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General/Other - Reptile Reptile Bottom 5

Bottom 5 Yeees?

  • Yes

    Votes: 135 39.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 211 61.0%

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Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
I don't understand....Why are Goro players taking offense to this thread? @AoK Ryan Did I accidentally shit on the Goro community somewhere? Why can't both our characters swim in the pool of the Bottom 5? Bottom 5 isn't for just 1 character slot lol
I agree with this. But the Reptile players have been complaining more about their character, so we get the obligatory cheap shot every now and then :p.


Monster Island Tournaments
No, Reptile has alot more options than Goro imo. but who cares. Play your character and deal with the weaknesses they have.
Did I ever suggest I wasn't? I haven't not played Reptile since.........ever lol The only character who could get me to drop Reptile is Predator or if they put Batman in this game lol


Monster Island Tournaments
Because he can't open people up?

Might be a fucking clue huh?

Or is it too fucking hard to block low vs him and expect the astoundingly obvious grab after fbc? I mean what's he going to do to open you up? MB bicycle kick? Get real.

The nerve on you asking buffs for a character better than Liu Kang and then upplaying Liu Kang.

His sole overhead normal comes from a string that whiffs all day everyday, because again you're blocking low vs Liu, and it happens to be the third normal of the string... which'll net him two whiffed normals that are highly punishable.

I mean at most it'll give him a 50/50 that A) grants him a combo if you blocked low B) gets you hit with low fireball if you blocked high
I just want to point out, you know Lui Kang rapes Reptile right? So even if Kang is bottom 5, hes still beats the living shit out of Reptile.


95% of TYM discussion: "It's fine"
Not a lot wrong with b2 mid screen if slow ex fb is out behind you..


King of the Jobbers 2015
yes of course. That's why Liu kang players have been winning hard lately and ever since the game was released.

I'll respect your opinion about Reptile, because quite frankly you are the best one in this game.

But Liu's? Nah. Character has several issues.

But you people think that Liu's ability to deal chip damage makes him good so maybe it's me.

But I'll agree to that. Doing 10% chip damage if you have fbc on point = 40% damage of a wrong guess. It's just as good
The problem is that you're looking and LK like if fighting games were "you do the oh/low" as the be all end all. 1) you're conditioning the opponent to block low always, use this as an advantage. 2) Lk can play a heavy keep away game. 3) your pressure builds insane meter.

But whatever I dont understand why this Reptile thread became the Lk thread.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
And that's what you HAVE to do with reptile... but you have to wait even longer b/c of his shitty pokes. The entire point was goro can ignore stuff like that. I was showing him that goro has things that are really good.

How about you go shove your nose elsewhere?
The entire point is that is completely normal for a character of this archetype. You make it sound like having a weakness to rushdown is something that shouldn't happen to a character who controls mid range to full screen better than about 80% of the cast. Ex slide is also nowhere near as bad as yer making it sound as an option either. It pushes them closer to the corner (or gets you out of it) and gives you an advantage of obtaining space between you and the opponent again. Sorry not every character can just derp out some armor and get a full 35-40% combo punish into mixup. It sounds to me like the majority of Reptile players just want to Derptile. Don't get salty at me cuz you wanna derp bruh.


Original Liu Kang cop.
How can anyone claim a character sits higher or lower than another when we're a month in and MU's haven't been anywhere near fleshed out? Characters tier positions are based on MU's so @RapZiLLa54, have you fleshed out every single MU in the game and concluded that Reptile has more bad MU's than 80% of the roster?


TYM resident party pooper
Came here for reptile downplay. Did NOT expect cage and Kang downplay too. Respect

all I see is Kang upplay. This character must have some hidden strings that I'm currently not aware of. Only reasonable explanation I can see do why nearly everyone ignores the issues this character have and why they act like he's fine. Then they ask for Reptile buffs.

But ever since I've seen someone here claim that Liu Kang's dragon's fire is as good as scorpion's hellfire, the opinion of you people don't mean much to me.

The users on this site are a fucking joke.

Tournament players downplaying their mains and upplaying everyone else. Everyone ranting how hypocrite Tom Brady is despite every single one of them doing the same he does. Just under the guise that they have the right to do so because they don't play a character that is very strong.

Heck, only one I've seen not doing that is DJT. Dude outright came and said Tempest had no worse matchup than Buzzsaw's when everyone was trying and failing to tell me otherwise.

I have no issue saying that the character and variation I use is strong as fuck. Tempest Lao is top 5. And the sooner you learn that, the sooner you'll start asking for nerfs. Here let me give you a clue. It's on the frame advantage of ex-hat spin.

But me not being a tournament player might be the reason I have no issue saying this. I don't stand to win or lose anything by downplaying and upplaying certain characters.

