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The Injustice League Podcast: Episode 3


KI KI KI KI...guys I've been working on KI....I also learned how to OS I don't play the game.

Tom, what have you been working on for the past few months? I don't think you ever said it.

You act like anyone judges anyone for their past achievements. KDZ wins EVO and TFC, "It was prepatch, KDZ sucks now"

Foreverking wins KIT...a great accomplishment, but if he ever fell off and wasnt as dominant, people would say the same thing and never say "Well he won KIT before, who cares that hes bad now??"

Stop pretending you're such a victim here, and I'm sick of hearing your option select of "Well I've been busy with KI"

Tom we all have jobs, yours just happens to be involved with a video game, but we all don't have ALL DAY to play a game. I'm so tired of hearing that.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
@Emperor DMS I have a job for u

Find any audio of Trepound talking
Listen to it then all of a sudden stop it an immediate press play on "erotic City" by Prince


Now when erotic city comes on My iTunes player in my car I hear and see tre

Now play tre audio at same time w erotic city


Tom Brady

Tom, what have you been working on for the past few months? I don't think you ever said it.

You act like anyone judges anyone for their past achievements. KDZ wins EVO and TFC, "It was prepatch, KDZ sucks now"

Foreverking wins KIT...a great accomplishment, but if he ever fell off and wasnt as dominant, people would say the same thing and never say "Well he won KIT before, who cares that hes bad now??"

Stop pretending you're such a victim here, and I'm sick of hearing your option select of "Well I've been busy with KI"

Tom we all have jobs, yours just happens to be involved with a video game, but we all don't have ALL DAY to play a game. I'm so tired of hearing that.
From early Jan to now I have been on IGAU hardcore. I'm not making any excuses or doing some OS. The last almost 2 months have been hardcore IGAU. I'm tired of you not being smart enough to realize that when you are working on a big project with a small amount of time, it = 20-22 hour days. During that time even I was saying I sucked but that got seen as "emo tom".

You guys clearly have no respect for me or even like me, which I am fine with. Just make sure you stick to your guns when things change.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
From early Jan to now I have been on IGAU hardcore. I'm not making any excuses or doing some OS. The last almost 2 months have been hardcore IGAU. I'm tired of you not being smart enough to realize that when you are working on a big project with a small amount of time, it = 20-22 hour days. During that time even I was saying I sucked but that got seen as "emo tom".

You guys clearly have no respect for me or even like me, which I am fine with. Just make sure you stick to your guns when things change.
Stop with that "you guys" shit. No one is going out of there way to disrespect you. I told you at the Denny's table I know you're good, you just aren't showing it in tournament, so this is nothing new. Everyone gets equal criticism on the show. You said before NEC that you were playing the game more and would be prepared for Injustice. You lost in pools, so you didn't deliver. Shit happens, we get it, but don't go around bashing other Aquaman players and Theo for "only winning locals" when you haven't placed since ECT.

Tom Brady

Stop with that "you guys" shit. No one is going out of there way to disrespect you. Everyone gets equal criticism on the show. You said before NEC that you were playing the game more and would be prepared for Injustice. You lost in pools, so you didn't deliver. Shit happens, we get it, but don't go around bashing other Aquaman players and Theo for "only winning locals" when you haven't placed since ECT.
I dont say anything about anyone anymore. I dont bash Theo, he bashes me non stop. Which is fine, be entitled to say whatever.. freedom of speech.. I just dont want anything to do you you guys.


Zoning Master
Tom, what have you been working on for the past few months? I don't think you ever said it.

You act like anyone judges anyone for their past achievements. KDZ wins EVO and TFC, "It was prepatch, KDZ sucks now"

Foreverking wins KIT...a great accomplishment, but if he ever fell off and wasnt as dominant, people would say the same thing and never say "Well he won KIT before, who cares that hes bad now??"

Stop pretending you're such a victim here, and I'm sick of hearing your option select of "Well I've been busy with KI"

Tom we all have jobs, yours just happens to be involved with a video game, but we all don't have ALL DAY to play a game. I'm so tired of hearing that.
Why did Playing To Win not get a mention as one of the best Sinestro players in the world? He accomplished more in this game than anybody on this podcast but you. I also know that he beats you as bad Cowboy does.

