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top 5 INJ players of all time day 1 to now


The list has basically everything. Other than CEO2013, what is it missing? It only included some of the reoccurring locals and gave points on a one time basis which I think is fine and according to the list it has:

1) SonicFox
2) Theo
3) Jupiter
4) Forever King
5) KDZ

Which is exactly the same as your list. Your argument is invalid.
I was gonna say what is the point of this thread when it is identical to SRK lol


Flash God Lord
bee it is debatable. can you for sure say that jupes or theo are number 2? no! but of course you can bring up arguements because they have done much for the game in terms of placing for who is 2. jupes and theo get disputed all the times a lot say jupes is the number 2 best INJ player behind sonicfox but a lot of other says theo is the number 2 best INJ player behind sonicfox. the only part i will agree that is not disputable is sonicfawx because he has earned his spot for number 1 by winning the most and being super consistent. it can even be argued that maybe some can say kdz or king can be argued as 4/5 of all time because they have done things in similar fashion while kdz has won more majors king has been more consistent so it can be argued. maybe it is you who do not understands you can argue between 5 players in different ways?
Does it really matter if Jupiter/Theo are number 2/3? And if King/KDZ are 4/5? That's so nit picky.


superman reset specialist
Does it really matter if Jupiter/Theo are number 2/3? And if King/KDZ are 4/5? That's so nit picky.
the whole point is this list can be disputed and argued unlike the SRK ranking which are permit and cannot be changed so your point is moot. you cant say x player is better then y player in SRK ranking and then make a switch because it is permanent

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I'm not sure why there needs to be a thread for this since it doesn't seem like there's much to debate...


Every tournament is included there so by the standards given in the thread, those are the top players.

If you really want to debate the top players, you should debate it by the current state of the game. What I would like to know is if all the top players were to enter the same tournament today, who would likely make top 8 and who would likely come out on top? The fact that Theo doesn't play anymore makes banking on him to win pretty low but I wouldn't be surprised if he just got rid of the rust and still made top 8. Lots of people say REO is one of the best because he never failed to make top 8 but in all fairness, he didn't enter many tournaments far into the games life. If he attended Evo, mlg, ufgt, ceo, and so on, I doubt he would have made top 8 in all of them. There's a lot more things to debate if the game is looked at in that way imo.
If he entered those tournaments I would assume he would be training hard and probably would make top 8. However if my memory serves he did miss top 8 at evo 2013 making that the only blemish I believe


Scrub God Lord
HYFR Master KDZ on the top 5:rolleyes:
16 bit deserves an honorable mention for placing with a character that would probably be consider joker tier if it wasn't because of him

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
16bit is one skilled player but has never won a major. You cant put him as a candidate, he gets top8s constantly which makes him a top player but def not top5. Not even close. Im sorry.