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I realize its built-in although I have never heard that Paulo said that. Better not touch it then if there is a possiblity of fucking up anything else.
It's the only reason why it was left unchanged. I guess there is too much that could go wrong by changing it.


There it is...
For Inferno's specific tools to actually bring something to the table akin to the current utility of his other variations, I would say:

EX Low Minion:
+ Armor on startup
+ startup reduced to 16 frames
- Initial damage reverted to 3%
- Tracking now the same as regular low minion

EX Overhead Minion:
+ Startup reduced to 28 frames
+ +8 on block

EX Mid Minion:
+ Armor on startup
+ startup reduced to 23 frames
+ -5 on block
- Damage scaling when hitting an airborne opponent increased by 33%

(note to the "OMFG FULL SCREEN ARMORED COMBO STARTERS ARE TEH GAYZORZ" crowd, friendly reminder that Scorp also had one in MK9 and made little impact, the idea is to give him more rewarding armored reversals to work with here exclusively to make up for how abysmal they are in the other variations)

My thoughts on Ninjutsu, Hellfire and universal tools are still a WIP, just wanted to bring Inferno to attention since it was already mentioned.

As for Quan....


- Bat cannot be summoned if already used in the same combo (hard coded the same way Tempest's Hat Spin/Hellfire's Flame Aura is) - this will tone down vortex/damage potential, he can still go for psuedo unblockables, but if he wants to keep you in the blender, he'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

I'd like to see some kind of improvement for the portal grab in Warlock too, but I'd have to know what exactly NRS intend it to do in the neutral in the first place before giving a concrete suggestion.
His mk9 one was a chain used to punish slow recovery projectiles on read. It had to travel fullscreen.

Not a tracking unreactable armoured special.


Waiting for Havik
...and the one of the best zoner with the best 50/50 in the game as well as mad unbreakable damage gets a damage scaling on the bat?
yeah, that sounded weird, plus no jason buffs at all? What about spectral? :(. But I like the hat trick changes, and some others.


Original Liu Kang cop.
I would like to see a slight damage buff for Cybernetic in general and knife maybe doing 6%.

Commando should have one ex parry that works on virtually all attacks, choke should be slightly more plus on hit and he needs some tick throw options.

Dualist needs his old f213 frames back, heal to not be the worst move in the game and for mid orbs and low orbs to be revamped. There is now no use for mid regular orb.
Reactions: REO


Waiting for Havik
My wish list would be this:
- No stamina meter (but I know this is very unlikely and unreal)
- Block breaker cost 1 bar of meter + 5% of health with a limit of 2 per round.
- Breakers cost just 2 bars of meter.
- Adjustments in the jump-in punches after a cross up jump so they autocorrect properly, and make them less floaty.
- Ability to attack while holding down the block button after blocking an attack or holding down the attack button before letting go the block button allows your attack to come out as quick as it is possible.
- Reduce the meter gained from your blocked attacks.
- Real seconds for timer, 60 or more.
- Adjustments in the BF and DBF inputs
- Remove the two punches interactables when comboing.
- change music, more stages, bring back noob, cyrax, smoke, sektor, shang, rain, skarlet, havik, reiko.
- less start frames for kotal's pizza, sub's iceball, goro's fireball, etc. Adjust Ermac's flying mode, make all strings useful (I mean all in the game, remember this is a wish list).
- Every char must have at least 4 costumes.
- Listen to REO's dualist and hat trick recommendations :D.
- A lot more but I'm lazy mode now.
Reactions: REO


Publicly Educated
I don't see anything wrong with Sonya dive kick. It's already slow as hell (15 frame startup + 5 frame to jump I think?) and it currently has 5 frame recovery after she lands.


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
Make EX-shocker a mid for Raiden. Only thing he really needs in my opinion. Better pokes would be a luxury.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I mean, I wouldn't really call something that went down from +11 to +10 that big of a nerf lol. The added layer of armoring out or backdashing is a pretty strong tool to feed off of and net yourself an even bigger reward.
Liu would probably armour break you and still catch back dashes at +9 I think.

Also, the whole reducing of Laos jumping hitbox would possibly give him some of the shitter jump attacks, it's good now, but only at max range. ( which is where most people complain about it without actually studying the moves strength and weakness).


I don't see anything wrong with Sonya dive kick. It's already slow as hell (15 frame startup + 5 frame to jump I think?) and it currently has 5 frame recovery after she lands.
Five frames of recovery on a whiffed special that you can do in the air that leads to a full combo on hit is pretty fuckin' stupid, dude. Let's not even try and act like it isn't.


if ex kunais go away on hit then so should every other projectile in the game . - say if you throw a fireball at the same time i ex tele- even if i hit you first - when i come back around to the second part of the ex tele , i still get hit.. so for ermac , subzero, or and other projectile that puts you in suspended animation, even though i hit you first, i still have to eat a punish and it didnt even cost meter, or say i trade with subzero on ex kunai vs ice ball..once again, suspended animation..

thats just the nature of projectiles in this game... plus i have to spend meter for them and on hit they naturally push you full screen away , so i have to act on it asap to convert. also, i lose my 1 button until they activate , alto add - takeda needs this pressure to keep him on his feet.. is this not true? once he on the ground - takedas wake up and armor game- esp in the corner is lacking. more than majority of the cast can stuff any wake up armor attempts. his ex kunais are needed for alot more than just dirty set ups. yeah it makes for a dirty setup at times, but its not gonna give ANYBODY free wins.
just like how almost all other ex projectile moves eat other projectiles - these should be able to eat other moves as they are stuck in the ground and have no horizontal travel

so really if they take this out- than every other projectile should apply to the same rules.
ice ball, soul ball, buzzsaw hat projectiles, hat trick projectiles, drone, acid ball, dualist etc. tanya ex tonfa, kitana fans, kitana boomerang, hellsparks,

funny thing though ,is that if it happens its not gonna really change anything about the dirty set ups . the dirty set up s have to be pretty tight, other wise its easily blockable, youd have a better chance of jumping out than trying to hit takeda to trade when done correctly .. or use a quick or forward advance armor move.... as many times as takeda is forced to armor - he should be able to apply the same to others in the cast.
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Grandmaster of the Shirai-Ryu