You have an agenda against Ohio players because we happen to believe that King and Perfect Legend may be the superior Batman players.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Why did Playing To Win not get a mention as one of the best Sinestro players in the world? He accomplished more in this game than anybody on this podcast but you. I also know that he beats you as bad Cowboy does.

You have an agenda against Ohio players because we happen to believe that King and Perfect Legend may be the superior Batman players.
Playing 2 Win is a solid 2nd Sinestro. We started rushing through the characters towards the end to move on to the next topic. Also, your argument holds no weight because everyone agreed King is the best Batman.


From early Jan to now I have been on IGAU hardcore. I'm not making any excuses or doing some OS. The last almost 2 months have been hardcore IGAU. I'm tired of you not being smart enough to realize that when you are working on a big project with a small amount of time, it = 20-22 hour days. During that time even I was saying I sucked but that got seen as "emo tom".

You guys clearly have no respect for me or even like me, which I am fine with. Just make sure you stick to your guns when things change.
Stick to my guns? You think I'm gonna try to cling onto the shitty reputation I have now (losing to trident rush and zyphox?) It's part of the game, every one loses eventually. EVERYONE only cares about whats going on now, not what happened in 1973 I'm just letting you know that you should stop pretending that you're such a victim.

You should probably also learn to take a loss better, because considering how old you are, you act like a child, and the 16 year old jupiter takes a loss 100x better than you. Sure he can get salty, but he doesnt insult someone just because they got the best of him and they beat him. He realizes that he made a mistake and learns from it.


Come On Die Young
From early Jan to now I have been on IGAU hardcore. I'm not making any excuses or doing some OS. The last almost 2 months have been hardcore IGAU. I'm tired of you not being smart enough to realize that when you are working on a big project with a small amount of time, it = 20-22 hour days. During that time even I was saying I sucked but that got seen as "emo tom".

You guys clearly have no respect for me or even like me, which I am fine with. Just make sure you stick to your guns when things change.
k so how is this not an option select -

From what I heard, you finished with KI like a month before Defend the North (which makes sense since the game came out around then). And you were training for weeks online before that tournament. The whole time before the tournament you were talking about how you can't wait to win this tournament now that you're back in practice and can start talking about Aquaman again. 5 minutes after I beat you, you start downplaying my win and complaining about working on KI too much, saying "just wait till I'm in practice". btw, i just came back from a 3 week vacation literally the night before that, and i didn't say shit. That's worse than the CD Jr option select and it legitimately made me mad. I wanted you to do well and at the time was like w/e but you're still on about this and it's getting annoying.

Tom Brady

I havent said anything since I got back from DTN. You ppl just wont drop the shit. I suck.. OK.. I get it.. let it die now. I have never seen ppl beat a fucking horse so much.

I have had a great attitude since I came back from DTN, no matter how much you guys and others shit on me week in and week out. YOU GUYS are the ones clinging to the past, i'm moving forward. If its not 1973 then stop talking about 1973....

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Stick to my guns? You think I'm gonna try to cling onto the shitty reputation I have now (losing to trident rush and zyphox?) It's part of the game, every one loses eventually. EVERYONE only cares about whats going on now, not what happened in 1973 I'm just letting you know that you should stop pretending that you're such a victim.

You should probably also learn to take a loss better, because considering how old you are, you act like a child, and the 16 year old jupiter takes a loss 100x better than you. Sure he can get salty, but he doesnt insult someone just because they got the best of him and they beat him. He realizes that he made a mistake and learns from it.


Why did Playing To Win not get a mention as one of the best Sinestro players in the world? He accomplished more in this game than anybody on this podcast but you. I also know that he beats you as bad Cowboy does.

You have an agenda against Ohio players because we happen to believe that King and Perfect Legend may be the superior Batman players.
really, you're speaking on behalf of OHIO when King himself said on KTP that carl isnt even considered top 5 batman? Please check with your guys before trying to speak on their behalf. Playing to win had a bad turn out, it happens. It even happens to me which is why king has me, even if I had a win on my belt to match, he's been consistent since evo. Playingtowin is a great player, he just has to hold this L from going 0-2. Once he gets past that and preforms well at a major no one is gonna say "well he went 0-2 at KIT" that will become irrelevant.

