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What really happened with my disqualification


This guy looks kind of tuff...
You're supposed to be a professional competitor. Being in a team that supports yall to have a roof over head to train and travel to compete. This means being on top of things like knowing when you pool is.
It's like your job at the moment, and you should always know when you work and be there early.
If Yomi is going to be a professional and successful team, then it's players should act like it.
Getting drunk the night before your job and passing out by a pool only to wake up shoeless is not professional.
Get it together king!

RM Ree

Shiba Tamer
@FOREVER KING you know already, you disrespected the tournament, the players, your team, your employer/ sponsor and yourself. Looks dark, but we've all been there at some point. We're not casting stones.

You can still come out ahead though, make some penance even. Raise some money somehow, then donate it to CEO next year. Bigger than that, however you make the money, use that tech to start an annual fundraiser to bring awareness up. Make the intent something like 'top player or noob, YOMI and the FGC is about talent, but above all, respect.'

Everyone wants to get sponsored and play on a team. But something like this would make people want to be part of YOMI.


Hypothetically, let's assume I own a telephone sales business, and I have a rule that states:

Be here and ready to work at 9am sharp or you will be fired! RULES ARE RULES!

Now, my best employee, who far exceeds the sales numbers of everyone else, makes his outgoing calls to a different timezone than the rest of my staff, which means he has nothing to do from 9am to 10pm.

If he shows up at 9:50am, ready to work, ready to outperform everyone, and ready to make me money. What kind of a god damn fool would I be to fire him just because he wasn't there at 9am?

Yes he broke the rule and did not show up when I asked him to. But firing him is bad for my business, and therefore a stupid thing to do. The correct solution is to make an exception based on LOGIC and then amend the rule so that he can show up later than everyone else as long as it doesn't affect his job.

DQ'ing FK was bad for the tournament, end of story. There is nothing logical about enforcing poorly thought out rules that should not apply in certain situations.
This is a great example to use in a business structure where Time = Money. Great employees should be utilized to their fullest potential, both in their work and as a mentor to other employees.

....THIS however is a FG Tournament. The only thing on the line here is bragging rights, cash prizes and reputations. Be responsible and on time. We're all (mostly) adults here, this shouldn't be a hard task. I've only been to two majors myself, but I made DAMN sure that I knew where to be and what was expected of me.

(and beside the point, I'd say that your example missed the mark a bit. In this situation, it would be like the "good" employee started coming in AFTER 10am. If he makes it in for his work, there wouldn't be an issue other than other employees asking why they have to come in an hour earlier, in which case you just explain the situation and it logically should resolve itself, or as the boss you resolve it for them. #cutthroat. In the tournaments case, they needed him there by a certain time, and it didn't happen. GJ T/O for doing something most wouldn't have the balls to do. 90% of em, if I recall what you said correctly)


DQ'ing FK was bad for the tournament, end of story.
No, it was not. It was bad for Forever King, but the tournament went on just fine without him. In fact, I'll argue that enforcing the rules and not appearing to play favorites shows other players that CEO will not let you get away with the same stuff as other tournaments. Your analogy about not firing your top employee who happened to be late is also flawed for this reason (i.e. the business might fail a bit without the employee, but the tournament certainly won't).


@FOREVER KING Im sorry you feel the way you do, but you're a professional sponsored player. There are people on here that would give their left nut to have your talent and the opportunities you've been afforded because of it. You're supposed to represent the pinnacle of gameplay professionalism. Professionals, of all players, should understand the consequences to breaking the rules. You should be setting the example, not asking to be the exception.

In my opinion you have wasted the money of your sponsor, wasted the time of your teammates, and quite bluntly, you did not do your job.

I'm not sure where the notion that fun at these tournaments exists for sponsored players. You have a job, grow up and do your job whether it's fun or not.

Coming on here to beg forgiveness of the court of people's opinion is disgraceful. If a professional athlete is late they get fined, or they get sat in the next game. Maybe that's what you need, for YOMI to leave you behind for the next big money tournament and sit you down to learn your lesson for not doing your job.

Sorry if you don't like my opinion, but I didn't like how you came at us begging forgiveness for your screw up.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Regardless of how you guys want to slice it, its a video game - and a kid that made a very minor mistake.

We learn life lessons on our own. Bludgeoning him with our colored opinions won't help accelerate the process.

Personally, I hope to see him at the next tournament. His matches are always hype.
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Can a mod close this thread please? I didn't mean for it to go on this long, all I wanted to do is explain what happened.

For the record I do fully understand that I was the one at fault I understand why they DQ'd me.

The only reason I was upset was because my being late didn't hold up the tournament at all and didn't affect anyone negatively in any way. I could have sat down and played my opponent right that second, but instead they advanced my opponent in the bracket automatically while I was standing right there lol.


I thought the sole purpose of this thread was to make shoe jokes, not to nag King for dishonoring his family and clan. Everyone take a step back.

RM Ree

Shiba Tamer
Lol @ the people saying it's just a game, acting like you don't care that much. Know how much you care? You're on a forum dedicated to the underlying games within the game.

King has a job. If you don't understand what's so bad about him being unable to do that job, it's your loss.


I know alot of people are saying shit about me and its probably wrong so I just want to get the story straight.

