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Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Tanya needs the gaps in half Her strings removed for Pyro's sake. Having multiple strings with 2 gaps in them is super dumb considering she has less then the other two variations to work with.

Also her air fireball game needs improvement. Take away the extra 5 frames after a teleport fireball.
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We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
So the issue with that jax nerf is that you are now making Heavy Weapons the better variation of the 3. Think when Erron Blacks Command Grab got nerfed. Heavy weapons would still be able to Cancel on hit and on block and get a combo or be safe. B2 is already unsafe on block. Being able to cancel it Into safe specials is kinda dumb.

Also that HQT predator fix does nothing. He needs fixes so that his lasers do not recover so fast when then wiff. Maybe increase start up on EX pew pew pew since it is basially an armorless WU with how fast it is.

Some of the suggestions seem to have been thought of more than others TBH. Things such as the quan chi fix is like eh while again going back to jax you are hurting 2 of his variations while the other is just whatever about it. Quan chi does need some damage nerfing though and maybe something else


There it is...
Fistcuffs b12 string 9 frames again but still -3 on block.

If its 9 frames it has utility as an actual normal outside and means he has a 7 frame mid after 11 so he has something to make people just not poke out.

At the moment the entirity of its use is on wakeup to crush armour.
I think most people don't even need it explained that a move an entire variation is based on being distinctly average is not okay.

Kotals JIP needs nerfed, i don't give a fuck about his tier placement, it has more range than some JIKs and stupid active frames.

Also reduce the stamina cooldown time for breakers. 6 seconds is a huge joke.

People need to chill with a list nerfs, hes HEAVILY reliant on +frames, without that its all slow pokes, a 9frame high being his fastest non poke.


This mean you don't like me?

Damn, this is a pretty damn good list of changes. Well thought out, and I fell just about everyone would agree with the large percentage of points.

I do, however, fell that these are more necessary changes for Sub Zero. They are very very subtle and slight, so some people might not feel like they'll change him much, though:

  • EN Ice blast has 1 hit of armor
  • Both versions of Icy Slide are -4 on block
  • Regular ice blast does 1% chip on block
  • Remove frozen scaling on Unbreakable to increase his damage potential per parry/freeze
  • Increase the speed of his d3 to 7 frames
  • Then increase it to 6 frames
  • Make d4xxIce clone safe, but other cancels besides f4 clone more punishable
  • Then make those safe as well
  • Make it so that, Like Johnny Cage, when Sub Zero's health falls below a certain percentage, he gains 'Red Clones' which allow him to have an infinite amount of clones on screen at once.


@YOMI REO Why do you want War God's EX db1 to be -20 instead of -14 (it says in-game that it's -18, but I guess that's wrong)? Is it so it's more consistently punishable by the cast?

I don't disagree with this suggestion, mind you. I'm just asking for clarification is all. He ought to be full combo punishable on that considering it's an armored launcher (TREMOR GETS AWAY WITH IT AND IT'S "FAIR", HUUUUE).

And no Jason suggestions? AT ALL? Looks like we've both forgotten about Jason. =(


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I knew of the option select but I think it's because of how his B2 works didn't know that shit jailed.I'm gonna abuse that.
There is no jail. You get no special if you do B2 into any special. Nothing comes out. B2 is not special canelable on block atm.


There is no jail. You get no special if you do B2 into any special. Nothing comes out. B2 is not special canelable on block atm.
Isn't b2's option select built-in? Like, it can't be changed without mucking it up?
Only thing I disagree with is Block breaker cost 1 bar and full stamina, imo it should be 1 bar of meter and 1 bar of stamina with the one bar having that long regeneration like a combo breaker, other than that it's all good.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
So the issue with that jax nerf is that you are now making Heavy Weapons the better variation of the 3. Think when Erron Blacks Command Grab got nerfed. Heavy weapons would still be able to Cancel on hit and on block and get a combo or be safe. B2 is already unsafe on block. Being able to cancel it Into safe specials is kinda dumb.

Also that HQT predator fix does nothing. He needs fixes so that his lasers do not recover so fast when then wiff. Maybe increase start up on EX pew pew pew since it is basially an armorless WU with how fast it is.

