs become more consistent
Dragon Naginata - Make B+D2 2-in-1 cancellable
Pyromancer - Reduced recovery on fireballs
Pyromancer - EX Dust restands

Startup on B1 reduced from 19 to 14 frames
Slightly increased vertical hitbox on 12D3 (another more of "I want" than "they need it" but it'd make for cool conversions and might improve his corner damage although it's already good)
Slightly decreased startup on Rock Toss and Rolling Stone


Sky above, Voice within
It will be great if:

1) Kotal Kahn gets these changes:
- Sun Ray (including ex-verison), Blood Offering are now much faster;
- Mace Parry has 1 frame start-up and has no ex-verison;
- in Sun God: Kotal can teleport (just like in his intros or in story mode);
- in Blood God: new bone dagger attacks (just like in story mode) or new special move with this dagger (ex-version has 1 hit armor) + Blood Totem doesnt disappear if Kotal is hit;
- in War God: ex-db3 cancel now can be combo extender.

2) Commando Kano:

- more blockstrings can be canceled into command throws (but these throws do 60-70% of usual damage);
- NEW launcher (f**k this hilarious 32(1+3)+R2 launcher, seriously, it looks awful);
- fix ex-df2 hitbox;
- new throw which can be done while opponent is in the air (like in Wrestler of Jax);

( and + other REO's changes ofc)

And about KP2:
if Nightwolf will be included, I really hope, that he'll get "Werewolf" variation! Just like in MK9 ending:

That's all my wishes for KP2 :)


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Cassie Cage:
- EX Flip now retreats as far back as Regular Flip
- Increased startup on BF1
- Reduced damage scaling on Flip

- Spec Ops:
- Cassie can no longer be hit out of EX Missile on startup

- Brawler:
- Increased advantage on F2 1+3

- Hollywood:
- Slightly increased damage scaling on both regular & EX Nutpunch
- Slightly increased damage scaling on 21U4
Last edited:
Reactions: REO
Buzz saw- hitting an airborne opponent with a hat will cause a juggle state similar to kitanas fans
-less dmg scaling on(Buzz saw/hat trick) ex spin

Predator- MB self destruct is now unblockable with less recovery
-pounce now absorb projectiles and has faster start up.
-BF1 now launches MB BF1 now has armor
Completely agree with Buzzsaw's juggle state, the way it is now his zoning is almost no threat.


Green Lantern Corps.
So the issue with that jax nerf is that you are now making Heavy Weapons the better variation of the 3.
Thank you for explaining this, people never seem to remember his low is armor able from every option in Wrestler and PU so making the overhead unsafe as well would make HW so much better.


- s1 startup frames increased to 8
- b2 now cancels on block , should have not the cancel advantage for Energy Wave to jail
- Gotcha grab -7 on block , more recovery frames on whiff
- (12)3 range increased preventing him to whiff at max distance on a blocked 1
Why do you hate me Crathen :(


Resident Cynic

Universal: B33xxDF2 is no longer gender specific (works on males and females)

Unbreakable: Instant recovery on a parried projectile

Activating aura after an opponent is frozen no longer results in a damage penalty

Slide/EN Slide does 11/14% damage with aura active (should help his damage)

Blocking with EN aura grants Sub-Zero meter

Grandmaster: Clone Burst on a grounded opponent allows for a combo

Remove stance specific status from a B12xxDB2 cancel


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I don't think some of these changes really seem to address the problems of the characters...I've made some notes on the ones I'm curious about and if you want to let me know why you decided on those changes then that'd be cool :p I agree with all the rest that I haven't noted.

I also think that they should implement these changes:
Spec Ops - Decrease the recovery of DD1 by 5-10 frames

Brood Mother - Increase the cancel window on DF1/decrease the startup on DF1 delay to allow for easier conversions.

Slight decrease the vertical hitbox on Ground Slam (it currently can hit people out of their instant air projectiles which I think is a bit much)

Erron Black:
Decrease the startup of F3 from 14 to 11 frames
Gunslinger - Decrease the recovery of Standoff Stance by 5-10 frames.

