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General/Other - Jacqui Briggs (Old) Jacqui Briggs Pre-Release General Discussion

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Your friendly neighborhood cynic
Jacqui looks pretty cool in game. They need to get her some good alternates, I am not a fan of her plain look. She is what Sonya and Stryker were like to me in MK9, just a plain and boring. But her moveset looks awesome. She looks like a good addition to the roster, regardless of my opinion on her look.


Dojo Trainee
She looks fantastic! It appears that she's capable from both long and close range :)

On a side note, you see that look Takeda gave Jacqui? I think the dude may be interested...
If he's interested, who can blame him?

Jacqui looks pretty cool in game. They need to get her some good alternates, I am not a fan of her plain look. She is what Sonya and Stryker were like to me in MK9, just a plain and boring. But her moveset looks awesome. She looks like a good addition to the roster, regardless of my opinion on her look.
I disagree, her uniform works fine and it fits her, she's a soldier after all. I like that she's wearing something that makes sense for combat.

I am looking forward to seeing her alternates though. Maybe a mix martial arts uniform or something.

Arkane Slim

I did a lot but I never hated...
Guys, I'm ecstatic for Jacqui, and I like how almost everybody is talking smack about how boring she supposedly is. This should pull us together as a sub-community on TYM for Jacqui. lets make extra sure we stick together and not bicker over nonsense but actually help each other to body the competition.


Plus on block.
Guys, I'm ecstatic for Jacqui, and I like how almost everybody is talking smack about how boring she supposedly is. This should pull us together as a sub-community on TYM for Jacqui. lets make extra sure we stick together and not bicker over nonsense but actually help each other to body the competition.
I love love love it when my mains are underused.


1. I detest mirror matches more than anything in fighting games.
2. You get a close-knit group of dedicated fans and players, which always feels better than a sea of players flocking to a character.
3. When they appear in tourneys and special events they seem like underdog characters even if they'r actually very viable.
4. Feels more unique than being Scorpion/Ryu/Jin #30544649.

It's like Sektor and Luthor all over again!

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Are they actually going to show Jaqui on the stream tomorrow? No mobile for 45 minutes plzorino? I need tech for my new main.
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I've seen some mixed reception on Jacqui today. One half loves her; they're happy to see a new character and they're head over heels in love with her aggressive kickboxing style.

The other half is upset that Jacqui got in over other originals like Sektor and Baraka. They feel that they are far more unique than she is.

And those that were indifferent to her are actually impressed by her.

Everyone's got their own opinion and it's interesting.


@KdashDigital/Raiko Digital
Hey guys had an idea as far as growing with this character. After NRS games release I always hit the lab and find a bit of tech that never surfaces and usually keep it to my self. It wasn't until the baraka vortex vid i dropped until i realized once people understood the gimmick it would only increase my skill as a player because it forced my mind to expand the meta game once i ran into someone who knew the frame traps. I think it would be cool if ps4 jaquies (or all) came together on week one and grabbed a couple partners from the forum to work on character specifics in the lab giving their thoughts on how to approach her. We could collab on frame traps, max damage combos, tournament combos, neutral/footsie and just bring what we have creatively to the table in order to flesh her out as quickly as possible. I think it would help everyone level up quickly and more effectively. As long as no one comes in acting like the almighty all knowing wizard of fighting games. Be cool, open minded, and try to work effectively. Sort of like a team of scientists. Nah mean?


Dojo Trainee
Looking forward to seeing some Jacqui and Jax gameplay tomorrow. Especially a proper showcase of their X-Rays and fatalities.


Plus on block.
I'm so fucking salty right now.

Why would you even show that trailer the day before the stream if they weren't going to be on the stream?

I don't know what planet they live on, but it would have made sense if they showed the Takashi family trailer yesterday, but they didn't that's a major fucking cock tease. Whatever.


I'm so fucking salty right now.

Why would you even show that trailer the day before the stream if they weren't going to be on the stream?

I don't know what planet they live on, but it would have made sense if they showed the Takashi family trailer yesterday, but they didn't that's a major fucking cock tease. Whatever.


Is that the same alt we saw?
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