Some of the suggestions seem to have been thought of more than others TBH. Things such as the quan chi fix is like eh while again going back to jax you are hurting 2 of his variations while the other is just whatever about it. Quan chi does need some damage nerfing though and maybe something else
Yeah but now he could jail B2 wave in block for + frames when heavy weapon cant

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
With the highly anticipated Kombat Pack Season 2, there's a ton of speculation on what will happen, which characters will receive changes, who will be added into the roster, any general gameplay changes, and much more. Lately there hasn't been much of any information released at all, so I think this is the perfect time during this slump to post what we think will happen or what we want to happen. And what better way than to talk about potential patch changes? I'll go first:

My wish list for KP2: (GAMEPLAY RELATED)

General Gameplay:
- Block Breakers now cost one bar of super meter and all of your energy meter

- Back Throwing has a slightly altered animation on start up

- Teching a throw no longer gives the first hit bonus

- An additional option to turn off Interactable (1+2) short cuts while keeping your button and precision preference intact

- Slight hitbox or priority improvement to all down+2s across the board

- Greatly improved netcode

Character Specific Changes:

Kung Lao
- Jump 2 hitbox heavily normalized (think Injustice Scorpion jump 3 before and after)

Hat Trick
- Calling hat back during travel will absorb all projectiles it comes in contact with (Think Sub-Zero EX ice ball and Ferra toss)
- Animation during hat call back in air (D,D+2) can now be cancelled into a dive kick.
- Kung Lao can now call his hat back during his (D,U) teleport by doing D,D+2 when he reappears on the other side
- D,D+2 above high hat trap now hits Overhead when called back
- EX hat call back (D,D+2+BLK) now gives Kung Lao a brief short duration of one hit of armor

Buzz Saw
- EX D,F+2+BLK now hits Overhead on the way down

- EX D,F+1+BLK now sucks you in closer to Kung Lao when blocked

- B2 option select where special move doesn't come out on block but only on hit is now removed
- B2 cancel advantage reduced so energy wave doesn't jail on block afterwards

Sonya Blade:
- Dive kick has increased whiff recovery

- EX D,D+1+BLK grenades now always bounce back on the corner of every stage instead of just some.
- Frag Grenades (not stun grenades) now do extra chip damage on block

Special Forces
- B2 is now neutral on block


- All versions of Telekinetic Strike (D,B+4) are now -3 on block.
- All versions of Telekinetic Strike are now +10 on hit.
- All versions of EX D,B+4+BLK now have one hit of armor.
- EX Spirit Charge is now +7 on block.
- EX Tele Flurry is now -6 on block and has it's whiff recovery cut in half

- F4 can now be cancelled into specials on hit and block.
- EX B,F+3+BLK now has 100% increased tracking.
- D,F+4 is now +15 on hit.


- D,F+4 and EX D,F+4+EN have reduced recovery.
- EX Fan Sharpen now further increases chip and damage dealt from fan based attacks.

- F2 now has better hit detection so it doesn't whiff on certain crouching characters up close.

- Minion Charge D,B+1 is now -5 on block.
- EX Minion Charge is now +7 on block.
- Minion Drop D,B+2 is now +10 on hit.


- D,B+2 and EN D,B+2+BLK ice parry now gives Sub-Zero instant recovery when a projectile comes in contact with the ice barrier.
- Performing Ice Burst while you have Frozen Aura active (D,B+3) now launches ice shards towards the opponent similar to exploding the Ice Clone.

- Instant air sai recovery slightly reduced.

- D,B+3 is now an Overhead.

- EX Kunais now disappear when Takeda is hit.

- D,F+1 is now an Overhead.

Cassie Cage
- EX Back flip is now full combo punishable on block and does not move Cassie away from her opponent when blocked.

F+2,1+3 now has slightly more advantage on hit.

Jacqui Briggs
- EN B,F+2+BLK is now -9 on block.
- D,B+1 now has slightly less recovery.

High Tech
- D,B+2 and EN D,B+2+BLK have reduced recovery.

Kung Jin
- Hitbox on jump 1 and jump 2 are reduced.

- Loading up a Stun Arrow no longer has a timer.

- EX Low Chakram now always has a one frame gap after it passes through the opponent and comes back up close.

- EX Bo Flame (D,B+1+BLK) now travels much slower.


Kobu Jutsu
- EX Boomerang now always has a one frame gap when it passes through the opponent and comes back up close.
- All Rekkas (including the EX versions) no longer build meter on block.

- D,B+1 fireball has greatly reduced whiff recovery.
- D,F+1 fireball has reduced recovery.
- EX D,F+2+BLK now restands an airborne opponent.


- 2% overall damage reduction on all and every single plasma laser attack.