Don't take this the wrong way dave, I'm not going off on you, just asking you to not speak on ohios behalf and to not accuse us of doing something we're not.



All in on Johnny Football
Why did Playing To Win not get a mention as one of the best Sinestro players in the world? He accomplished more in this game than anybody on this podcast but you. I also know that he beats you as bad Cowboy does.

You have an agenda against Ohio players because we happen to believe that King and Perfect Legend may be the superior Batman players.
Is this a famous M2dave troll post? How has P2W accomplished more then Theo, if you are trolling then fine, but I am confused by that statement.


Zoning Master
Playing 2 Win is a solid 2nd Sinestro.
But nobody on the podcast said he was even though Playing To Win has as many top 8 placements at major tournaments as Cowboy does.

Playing To Win did perform very poorly at KIT, which in the NRS community means that he will never place top 8 again because he is trash.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I havent said anything since I got back from DTN. You ppl just wont drop the shit. I suck.. OK.. I get it.. let it die now. I have ever seen ppl beat a fucking horse so much.
You just don't get it Tom. No one in their right mind thinks you're a bad player. We're simply pointing out tournament results, and the fact that you rarely credit others for their accomplishments, then turn around and demand to be acknowledged as the premier Aquaman without the resume to show it.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
But nobody on the podcast said he was even though Playing To Win has as many top 8 placements at major tournaments as Cowboy does.

Playing To Win did perform very poorly at KIT, which in the NRS community means that he will never place top 8 again because he is trash.
Because Cowboy has a regional under his belt, 2nd place at UFGT, and 3rd at TFC. That holds more weight than 7th at SummerJam and 5th at TFC. Cowboy is the undisputed best Sinestro.


I Got Guiled
Comparing tournament results its like comparing apples and oranges. The only tournament result that matters is the one that happens the day of said tournament. Anytime before or after that, those results mean nothing.

Tom Brady

You just don't get it Tom. No one in their right mind thinks you're a bad player. We're simply pointing out tournament results, and the fact that you rarely credit others for their accomplishments, then turn around and demand to be acknowledged as the premier Aquaman without the resume to show it.
Since I made my return last month, I havent said anything about anyone unless its positive. I simply pointed out that CURRENTLY, Theo has gone to majors and 99% used Superman. His Aquaman results are all locals. I said I expect him to do very well at SCR with Aquaman, I was jut pointing out that NO ONE has any resume at majors with Aqua yet in the version of the game. I am fine with the standard I'm held to, but that standard applies to everyone including Theo. You guys talk in absolutes when in reality everything is wait and see going forward.

UGHHH.. i cant believe you dont listen to anything I say so I'll repeat it again tonight.


Come On Die Young
I have had a great attitude since I came back from DTN, no matter how much you guys and others shit on me week in and week out. YOU GUYS are the ones clinging to the past, i'm moving forward. If its not 1973 then stop talking about 1973....
The thing is that someone can say "Tom hasn't done well in tournament recently" and you'll make them out to look like an asshole who's shitting on you for some reason.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Since I made my return last month, I havent said anything about anyone unless its positive. I simply pointed out that CURRENTLY, Theo has gone to majors and 99% used Superman. His Aquaman results are all locals. I said I expect him to do very well at SCR with Aquaman, I was jut pointing out that NO ONE has any resume at majors with Aqua yet in the version of the game. I am fine with the standard I'm held to, but that standard applies to everyone including Theo. You guys talk in absolutes when in reality everything is wait and see going forward.

UGHHH.. i cant believe you dont listen to anything I say so I'll repeat it again tonight.
This is perfectly acceptable. Thank you.


Zoning Master
Because Cowboy has a regional under his belt, 2nd place at UFGT, and 3rd at TFC. That holds more weight than 2 Top 8's. Cowboy is the undisputed best Sinestro.
Playing To Win also placed second at Youmacon.

Besides, I never argued that either Cowboy or Playing To Win is the best Sinestro.

I am asking why Playing To Win was not even mentioned by name.

How was the "second best Sinestro" not even mentioned in a character representative discussion? You need to apologize.