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Kano superjump glitch!!

Kano superjump glitch??

Jump after a whiffed upball, looks like an superjump lol
a glitch?

example: 11~upball (whiff) then jump



interesting.... not so super though lol
he has like an extra inch
ima c wasup wit this if u can do anything, with it


i dont see how it could be useful after just a couple seconds testing
a whiffed upball seems like it can b ezily punished
and what can u achieve from the extra air....

nice find though, maybe somebody else can fuck with it
There's something weird about his jumping in the corner as well: After a b112-212-212-b12(upball) in the left corner if you go to jump backwards Kano will change the direction he's facing in a split second and will do a back somersault that travels forwards.
If you do this in the right corner Kano does a front somersault which travels backwards.
He jumps a small bit higher after choking someone as well I think.
There's something weird about his jumping in the corner as well: After a b112-212-212-b12(upball) in the left corner if you go to jump backwards Kano will change the direction he's facing in a split second and will do a back somersault that travels forwards.
If you do this in the right corner Kano does a front somersault which travels backwards.
He jumps a small bit higher after choking someone as well I think.
Tried this out in both corners. Seems like a glitch. On the left side if you jump back after the combo and don't move, he stays facing the opposite direction from the opponent in the corner for about a whole second. :/


so i had a raiden in a corner and he was wakingup with superman and flying thewrong way lol
this was online, might have someshit to do with this glitch
and also might be applicable for some sort of antiwakeup if this works offline too