- B,F+1 is now -1 on block.
- B,F+1 now launches for a full combo on hit.
- All versions of D,B+2 (not including aerial version) have less recovery on whiff similar to Takeda's B,F+4.
- EX Self-Destruct now has one hit of armor and less recovery.

- Amulet Strike (B,F+1)has lessened recovery when negating a projectile attack.

- All forms of Judgement fist (D,B+1) can now be cancelled and linked into on hit from normals.

Johnny Cage

- Fist Bump (B,F+1) recovers quicker.

- F3 dash cancels are now +10 instead of +12 to prevent guaranteed block loops.

Erron Black
- Caltrops no longer grant the first hit of bonus meter.
- Caltrops will no longer kill an opponent who is in danger. (EX Caltrops still will)

Liu Kang

Dragon Fire
- F+2,1,3 fireball cancel is now +9 instead of +11 to prevent guaranteed block loops.

- All Solar Flare projectiles drain one bar of energy from the opponent on hit. (energy = stamina for running)
- All Solar Flare projectile types drain half of a bar of energy from the opponent on block.
- Yin (D,B+3) now slows down time slightly around Liu Kang as he heals similar to Deception Konquest story mode focus.
- Yang power up (D,B+3) does not go away if Liu Kang is hit.

- D,B+2 is now safer on block.

- B,F+2 is now -13 on block.
- EN B,F+2+BLK no longer gives the opponent super meter while being hit by this attack.

Master of Souls
- EX D,B+3+BLK recovers much quicker when done on the ground similar to Mileena's EX Fade.

Kotal Kahn

War God
- EX D,B+1+BLK is now -20 on block instead of -14. (Think Erron Black pre patch sand toss VS post patch sand toss)

Blood God
- D,B+3 totem no longer causes the opponent to gain any super meter when hit by Kotal Kahn's attacks.


- EX D,D+3+BLK no longer has a hit of armor but now has projectile immunity in place for the frames where it did have armor.


Swarm Queen
- F+1,1,2 Wasp Grenade cancel is now +11 instead of +12 to prevent guaranteed block loops.

- Hitbox has been increased on both hits of B+1,1 so it can no longer be low profiled by any character.

Master of Storms
- All versions of summoning traps have slightly improved recovery.
- The hitbox for tethered electric current between two orbs has been increased so it can no longer be low profiled by any character.
- Any projectile that comes in contact with the hitbox of the tethered electric current between two orbs will be negated.

Quan Chi

- All Bat based attacks now cause and have increased damage scaling.

- B,F+1 is now +15 on hit.

Tigrar Fury
- The last projectile in EX B,F+1+BLK is now a mid.
- D,F+4 is now a hard knockdown on hit.
- D,B+4 is now a hard knockdown on hit.

- EX D,D+4+BLK damage decreased to 10%.

- All versions of EX D,B+1+BLK are no longer advantage on block.

Post what you guys think will happen or what changes you want to happen for KP2 here.
There's a million and one ways you could fix kenshi, this is a new theory in how to and I really like it.

The f4 special cancel able on block/hit idea is realllllly smart as long as it has really good cancel adv. he would go from having pathetic footsie and neutral to maybe godlike lol between f4/sc and RK

I would add

df1 is -3
Ex df1 recaptures like goro punch walk ex
Db1 reduced recovery on hit
322 normals in Kenjutsu Mid mid OH
B2 pops up on hit

So damage 5% increased to 8%
Plus Reo suggestions

All hits of teleflurry Come out on block MID MID LOW
Plus Reo suggestions

Man I would love that, I also would like all hit of teleflurry to Come out on block in balanced

Great buff and nerf suggestions top to bottom, do you feel mos raiden would be much better w those small changes?

Again there are a million different ways to fix kenshi and that's a testament to just how poor he is
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What's the purpose of an ex db1 nerf for War God? Everyone can already punish it. At least at -14v you actually have to be paying attention. Kotal is fine as is. In fact, i would add slightly more time to the damage buff he gets from parry, i would double it. At this point it doesn't even last through the throw animation.

Erron caltrops not killing is absolute bs. All area damage stuff in the game kills, sunlight kills, orbs kill, noxious gas kills. Why should regular caltrops be treated differently?

