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Injustice Kryptonite Council EVO SHOW Episode 4 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave


Dojo Trainee
Tom, i feel like you believing that made you place where you are. you gotta have more faith in yourself. youre a amazing player and one of my faves to watch. The community did it too Reo and PL also, and theyve been holding their own...well except reo. hes annoying now lol
There's nothing wrong with giving an honest appraisal of yourself and readjusting your goals based on that appraisal. Tom is much better at injustice than he is at MK, and it's smart for him to focus his energy on that. It's not giving up, it's focusing your resources on something more likely to bear fruit.

Will listen today and will regulate if the Killer Frost community is unjustly bitched about again.

My favorite was their discussion of the throw-slide thread. Post two flatly says 'you have to be a jedi to get that in a tournament,' and no one recommends doing it on reaction. Should probably read the thread before you put a community on blast. Blast backfire, lol.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I'm fine in IGAU. In MK9, I'm not emo, I'm honest... I had this 2 year delusion where I thought I was a top 10-12 player. After NEC, the community finally got through. It really was a delusion, I wasn't top 10-12, Its just something I kept telling myself but it wasn't true. The community was right, it was time to face the fact that i was a middle of the pack player. It wasn't easy to accept it, but in doing so, it took all the fire i had left for that game.
Look at my next post, I was like oh nevermind. Btw I would say that all of your top 8 finishes prove that you weren't middle of the pack. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you are ready for this weekend. Good luck

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AK Pig Of The Hut, so that is why tyrant has denzell first match lol, I tried to get it changed but it didn't happen. As for top 8 mk predictions, I am like bit and dizzy, I REALLY want to win evo, it'd mean the world to me (I know denzell does as well and us/ dizzy and bit want to take PL out). For IGAU, I should be one of the top dark horses bcuz I haven't won a tourney match for IGAU yet, so I'm glad I got bit in my IGAU pool, gives me something to prove. Great podcast.
If u beat Detroit again w scorpion ill steal the Evo trophy and give it to u

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AK Pig Of The Hut I don't have time to listen to this but we received several complaints about the last one with all of the "trashing". Can you honestly say this one is clean?
Yes, we talked before recording this episode about a few things privately and cleaned up our act

This episode focuses solely on community, mk9 past and present, Evo hype and bracket busters. I'd be shocked if we get any negative complaints on this one

In future episodes starting w this one we will focus on more character and community depth discussions and we are sorry about the scorpion debacle

Put it this way, this episode is so clean I don't even chastise a frost player at all.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Yes, we talked before recording this episode about a few things privately and cleaned up our act

This episode focuses solely on community, mk9 past and present, Evo hype and bracket busters. I'd be shocked if we get any negative complaints on this one

In future episodes starting w this one we will focus on more character and community depth discussions and we are sorry about the scorpion debacle

Put it this way, this episode is so clean I don't even chastise a frost player at all.
I am pretty good at reading between the lines, I am sure I will find something chastising a Frost player

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So you are calling the Frost community a bunch of frauds
Not in this episode

But in this post I'm only saying "All those Tools, nothing to show for it"

When playing and practicing MK9 everyday is blow myself up if I couldn't deliver w Kenshi and did at FR

That character is the ultimate BS


This guy looks kind of tuff...
This is my first time with kabal at evo. I didnt go last year remember. Neither did most of KH so expect some bodies this year from us. The first evo I was a sub main -_- lol

But thanks for the mention pig. I really want tgw top 8 finish!!!

2 9th place finishes at the last 2 mlgs sucks. Time to break the curse :p
AK Pig Of The Hut

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TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Not in this episode

But in this post I'm only saying "All those Tools, nothing to show for it"

When playing and practicing MK9 everyday is blow myself up if I couldn't deliver w Kenshi and did at FR

That character is the ultimate BS
All those tools don't matter when you are on the rooftop of Metropolis. TGIN; Thank God it's Nerfed.


TYM White Knight
Also, I regret to say this, but EVO 2013 will be the final tournament I ever attend. :( So I'm going to make every bit of this experience count while I can.

I have retired like...6 times.

Something always pulls you back...like E-Sports.

If it is the end then I want to just say thank you for supporting myself and many others in this community. I look forward to your evo Swan Song even tho, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of you... ;)