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Match Footage Jade Videos


TYM White Knight
very true about d1! he did d1 me a few times before staff came out. from my experience, a lot of people like to let go of block after the d1. Scoot actually blocked the most of them out of anyone i played, including cdjr.

haha, i forgot about b1 for punish. i did have a chance to once or twice on a blocked teleport. good stuff, man! Thanks for the kind words :)
Anytime man, I might see if I can get Jimmy P to record some of our casuals. I will show you the style I use with Jade currently. I am not saying it is anymore viable than yours, but judging from the stuff you were doing, I think if we combine them, Jade will have a damn good mixup game.
agreed. i will consider doing a endurance video with her and post it here as well. have you seen Krayzie's Jade? dude is a monster with her.

again, thanks to everyone for the nice words on jade. means a lot.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
agreed. i will consider doing a endurance video with her and post it here as well. have you seen Krayzie's Jade? dude is a monster with her.

again, thanks to everyone for the nice words on jade. means a lot.
I'm not a Jade player (just a jade fan boy), however, I loved the way you played her. Very simple, very effective, you kicked ass with out high damage. It's nice to see personal style! TakeAChance...you really need to upload videos of your Jade...I'd love to see it! I love watching Jade players. :)
Here's video recorded on online tournament between the users of fighting.ru and here's my Jade (Senior-Pomidor). The system was 1 hour (or 1.5) of playing in KotH, so there're about 15-18 my games. Online played so there were many input mistakes, dropped kombos, failed preassure and so on as well as my own bad gameplay, but i hope u'll find something usefull.

My games timing: 0:15-0:20, 0:35-0:53, 1:09-1:33


Really liked the use of Deep Jump Kicks into follow ups by Check. And Shadow Kick into D1-Staff Grab. Very nice, the timing on that is hard to get down and you had it consistent. The jump kicks are something I learnt from.

Solid play, 12 and 4 are her pretty much her best normals. Jade needs more stream time with good players, she's not a bad as everyone assumes.

If I can be minorly critical for a second, I would say a little less use of Ex Glow (punish Scorp Spear with Ex Glow made me laugh lol), and explore her more damaging punishes. But hey if it's working for you don't fix it.

Great stuff, simple and effective.


JustObserver thanks for the matches! I wish I could understand your comments! lol

I'll edit this as I go along.

VS Jax in the corner: Instead of 12 12 12 try 12, 4, df4, 1, df2 for max damage. Doable online if you practice. I'm doing it more consistently now!
Or just 1, 4, df4 df4 if you don't want to drop it. Still more damage than the 12 12 12.

VS Kabal: Keep him exactly where he belongs: In the corner for being such a bad boy. Once you shut down his rush game with your superior frames, ex glow and ex rang resets, he's a kitten. Naked 1 into low rang, d3-->4 --> df4 and ex glow into b1 full combo keeps him on his ass unless he's played by somebody very skilled.


Filthy Casual
You really need to use your glow better, you do it when they are to far away, do it when they are just starting their combo or if they are going to do a jip.

the 2nd match you went almost the whole time with full meter, make use of that glow. I honestly think ex rang is absolutely pointless unless playing someone that doesn't know you can block everything even when hit.

You threw out a lot of random b1 and u3, only use b1 after glowing and confirming they are doing a string on you, other wise they can easily jump over you and punish you hard. Kitana didn't capitalize on your b1 whiffs. Use b2 a lot more.

Honestly it really hurt me watching you play and seeing how often you could of landed a full combo if you just glowed.

Overall I think your jade is alright, just my 2 cents.

Oh and thanks for sharing your videos.


Filthy Casual
I know you didn't ask for a critique, but I figured posting a video you were kind of asking, I don't mean to come off as a cocky dick.


Very nice games man. I want to give some feedback:
good use of zoning, flash and the reset; I've seen some setups I'll be looking into when I get my game back from a friend;
try using more df2 and df4 after a blocked b1, using db2 too often can get you killed;
also, seems to me that you use glow randomly sometimes, maybe you should bring more thought into it;
nice use of 3,4 string, damn, I still don't use it at all practically.
Nice games man. I'll see about those setups later.

Edit: Oops, sorry girl... :)
Did you both use costume 2... are you blind?
My eyes!!! Why did they do it???

AestheticLove Anyway, very nice games, but the most important thing i want to mention - you should try to make your game safer. All your random b2, db2 and sometimes even u3 may lead to a big punishes. Many thing have already been done well, but there's some stuff you should pay attention to.


