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Stuffing wake-ups

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Now, I don't remember if you remember that 1 video about characters stuffing wake ups that got front paged but he never show what Reptile could do to stuff wake-ups.

Well, when I try to stuff wake-ups I normally try D4 x Acid Hand but any idiot would know that it doesn't work.So I went to the lab and discovered that 3 moves could stuff wake-ups depending on the wake-up itself.

You got: D4 x Slide , D4 x EN Slide and D4 x Xray

I believe these are safe because you don't necessarily have to do reads.You could hit confirm the D4 and if it whiffs due to the opponent holding down D+BL you could just D3 x throw or whichever you wish to do.

And obviously this also won't work to tech rolls.But that's another story.

I wouldn't say this is new tech because it isn't.But I've never really seen anyone try to stuff wake ups when playing Reptile.And it's fairly important when you're in danger mode and can't take anymore chip damage.