- Takedown +30 on hit
- F2 general whiff fix
- Ninjutsu F2 hits overhead
- Minion drop 20 frames start-up
- Armored spear
Reactions: REO


Publicly Educated
Five frames of recovery on a whiffed special that you can do in the air that leads to a full combo on hit is pretty fuckin' stupid, dude. Let's not even try and act like it isn't.
Is it safe on block? Is it 5 frame like MK9 version?? take a look at Lao's dive kick recovery please


Dojo Trainee
Just make the online better holy shit. That's all I'm asking for.
Wait for MK11/12 and then see.

That would kill Tanya. Some stuff I agree with, some I don't, but that one specifically doesn't look good. I think the JC, QC, LK, Buzzsaw, Ancestral, Unbreakable, and a few more are pretty good important changes. A few characters suggestions strike me as "good start" but didn't quite address the key issues with the character
Me too, that would ruin her, if she got nerfed again. There is so much other dirt in this game that needs addressing.

Tony at Home

I don't think Demo needs that frag buff. Frags are really good because their corner carry is insane. She has 50% screen carry on even the larger stages. The extra damage on frag makes up slightly for their decreased juggle ability, but their primary function is corner carry and they do that extremely well already.

People weren't using them though because if you don't space it out correctly, EX Drone corner setups will send 2 out of 3 grenades off screen. The change listed to EX Reload would fix that and you'd see people using frag setups more. Not needed because you can get the spacing right every time, but a good quality of life change.

Agree with divekick needing more recovery on whiff. Honestly it should be fairly punishable on whiff not just negative. Covert Ops might need something as a result though, since being able to put out an EX Parry after landing was some of her bigger dirt, and in the new "REO Patch" she's definitely much weaker. I like the idea that her options out of MS (except for cancel-out) should build meter like specials. That seems minor but helpful enough to keep her relevant.

Would also add, as has been mentioned, Special Forces drone cancels are bizarre and insane. Just make them work like normal cancels.


Official Loop Kang Main
Just a tap on the wrist for quan? I do agree with a lot of these changes. Most actually minus the quan and johnny changes and the dualist liu changes. Good job brother

Diego de Souza Costa

***The Soul Consuming Darkness***
i'm not a "game dev", but, messing with the game's netcode, after the release, is really, really hard, i learned this in Battlefield 4..... lol..... now, after countless "netcode patches" and server tweaks, the game is actually acceptable, but, since MKX doesn't have servers, to improve the "tickrate", it's probably alot harder.... : /


Kenshi also needs the Demon Beam to be faster on startup.... it's just way too slow....


Special Forces
- B2 is now neutral on block
I main Sonya, all variations. B2 in special forces is a launcher I think making it safe would be a bit too much. The general idea of the variation is using the drone to fight. Making B2 safe on block would mean that she can safely throw it out as many times as she wants and then there is not much need to get the drone out. The idea is that you have to take some risks in order to get the drone out so that you can get your best combos. I agree with the demolition changes, currently frag grenades serve no purpose, making them give more chip might help for some scenarios maybe they can also make instant detonation of the frag grenades slightly plus on block.
Reactions: REO

RM slacked

Shinnok trash from Canada.
I think Tanya would still be really good. She would still have access to one of the best normal and strings in the game with B+1, one of the best armor attacks with EX rekkas, one of the better grounded projectiles, some of the best pressure in the game, insanely easy hit confirms for good damage, and some of the best chip in the game.
Agreed, she would be completely fine still if she didn't build meter on rekkas.

There's an issue I have with your list though, instead of Dark Beam for Shinnok being -12 on block how about we scrap that projectile negating idea for it to just be -8 or something. That feels reasonable.
Reactions: REO


Salty Mashers Krew
Basically there's some inconsistency with Kung Jin's current EX chakram. Sometimes you can armor or backdash out, sometimes you can't. I'm not exactly sure if it has to do with the normal linked into it, screen positioning, specific character hurtboxes, etc. I just think it's kind of annoying the way it is now and there should be some form of consistency so players know what it is already.

I think Takeda's EX kunais currently are top ten dirtiest things in the game right now, lol. They set up psuedo unblockables, are heavily frame advantage on block, do great chip and build solid meter, lead to full combos, and create insane throw traps that catch you even if you tech. I think the move needs at least one down side, and it disappearing on hit like some other things in the game (Scorpions minions mid-travel, Quan Bat mid travel, etc.) wouldn't be too bad.

Thanks, man. I've been playing and labbing close to over 20+ characters over the past month and some of shortcomings or kind of unfair things some characters have really stuck out to me. I'm not sure why some things like Warrior Predator B,F+1 are the way they are, lol.
On the ex chakram, I'm pretty sure it is solely based on screen positioning. The chakram always goes to the opposite corner behind the opponent and then comes back. So if you are closer to the corner then your opponent, the chakram will take longer to come back than if the opponent is in the corner. I believe this is consistent, and just requires the opponent to be aware of screen positioning when you throw the ex chakram