I've been awake since 9am this morning. I didn't miss pools because I was drunk or sleeping in or whatever, I missed pools because I didn't know what time my pool started.

It really sucks because I got to my pool and talked to the guy running the brackets, and I had two byes. My first match didn't even start yet, so I asked if I could still play. My opponent never played his next match after me, so the tournament didn't advance at all. We should have been able to just sit down and play. The guy running the brackets said no I'm DQ'd. I asked "why am I DQ'd, my first match didn't even start yet? Even if I made it to pools on time I still would have never even played a tournament match yet because I have two byes, I'm literally not holding up the tournament at all. It makes no sense to DQ me. Why can't I just play my first match now?" They said rules are rules so I am DQ'd. I'll have to hold that

To add insult to injury, while I was swimming last night somebody stole my shoes, so I have no shoes for the rest of the weekend. This is literally the worst tournament experience I've ever had.
Yo to sympathize with you, last yr my brother and I were a CEO and were standing around waiting our turns for ttt2. The airheaded lady in charge of the brackets was calling out names but then would go off in papa land until someone approached her or would talk to someone about god knows. Well my brother was looking at the bracket and noticed he had t been called in awhile and walked up to her asked what's up. She said he was DQ'd bc she called his name and he never showed up. We had been standing there and never moved (5ft away). She never called nor asked around at the people who were standing around waiting their turn. This only happened at CEO, never at any other tourneys we've been to. So yeh, I clearly sympathize with ya man and hope they can get there shit together soon bc CEO's staff is slipping. Sorry for the long post guys.

Edit: idk guys if a person doesn't play for awhile and still shows up before their match, I don't think that should warrant a DQ. And the TO should offer some form of explanation over rules are rules Mumbo jumbo. I mean come on, we all pay a lot of money to go to these things.


@FOREVER KING Im sorry you feel the way you do, but you're a professional sponsored player. There are people on here that would give their left nut to have your talent and the opportunities you've been afforded because of it. You're supposed to represent the pinnacle of gameplay professionalism. Professionals, of all players, should understand the consequences to breaking the rules. You should be setting the example, not asking to be the exception.

In my opinion you have wasted the money of your sponsor, wasted the time of your teammates, and quite bluntly, you did not do your job.

I'm not sure where the notion that fun at these tournaments exists for sponsored players. You have a job, grow up and do your job whether it's fun or not.

Coming on here to beg forgiveness of the court of people's opinion is disgraceful. If a professional athlete is late they get fined, or they get sat in the next game. Maybe that's what you need, for YOMI to leave you behind for the next big money tournament and sit you down to learn your lesson for not doing your job.

Sorry if you don't like my opinion, but I didn't like how you came at us begging forgiveness for your screw up.


"On your Knees!"
@FOREVER KING Im sorry you feel the way you do, but you're a professional sponsored player. There are people on here that would give their left nut to have your talent and the opportunities you've been afforded because of it. You're supposed to represent the pinnacle of gameplay professionalism. Professionals, of all players, should understand the consequences to breaking the rules. You should be setting the example, not asking to be the exception.

In my opinion you have wasted the money of your sponsor, wasted the time of your teammates, and quite bluntly, you did not do your job.

I'm not sure where the notion that fun at these tournaments exists for sponsored players. You have a job, grow up and do your job whether it's fun or not.

Coming on here to beg forgiveness of the court of people's opinion is disgraceful. If a professional athlete is late they get fined, or they get sat in the next game. Maybe that's what you need, for YOMI to leave you behind for the next big money tournament and sit you down to learn your lesson for not doing your job.

Sorry if you don't like my opinion, but I didn't like how you came at us begging forgiveness for your screw up.
Hypothetically, let's assume I own a telephone sales business, and I have a rule that states:

Be here and ready to work at 9am sharp or you will be fired! RULES ARE RULES!

Now, my best employee, who far exceeds the sales numbers of everyone else, makes his outgoing calls to a different timezone than the rest of my staff, which means he has nothing to do from 9am to 10pm.

If he shows up at 9:50am, ready to work, ready to outperform everyone, and ready to make me money. What kind of a god damn fool would I be to fire him just because he wasn't there at 9am?

Yes he broke the rule and did not show up when I asked him to. But firing him is bad for my business, and therefore a stupid thing to do. The correct solution is to make an exception based on LOGIC and then amend the rule so that he can show up later than everyone else as long as it doesn't affect his job.

DQ'ing FK was bad for the tournament, end of story. There is nothing logical about enforcing poorly thought out rules that should not apply in certain situations.

Your bullshit analogy sucks because you're assuming FK playing has ANY correlation to profits or lack there of for CEO and the TOs.
Let us not forget either that King wasn't straight up DQed. He was DQed to losers for being late...and then was DQed again for being late to that losers match. He was late TWICE.


Idk man. I understand if I was holding up the bracket, yeah DQ me. Makes perfect sense. But if somebody being late doesn't hold up the tournament, them being late made no difference they didn't have any matches anyway and you still DQ them.... Not even send me to loser's bracket just straight up DQ out of the tournament... That's pretty damn harsh
Yeah it's sucks man you traveled many miles just to get there... And imagine if you payed outta pocket and didn't have a sponsor, that would be a total bust.... I'm sorry dude...