Reverted the horizontal reach of 42+4 to its original state (ok this is more of an "I want this" rather than an "I think this is kind of necessary for the character" like the rest but it's funny and I like it and I want it baaaaaaack)

Increased run speed/walkspeed
Kuatan Warrior - Decreased recovery on Chest Lunge by 5-10 frames

Jacqui Briggs:
Decreased pushback on her F12 and 114 strings
Increased hitbox on her B3/B33
Increased window to input 4U4
Shotgun - Decrease the startup of DB2 to 13 frames max and DB2EX to 10/11
High Tech - Decreased the time taken before you can cancel DF2

General damage buff
Relentless - Can't be hit if he has disappeared from the screen when performing Lake Mist
Unstoppable - Effects of damage and health buffs increased

Standing 1 changed from 8 frames to 7
All whiffing issues fixed (like standing 2, which is an important normal, and non-Cybernetic knives which can whiff on crouch BLOCKING characters such as Scorpion)
Hit and block reaction changed on F4 so that several moves will not whiff after it, either that or increase the range of said moves that can whiff when cancelled from F4 (like DB1 in Cybernetic).
Whiff recovery from mb air ball halved.
5 more frames of hitstun from ex ball cancel (this will make Commando bnbs easier to execute and allow Commando to tap in to a slightly higher damage output)
Up Ball issues fixed (ie getting beat out by a lot of normals, variable startup with anywhere between 6 and 9(!) frames)
Cutthroat - Ex buff's DoT effect removed
Cybernetic - 2% damage increase to DF2 (and therefore 0.5% chip damage) increase to allow him to compete in zoning wars and actually have zoning worth worrying about
Cybernetic - Slightly decreased damage scaling on 2+4MB launcher to allow him to have average combo damage and so his variation-specific combo extender isn't made redundant by his universal combo extender (ex ball cancel) since it currently does around the same damage
Cybernetic - You can now choose where you'd like to place the opponent when doing Kano's 1+3 ender, 1+3B places them near you, 1+3F places them 3/4 screen. In its current state it leaves the opponent in an awkward position where nothing Kano has that's guaranteed reaches and where anything that does reach isn't guaranteed.
Cybernetic - Slightly increased block advantage on ex knives (from +5 to +8)
Cybernetic - MB Up Laser hit reaction changed/recovery reduced to allow for more consistent conversions
Commando - Slightly decrease the damage scaling on 321+3MB so that the move isn't made redundant by ex ball cancel combos as they currently do more damage
Commando - New tick throws implemented, either B1, F4, B3 or all of them (note: You might think I'm crazy but look at all the other grapplers and try telling me that'd be broken in comparison somehow)
Commando - Parry inconsistencies fixed (ie being able to parry lows high but not low, vice versa)

D3 startup reduced from 11 startup frames to 7
Balanced and Kenjutsu - Reflect startup frames reduced from 10 to 8
Balanced - Spirit Charge block advantage increased from -2 to +4
Balanced - Rising Karma startup decreased form 17 startup frames to 11

Kung Jin:
Ancestral - Reduce the recovery on arrow load by 12 frames
Ancestral - Half the recovery on Air Straight Arrow, Air Split Shot and Air Angle Arrow

Kung Lao:
Reduce the meter gained from a blocked Fist Fury/Chain Fist
Buzz Saw - Reduce the hit advantage on Low Grinder (from +16 to +9)
Tempest - Reduce the block advantage of Hat Spin to -10 and Orbiting Hat to +4, this would force Tempest to rely on meter more and hit confirm into hat spin instead of just throwing out it out for free
Hat Trick - Gap removed from BF2EX on block
Hat Trick - Decreased recovery on Hat Trap and Low Hat Trap by 5-10 frames

Liu Kang:
Dragon's Fire - Increase the number of frames before Liu can cancel out of Dragon Fire (BF1)
Dragon's Fire - Reduce the number of frames before Liu can cancel out of Double Dragon (BF1EX)
Flame Fist - Increase the block advantage on Windmill Flurry from -16 to -10
Dualist - Decrease the startup and recovery of Soul Sphere/Stop Sphere
Dualist - Fix issues where Soul Sphere would disappear into the side of some stages

Further damage scaling on Smart Disc and Scimitar Slam
Hish-Qu-Ten - Increased number of frames before you can Plasma Caster Cancel

Quan Chi:
Ex runes decreased from +14 to +5 on block
Summoner: Demon Spawn attacks cannot be used while the opponent is affected by Trance

B11 hitbox increased
Active frames on Shocker decreased
Master of Storms: Decreased startup/recovery on Static Traps

Impostor - Decreased recovery on teleport
Necromancer - Block advantage on Summoned Fiend increased from -20 to -5
Necromancer - Startup on Devil's Flick decreased from 22 frames to 16 frames
Bone Shaper - Increase the startup/recovery of Dark Beam and Dark Blast

