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What is your main?

Who is your main and why?
I've chosen to play 3 characters most of the time.
I made my decision by thinking about what i need in a character.
I need one rushdown character, one zoning character and one antizone character.
So i've chosen for Kung Lao, Sub-Zero and Smoke.
Smoke can punish zoners as the best and if your familiar with him you can play mindgames.
Sub-Zero controlls almost everything because of his iceclone and limits the oppenents movement.
Kung Lao is a good rushdown character and has all the tools you need.


Johnny Cage/Nightwolf and I've yet to decide another player, but I need to work on my Nightwolf before I do that, really. Might be Noob:)

Uhm but Cage, because I've loved him since MK2. His frame traps and block strings are amazing and lock you down for the set until you die if you're not experienced against him. I love being able to lock down an opponent in a corner for the entire match, and he is most likely my favorite MK character. :D

Nightwolf mainly because he counterbalance's some of Cage's matchups and still has great rushdown(spotting a pattern?). I'm still doing unsafe things and not using his F+3,1 string as often as I should be, but that's work for the future.

As for Noob, I like him, and he's nice, I know some of his strings and how to use 'em, his black hole resets are amazing imo, he has mad mind games. Very good at stressing out the opponent for making mistakes. But in all honesty, I chose these two(Noob, Nightwolf.) because they seemed natural to me, and take out tough matchups for cage. So say I'm being outzoned by Sindel/Stryker whatever.. I have Nightwolf. Say they're using unsafe moves and characters but still catching me, I'll punish the f**k out of them with Noob's games. I love it :D
You're totally right about Cage.
Isnt the black hole reset that you do a combo lead into a black hole so you can do another combo.
Think about it, with noob as your alt people will counterpick, so use hidden cursor.


Sinestro's might!
Sub-Zero is my main.

Baraka is my current alt.

I am thinking of moving my alt to either Rain (not played him yet), Nightwolf or sticking with Baraka.


You're totally right about Cage.
Isnt the black hole reset that you do a combo lead into a black hole so you can do another combo.
Think about it, with noob as your alt people will counterpick, so use hidden cursor.
Yes. B+1,2,1,4 ~ behind black hole ~ running clone, and basically any way they take it, they're going to A: eat a black hole & clone, which means another combo and maybe even reset. or B: tech roll backwards and get stuck with eating at least one clone. And Yeah I do use hidden cursor, even for Cage. I just get counterpicked with Subby and it's annoying when I want to learn new matchups you know?


Sinestro's might!
Lyuben, Main ios sub zero?
i can't totally say but why dont you try out Johnny, liu Kang or Smoke?
I dislike Johnny as a playstyle.

I fiddled around with Liu Kang but again, too rushdowny. I like to think between my combos.

Smoke was my first serious main as well. I really respect the guy but, I have discovered subs playstyle and we mesh.


My Main is Sub-Zero, all thanks to Tom "The Great One" Brady!

I saw his demonstration of Sub-Zeros skills in the first Tournament and i was hooked for life!
When he showcased his skills to such perfection, displaying a totally different playstyle than the regular cast
such as Johnny Cage or Liu Kang, i thought, this is a very interesting character, and thus, the choice was made.

My Alts are Smoke and Rain.


My two mains are reptile and smoke. I am a counter attacker that is my play style. Smoke is my long range projectile counter (shake) and reptile is my block string counter (elbow dash.) They both can go completly invisible and encourage the opponet to be aggresive and spam projectiles, which feed right into smoke and reptiles countering stragety.


Sonya main with Kitana alt. Mosty of my time is spent with Sonya though since I have a really hard time against anyone with a ranged attack...


Loses to uppercuts
Raiden. Alts= Reptile, Sub-Zero. My Raiden is a mix of Rushdown/Lockout/Mixup. Reptile is my Main counter attacker (always my choice against ermac). I like Sub-Zero for very agressive fighters, Sonya for example. I also use a little bit of Ermac and am trying to get better with mileena (tips would be nice).
Smoke + Rain, looking for a third.

Smoke because - Can't be zoned, builds meter VERY quickly and easily, and has very simple bnbs

Rain because- He has a lot of tools, fun to play with, and if you catch someone in a combo once (and dont drop it lol) its usually 40% + damage :)


for me choosing a toon is completely emotional, not being a tournament player I can get away with it. I generally only play good guys, and I have never liked playing female characters. Thing about MK and "good guys" is there is alot of gray area in the story but i play:
Kung Lao (always play as a fall back if i cant win another way)
Sektor (Who I enjoy the most)
Sub-Zero ( classic pick)
Kano (shhh dont tell my morals)


Sinestro's might!
for me choosing a toon is completely emotional, not being a tournament player I can get away with it. I generally only play good guys, and I have never liked playing female characters. Thing about MK and "good guys" is there is alot of gray area in the story but i play:
Kung Lao (always play as a fall back if i cant win another way)
Sektor (Who I enjoy the most)
Sub-Zero ( classic pick)
Kano (shhh dont tell my morals)
But Sektor is a bad guy.


Sinestro's might!
I know, so is Kano, what are you gonna do though?
Relate :(

I too play only good guys. That's why I like Sub-zero. Well, not the only reason but a contributing one. It is also why I like Nightwolf and Smoke. And why I have such a complicated relationship with Rain. I want it to work but he is so damned evil!


Relate :(

I too play only good guys. That's why I like Sub-zero. Well, not the only reason but a contributing one. It is also why I like Nightwolf and Smoke. And why I have such a complicated relationship with Rain. I want it to work but he is so damned evil!
Well, in the endings some of the "good guys" end up being bad (Liu Kang (maybe not completely bad, but for sure a dick)) and some of the bad guys good (Shang, Ermac) So there is still hope they can change their evil ways!!!!!
Why only play good guys? that just limits your options, what if you main now someone and realy looking forward to play him in the future MK and than he's a bad guy, what ya gonna do?


Sinestro's might!
Why only play good guys? that just limits your options, what if you main now someone and realy looking forward to play him in the future MK and than he's a bad guy, what ya gonna do?
Dunno. But its just a gaming habit i've picked up. I just cannot play the bad guy in any game. Probably started in KoTOR and other RPGs. I saw the bad choices and felt so bad after picking them and now associate playing a bad guy with bad feelings.

And I might seriously switch character. If Sub-Zero's soul is still good even when serving Crunchy and in his ending he frees himself and kills Crunchy and Shinnok in mk10, I would play him. But if he becomes another noob saibot then no. I would drop him.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
I've mained many people at one point: Scorpion, Sub, Ermac, Liu, Sektor, Jade, Mileena, Smoke, Noob, Reptile, and KL lol

I have long forgotten how to use some of them, but now I main Noob, Sub, and Ermac. Looking into Mileena, Kitana, and Scorp ^-^