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UMK3/MKT/UMK3:TE Match Videos and Links

Every Match - First to 7 (best of 13)
Week 1
Spolan(p1) vs Natcu(p2)
Derfas-13 (p1) vs Snowboy(p2)
Fierse(p1) vs mafioso(p2)
Natcu (p1) vs Pravda(p2)

week 2
Derfas13 vs pravda
snowbody vs zorg
ZoRG vs pravda
TANK vs mafioso
STORM vs Pravda

week 3
spolan vs Fierse
STORM1987 vs Zorg
natcu vs mafioso
mafioso vs pravda
snowboy vs strom

week 4
TANK U-GIN vs Pravda
Snowboy vs mafioso

week 5
derfas-13 vs spolan
Spolan vs mafioso
TANKU-GIN vs Snowboy
Natcu vs Snowboy
Good matches Mgo it's nice to see someone still making match videos. Deep JK to roundhouse in the corner? I never even thought of doing that heh.

I think I'm about to get a wired controller so I can start playing on MAME again. Keyboard really isn't an option for me mainly because I cant do kara jabs properly. What version you guys playing on these days? I still have MAME .64 and the juggernaut hack on my PC.


Good matches Mgo it's nice to see someone still making match videos. Deep JK to roundhouse in the corner? I never even thought of doing that heh.

I think I'm about to get a wired controller so I can start playing on MAME again. Keyboard really isn't an option for me mainly because I cant do kara jabs properly. What version you guys playing on these days? I still have MAME .64 and the juggernaut hack on my PC.
thanks, is the same (juggernauts hack)


I was streaming these fights live on twitch.tv, which I'm sure didn't help with the lag. I'm still messing with my OBS upload settings..

If this guy didn't pull the 'win 1 then quit' tactic, the video probably would have been deleted, lol.

and later that night in ranked...

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I was streaming these fights live on twitch.tv, which I'm sure didn't help with the lag. I'm still messing with my OBS upload settings..

If this guy didn't pull the 'win 1 then quit' tactic, the video probably would have been deleted, lol.

and later that night in ranked...
How often do you play MKAK on PC? I'd like to try it with you sometime. I mostly want to test the connection.


How often do you play MKAK on PC? I'd like to try it with you sometime. I mostly want to test the connection.
I just installed it again a few days ago. The connections vary greatly it seems. If I had people to play, I'd play on it more often, it seemed less dead than Kaillera.

You could add me on Steam, Bigtymer781.

MKK hanzo

Uploading nearly 2 hours of MKT n64 my rusted friend Alfredo vs me. Mostly warmups (I played on pad so I miss A LOT of stuff)


There you are:

Friends, some gameplay of alfredito (p2) and myself (p1) warming up an dback to training on MKT.

Two days in a row, 2 hours of vids, enjoy:

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Noob Saibot
hello juggernaut but you do not play in ps3? I would like to play with you now in the ps3 is not no one left


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Not randomly. Meaning, I only play the 2006 version if someone invites me or I ask someone to. If I just get on 2006 there's never anyone on.
My fault i mean the collection.

I have the Arcade collection for XBLA, was wondering if you and the gang still play that one every once in a while.