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Kryptonite Council Episode 5 Feat: GGA 16 Bit + Claude Von Stroke + Perfect Legend

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
It's impossible to misinterpret what you were saying.

I mean:

"Well if Wonder Chef can beat him with Green Lantern I could probably beat him with Green Lantern!"

There is no way to say you weren't blowing me (and DJT) up with that statement.

And just because two GLs beat Chris G means he's free to the matchup? 99% of his tournament losses are to Superman and Black Adam, does that mean he's free to those matchups too? It's impossible that me and DJT might have just outplayed him in one game? (2 for DJT)

I understand the 16 bit thing, I really do think that was a stupid match that I won because of a problem in the game, so I don't care if that match gets blown up, but don't go discrediting all of my wins just because of one game.
I honestly thought I was describing issues w the game the way you were criticizing the game which I agreed

Didn't expect this

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Future episodes will be 1-2 hours

Accompanied w video (which is why I'm doing this currently the way I'm recording it)
W probably next episode focusing on flash


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Future episodes will be 1-2 hours

Accompanied w video (which is why I'm doing this currently the way I'm recording it)
W probably next episode focusing on flash
you better have me on there, and if harold is currently the best flash in tournament you best believe i am gunning for that spot at summer jam and TFC and from then on. matter of fact i aiming to be a top player in the community by then, doesn't mean it will happen, but its a personal goal of mine. with how flexible my new job is i'll be going to NYC for NLBC and taking KDZ's throne at the break starting in about 2/3 weeks maybe before summer jam or after.


Administrator and Community Engineer
DC showcase. Awesome stuff
The feel and tone of this reminds me of Batman: The Animated Series; it was really smart of them to piggyback off of what was one of the greatest animated series of all time.

Edit: The more I watch, this is B:TAS reincarnated and even edgier. Brilliant. Why did I not know about this until now!

Edit 2: Executive Producer - Bruce Timm.. That's all I needed to know.

Mt Mutombo

Lol PL is bullshit personified.

-Says he would of preferred the Kabal mirror agains Reo because the better player would have won. Wrong, the better Kabal would have won, Reo has the better Kabal, that's why you didn't do the mirror.

-The whole Nightmare thing, you just salty he beat you.

-Complains about Cyrax, Kabal is wins it 7-3. Yeah 7-3!

I like him better when he's winning and not salty.:( I agree with everything else he said, how the hell are you giving out 30% of the winnings to the winner? That's really unfair to the players.

Jon Berg

This game needs real rounds. Three of them I feel to be exact. This would not only make the game more comeback friendly and more fun to watch, but deepen the clash mechanic. You could choose to clash in round 1 if you think you can take it, or save it for 2 or 3. I think the life differences is cool and workable, but 3 normal reset rounds would be ideal to me.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I don't have the time or attention span to digest 4 hours worth of material, but judging by the posts I've seen around Midwest & AK got bopped at evo and are now using the podcast pulpit to call the game into question saying its scrubby, etc etc.

Am I off?


I don't have the time or attention span to digest 4 hours worth of material, but judging by the posts I've seen around Midwest & AK got bopped at evo and are now using the podcast pulpit to call the game into question saying its scrubby, etc etc.

Am I off?

Yeah you're right, New York players like CD Jr have never called the game scrubby. He also doesn't use the same "I don't care about the game" excuse after every single loss. And when he's done using that excuse for himself, he uses it for REO.
LMAO hp based on nationality.

But really, Pig, your idea on giving characters varying health bars / survivability is nice, but it's too fargone for that I think (read as: the game has released), and furthermore misses the point. In theory the developers pick a bunch of different factors and attempt to balance the characters according to these factors.

Imagine each character as a bunch of shapes. Their dimensions vary (you have triangles, squares, circles, ovals, etc), but they all have roughly the same area. The area represents their theoretical objective strength. The problem is that the area of superman's (as an example) circle is larger than the other shapes. Your proposal is akin to "Guys, what if instead of 2d shapes we used 3d shapes and balanced based on volume." That is, introducing another variable with which to balance would add more depth (no pun intended) to characters, but doesn't really help in balancing because it's not like superman can't be balanced within the current system.

Also, I like how there's a sort of Godwin's Law with dave and deathstroke, wherein he will, given enough time, relate any discussion to DS or low shots.


Health bars are not a bad idea in and of themselves, but it's not something that I like to see in games. It opens a Pandora's Box of issues for game devs and us as well. As you guys mentioned in the podcast, there is no way that a designer can possibly know the tier lists when they are making the game outside of how they see them when designing the characters. They can't possibly foresee the unique uses we may come up with after 3, 6, 12 or even 48 months of gameplay and testing. So setting the health bars based on tiers will be yet another point that developer and gamer won't agree on.

Also too, remember that the games you cited as examples are Japanese-designed with their ideas, cultural influences and social biases. Some of those social biases do extend to the genders. For example, I play vanilla MvC3 very casually and my team is She Hulk, Storm, Chun Li. Now I don't have the specific numbers, but a buddy of mine that played Marvel competitively said that that was actually a pretty good team other than the fact that it has little hit points. They generally seem to set the hit points based on character concept. Like Zangief has the most hp because he is big and strong and Chun Li has some of the lower hp because she's fast (and pssst. Don't tell anyone but she has the bewbz too). So I could see NRS designing this game and still giving Superman the most HP because, well, he's Superman. Doomsday, Bane, same thing. Sinestro, Deathstroke, et al, would be lower because they zone. Catwoman, HawkGirl, Killer Frost would get the least because they can do massive damage once they get in and we gave them excellent tools to do that (and they haz the bewbz shhhhh).

The control preset issue hit me as well @EVO. What happened to me was, my opponent decided to change the Set 1 controls forcing me to change to Set 2. I set my buttons, saved my preset and selected my character. Apparently, Set 2 did stay to what I had set it to BUT when I went into the match, the game defaulted me to Set 1. I firmly believe I lost that set because of the added stress and aggravation that little fuck up caused (it was against that scrubby Grundy player I was telling you about AK Pig Of The Hut).

As far as the hype at EVO, I think a lot of it (for both Injustice players and non) was the 2 days of mainly 3-5 characters. I mean, during top 8, it got to a point where even I couldn't defend our game anymore and the Capcom guys sitting behind me laughed their asses off when I screamed for someone to pull out Scorpion. From where I was sitting, people were actually cheering when KDZ did f23 Breath simply because it wasn't jump back Eye Laser any more. I'm not knocking KDZ at all. He did the right thing and played to win. For me, I take this as a challenge to level up my game so that we either see less Supermen or at the very least force Supermen players to do more. I hope more people develop this attitude. Superman is tuff no question, but he is beatable.


Zoning Master
Ok. First, I brought up variable health on a streamchat (pretty sure it was the TYM EVO 2011), and I remember Paulo saying he hates variable health. So, that is never going in MK. The problem with the balance in NRS games, and why it's difficult to accomplish, is due to the lack of defensive tools (breakers alone are not sufficient). That is the elephant in the room that causes imbalance in NRS games.
Injustice: GAU has a plethora of defensive tools (i.e., invincible back dash, push block, MB b+3, and clash).

The issue is that NRS has been trying to please the casual audience by creating a simple fighting game, which is the root of all problems (i.e., lack of depth, imbalance, buffs, nerfs, etc.).