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Looking Back - Top Three Hypest Injustice Fights


Old Member
I thought Max vs. ForeverKing at KIT was at some sort of weird peak apex of known tech, still undiscovered stuff, possibilities, hype, promise, history . . . it didn't last long, and would probably serve as something just as many people could point at for what was wrong, than right. But I thought it was a nice mid point.

Awesome thread, see injustice off right into the sunset before MK takes over our lives for the next 2 years
Was in the room for 2 of the original 3, random but cool
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I've honestly watched (literally) every single Injustice tournament that has been posted on YouTube, except for the last hour of that most recent one. There's been so many matches that were good that I can't even think of one off the top of my head.