Must be the reason why I don't go to TestYourBullshit to say Liu Kang is perfectly fine because he can keep you blocking low for the duration of 3 fireball cancels for the astounding chip damage of 10% of your life bar. Meanwhile tempest Lao can keep ex-ing hat spin into b+321 and you'll lose nearly 3 times as that


Monster Island Tournaments
The entire point is that is completely normal for a character of this archetype. You make it sound like having a weakness to rushdown is something that shouldn't happen to a character who controls mid range to full screen better than about 80% of the cast. Ex slide is also nowhere near as bad as yer making it sound as an option either. It pushes them further to the corner and gives you an advantage of obtaining space between you and the opponent again. Sorry not every character can just derp out some armor and get a full 35-40% combo punish into mixup. It sounds to me like the majority of Reptile players just want to Derptile.
I don't hate EX slide because it doesn't leads to a combo, I hate ex slide because its 1 bar of meter for 8% that doesn't switch sides and it doesn't allow a follow up or to get a forceball on the screen safely vs a majority of characters. I'd trade this slide with Subs ex slide any day.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I don't hate EX slide because it doesn't leads to a combo, I hate ex slide because its 1 bar of meter for 8% that doesn't switch sides and it doesn't allow a follow up or to get a forceball on the screen safely vs a majority of characters. I'd trade this slide with Subs ex slide any day.
I agree with the lack of hard knockdown.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I don't hate EX slide because it doesn't leads to a combo, I hate ex slide because its 1 bar of meter for 8% that doesn't switch sides and it doesn't allow a follow up or to get a forceball on the screen safely vs a majority of characters. I'd trade this slide with Subs ex slide any day.
Thats kinda overreaching Aj. Ex Slide is fine.


Monster Island Tournaments
How can anyone claim a character sits higher or lower than another when we're a month in and MU's haven't been anywhere near fleshed out? Characters tier positions are based on MU's so @RapZiLLa54, have you fleshed out every single MU in the game and concluded that Reptile has more bad MU's than 80% of the roster?
You don't need just MU charts to fill out tier lists, you can easily look at characters tool sets/frame date and compare. Most of Reptiles tools are elsewhere in the game with better versions ie Subs Ice Blast, Kanos Knives, KJ UpKick, Jax Dash Punch, Subs Slide on top of having no variety between variations. He feels very incomplete when compared to other characters in the game that typically have 3 different arch type variations whether they gain mixups, zoning, rushdown, Reptile gets traits that don't affect MUs.

As for frame data all the characters who were in the same boat as him with mediocre to bad frame data all got buffed so now he sits alone.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
The entire point is that is completely normal for a character of this archetype. You make it sound like having a weakness to rushdown is something that shouldn't happen to a character who controls mid range to full screen better than about 80% of the cast. Ex slide is also nowhere near as bad as yer making it sound as an option either. It pushes them closer to the corner (or gets you out of it) and gives you an advantage of obtaining space between you and the opponent again. Sorry not every character can just derp out some armor and get a full 35-40% combo punish into mixup. It sounds to me like the majority of Reptile players just want to Derptile. Don't get salty at me cuz you wanna derp bruh.
When most of the cast can "derp", what's wrong with wanting to derp yourself? And when his ability to control the screen relies on a mediocre elbow dash and forceballs that are slow as molasses... yeah, it kinda sucks.

But that's not even the point, I got salty b/c in every reptile (lmfao... I said reptile instead of reply!) to anyone in this thread you're putting them down and not really offering anything more than lol you guys are lazy.

This post was better as you outlined what you can do with certain moves. So kudos for that.


Original Liu Kang cop.
You don't need just MU charts to fill out tier lists, you can easily look at characters tool sets/frame date and compare. Most of Reptiles tools are elsewhere in the game with better versions ie Subs Ice Blast, Kanos Knives, KJ UpKick, Jax Dash Punch, Subs Slide on top of having no variety between variations. He feels very incomplete when compared to other characters in the game that typically have 3 different arch type variations whether they gain mixups, zoning, rushdown, Reptile gets traits that don't affect MUs.

As for frame data all the characters who were in the same boat as him with mediocre to bad frame data all got buffed so now he sits alone.
You need MU's to determine where characters sit in the game on top off all that other stuff, as they are pointless without one another, stop with that noise.


Monster Island Tournaments
Thats kinda overreaching Aj. Ex Slide is fine.
Why is it over reaching? When you're in the corner you use it and now send your opponent full screen back to midscreen at neutral for 8% instead of switching positions and turning the tables like Sub. Its not terrible, I just again look at it as Reptile getting the shitty version of a move that exists in the game lol.


Monster Island Tournaments
This thread not only tears TYM apart but also Reptile players apart :(

Guise we're still family, right?
@THTB @RM Cossner @dribirut @Scoot Magee @Joker8417 @RapZiLLa54
I dont think it does, we're mostly in agreement that he needs SOMETHING, we all seem to have different opinions on what it is which is cool. Except for Joker, I have no fucking idea what that dude is talking about lol

Its nice to see normal discussion without the getting childish and turning it into a flame thread like a large majority of TYM. Granted there is some in here but most of it has been people debating reasonably which is a nice change.