Demolition - Decreased startup on Drone Drop by 20 frames
Special Forces - The ability to cancel more strings than just B14 and B332 into Spawn Drone and continue the combo

Sub Zero:
Unbreakable - Slight damage buff
Unbreakable - Parry recovers much faster after parrying a projectile
Grandmaster - Fix clone-related issues

Startup on D1 reduced from 8 frames to 7

Increase the number of frames before Tanya can cancel her teleport
Kobu Jutsu - Increase the recovery/decrease the block advantage of B12+4
Kobu Jutsu - Rekkas no longer give Tanya meter
Kobu Jutsu - Tonfa Throw has a consistent gap independent of screen position
Kobu Jutsu - Tonfa Strike only has one hit of armour
Kobu Jutsu - Heavily reduced blockstun from a delayed Tonfa Push
Dragon Naginata - Change the hit reaction from Staff Stance so her bnbs become more consistent
Dragon Naginata - Make B+D2 2-in-1 cancellable
Pyromancer - Reduced recovery on fireballs
Pyromancer - EX Dust restands

Startup on B1 reduced from 19 to 14 frames
Slightly increased vertical hitbox on 12D3 (another more of "I want" than "they need it" but it'd make for cool conversions and might improve his corner damage although it's already good)
Slightly decreased startup on Rock Toss and Rolling Stone
huh. You want to buff Spec Ops Cassie, and Erron Black, but you want to nerf Ermac, and give multiple nerfs to Buzzsaw Lao? What is with this


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
His mk9 one was a chain used to punish slow recovery projectiles on read. It had to travel fullscreen.

Not a tracking unreactable armoured special.
13 frames upwards is enough time to recognize "startup" per se, I could be an entitled prick and say lower it to a single digit number of frames.

If an Inferno player wanted to waste meter throwing it out in the neutral thinking it's randomly gonna tag someone instead of using it as an armored reversal in close quarters, that's their problem.

The only other economic alternative would be to give these changes to EX Flame Aura in Hellfire, which, while not a full screen move, trust me, people will be screaming at NRS that they didn't think it through and should've given armor to something else etc. etc.


That Welsh Guy
Wow sensible buff requests for Kenshi... i'm shocked quite frankly.
Feel like his big downfall isn't so much his specials although the changes would make his zoning less work, however I feel the zoning shouldn't be so easy but when push comes to shove he should be able to compete in some way or other up close, his strings are pretty awful.
Reactions: REO


Do not touch me again.
- netcode
- reimplement collision detection completely to remove breathing hitboxes and other stupid shit
- remove bug/feature that allows characters to enter a crouching state while in attack recovery, thereby allowing follow up pokes to foil high attacks. I feel like high attacks are kind of useless now or served much more purpose in mk9 and injustice


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
- D1 is now 8 frames. I honestly think its highly unnecessary that Shinnok has both a 6F low in F4 and a 6F low-profiling poke. He is just way too good because of this and I think neutering that D1 a bit gives several characters a chance to actually make a read rather than being forced into respecting his insane frames at all times.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
huh. You want to buff Spec Ops Cassie, and Erron Black, but you want to nerf Ermac, and give multiple nerfs to Buzzsaw Lao? What is with this
You don't think Buzzsaw Lao is better than Erron Black? What is with that? :p


Blind justice....
Increase the number of frames before Tanya can cancel her teleport
Kobu Jutsu - Increase the recovery/decrease the block advantage of B12+4
Kobu Jutsu - Rekkas no longer give Tanya meter
Kobu Jutsu - Tonfa Throw has a consistent gap independent of screen position
Kobu Jutsu - Tonfa Strike only has one hit of armour
Kobu Jutsu - Heavily reduced blockstun from a delayed Tonfa Push
WTF? Talk about overkill.

This changes would totally destroy Kobu Tanya. No meter on Rekkas, on top of less safe b12+4, obvious gap in tonfa toss and reduced blockstun on delayed Tonfa push?! Plus you want to nerf teleport even more then it already has been nerfed?! No, just no. It's the only playable Tanya variation atm and she is fine as she is now. She is good but also has problems.

And on the other spectrum you want to buff Spec OP Cassie and Erron?!

Just stop.


Ive seen the leprechaun
I agree with this. Id just add 3 things


Commando dbf4 has a slightly increased hitbox so it doesn't drop in juggle combos

Wrestler: Command grab input changed to dbf3 to avoid other attacks coming out instead.

Shinnok: necromancer: i want to be able to use ex db4 (his hand grab) twice in a combo