The Kenshi buffs are sorely needed. I suppose an overhead normal is too much to ask for at this point.
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Most humble shit talker ever!!!
actually apparently if you did a rocket cancel off of b2 he would be around +12. so he would be more plus in HW. Another reason why its not cancelable on block
I'm sure they would change the cancel adv to where Wave can jail and Rockit cAncel is less +


Stay focused or get Caged
Fisticuffs needs more than a faster fistbump B,F+1.

His only distinctive tools are the fistbump and the speedbag, so they both have to be decent.
Thet nerfed both speedbag's startup and recovery and it was way too much. If they want, keep all hits -3 on block, but give us the 9 frame startup back. The way it is now it only works to stuff some armors, it can't be used to pressure anymore, everybody can poke out extremely easy.

On the other hand, the fistbump needs not only to recover faster, but to have an ex version with better properties (more chip, the ability to make strings safe, being comboable on hit...). Just make the fistbump similar to the one Liu or Kano have, and that's ok. FC wouldn't be broken with that. He doesn't even have 50/50's as cutthroat kano has.

I totally agree with the Balanced Kenshi buffs, hope we receive something similar. Also making b2 an overhead for Balanced would be good.
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Scrubby nice guy
I knew of the option select but I think it's because of how his B2 works didn't know that shit jailed.I'm gonna abuse that.
So the issue with that jax nerf is that you are now making Heavy Weapons the better variation of the 3. Think when Erron Blacks Command Grab got nerfed. Heavy weapons would still be able to Cancel on hit and on block and get a combo or be safe. B2 is already unsafe on block. Being able to cancel it Into safe specials is kinda dumb.

Also that HQT predator fix does nothing. He needs fixes so that his lasers do not recover so fast when then wiff. Maybe increase start up on EX pew pew pew since it is basially an armorless WU with how fast it is.

Some of the suggestions seem to have been thought of more than others TBH. Things such as the quan chi fix is like eh while again going back to jax you are hurting 2 of his variations while the other is just whatever about it. Quan chi does need some damage nerfing though and maybe something else
There is NOTHING wrong with removing option selects and Pumped Up is my main.


Ain't nobody trilla than shootah.
There's a million and one ways you could fix kenshi, this is a new theory in how to and I really like it.

The f4 special cancel able on block/hit idea is realllllly smart as long as it has really good cancel adv. he would go from having pathetic footsie and neutral to maybe godlike lol between f4/sc and RK

Man I would love that, I also would like all hit of teleflurry to Come out on block in balanced

Great buff and nerf suggestions top to bottom, do you feel mos raiden would be much better w those small changes?
You better not get your hopes up for Kenshi buffs or USEFUL Kenshi buffs..don't do it -_-

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
What's the purpose of an ex db1 nerf for War God? Everyone can already punish it. At least at -14v you actually have to be paying attention. Kotal is fine as is. In fact, i would add slightly more time to the damage buff he gets from parry, i would double it. At this point it doesn't even last through the throw animation.

Erron caltrops not killing is absolute bs. All area damage stuff in the game kills sunlight kills orbs kill. Why should regular caltrops be treated differently?

The Kenshi buffs are sorely needed. I suppose an overhead normal is too much to ask at this point.
Yes plz

Give me back my 44 MID OH

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Fisticuffs needs more than a faster fistbump B,F+1.

His only distinctive tools are the fistbump and the speedbag, so they both have to be decent.
Thet nerfed both speedbag's startup and recovery and it was way too much. If they want, keep all hits -3 on block, but give us the 9 frame startup back. The way it is now it only works to stuff some armors, it can't be used to pressure anymore, everybody can't poke out extremely easy.

On the other hand, the fistbump needs not only to recover faster, but to have an ex version with better properties (more chip, the ability to make strings safe, being comboable on hit...). Just make the fistbump similar to the one Liu or Kano have, and that's ok. FC wouldn't be broken with that. He doesn't even have 50/50's as cutthroat kano has.

I totally agree with the Balanced Kenshi buffs, hope we receive something similar. Also making b2 an overhead for Balanced would be good.
Yes plz



There is NOTHING wrong with removing option selects and Pumped Up is my main.
His option select with b2 is BUILT-IN. It's not like any of the other ones that were removed in the game. Even Paulo said it would be too difficult to fix without likely fucking up other things.


Scrubby nice guy
His option select with b2 is BUILT-IN. It's not like any of the other ones that were removed in the game. Even Paulo said it would be too difficult to fix without likely fucking up other things.
I realize its built-in although I have never heard that Paulo said that. Better not touch it then if there is a possiblity of fucking up anything else.