Easy Fresh at 7:40, 1:01:20

I like how he is patient and creates space, you can see Sub-Zero/CSZ just whiffing jump-ins/divekicks because of the created space, this is VERY good, this is where Jade should be most of the time during matches. Also good use of b4, tough rare, to escape cross-jumps. And the best thing I noticed - the use of b2 - very, very good use,watch and learn guys.
But, Fresh could use more Glow and pokes, not doing these took a lot of life from him. Even en-boomerangs could help him in some situations like SZ slide spam and CSZ being aggressive.


I'd like to start a jade video project.
I need:
1. Jade player who can record and has somebody that can help out with the other controller.
2. Somebody/maybe more than one/ who knows the depths of fighting games and can analyze / suggest based on videos.
3. Somebody on EU that has the patience to test stuff with me online, and can record.

The plan:
- Explore Jade offline (Starting with normals and their tricks. Each vs each opponent even. Then specials. Then combos. etc.)
- See what works online and what doesn't work online.
- Post up a whole series of videos on all her gimmicks and setups etc.


I'd like to start a jade video project.
I need:
1. Jade player who can record and has somebody that can help out with the other controller.
2. Somebody/maybe more than one/ who knows the depths of fighting games and can analyze / suggest based on videos.
3. Somebody on EU that has the patience to test stuff with me online, and can record.

The plan:
- Explore Jade offline (Starting with normals and their tricks. Each vs each opponent even. Then specials. Then combos. etc.)
- See what works online and what doesn't work online.
- Post up a whole series of videos on all her gimmicks and setups etc.
Good project. But online testing will not help offline much.


Nah, online is the last phase, for those of us who don't have a single opponent let alone a whole scene offline.
btw I started selling the juggle with the bnb into 12xx23f2df2 online. Starting to feel the timing.
that xx in 12xx is not a dash actually, just a single forward tap. But it's a tap right on time where she ends the 2 because you cannot buffer dash off of 12(2), only fast special.


Hey, guys. At last I went to my first offline tournament yesterday. It was held in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, so I had to take a 10 hour bus ride to get there. I gotta say, being at a tournament is awesome. There's been 43 entrants + some cheerers, which made more than 50 people. We played on 3 PS3's and a XBOX360. So I signed up and got randomed in the 6th pool (there were 8 pools of 5 players). So I had to win 4 times to get out. Of course I played Jade, by the way. First I fought a SZ which I beat, pretty good match, but I feel I could do better, and when I realized this, the guy (named zeee) counterpicked with Scorpion and raped me. At this moment I felt the first threat, but fortunately zeee got out of pools and got beaten by someone else and I didn't fight him again. Then I fought a Reptile, who was basically spamming a lot the dash, but he did play good. I beat this Reptile, then I beat a Noob player pretty easily, I guess the guy didn't have much experience with Jade because he kept throwing shadows, although whenever he had meter he used en-shadows, which took some life from me. And the last match I fought another Reptile, and this was the match to get out of the pool. We both had 2 wins each and we both had to win this to go further. The shit was crazy, the guy was a lot better than the other one, so we went to the last round and I don't remember clearly what was going on, definitely some random stuff, but I remember that we both had approx. 10% of life and were close to each other, so I did Glow, he slid at me and left me with almost no life and I shadow kicked him in the face. That was the hypest match I had so far. Ok, so I got out of the pools, went to top 16, beat a Sektor/Cyrax player, than a Mileena player (this guy took 3rd place later, named karfagen), so, I got in top 8. In between my matches I was watching others, you know, to see what I have to face. There was a really good Kabal player who was playing on a ps3 pad and doing iAGB's and dash-cancels extremely good, actually iAGB's were nearly perfect, then was when I saw the power of the goddam Kabal and feared of facing him, but he got beaten by a Kitana player, which didn't seem very threatening to me. I guess I was just biased towards Kabal. Anyway, here I am in top 8 in the winner's bracket, and, suprise, I get to fight the Kitana player that I talked about earlier. Well, he beat me real hard. The guy not only had zoning skills, but whenever he got close he pressured me. I have to say he played great, at some moments I was lost, didn't even know what to do, actually I knew I had to punish his cutter after a blocked d1, which I did 1 time out of 10 with an uppercut LoL, I even exclamated "At last!", and laughed. Anyway, the guy beat me, Gfc_AlekS was his name. So I went to losers' bracket. There I faced an Ermac player and got beaten hard, just because I kept jumping after he d4-ed me and forcelifted after. I got so angry at myself cause of falling time and time again for this shit, but the guy capitalized on my faults and deserved to win. So here's my story. Oh, yeah, 1st place was taken by a kid named nikitos_ua, he played a beastly Kung Lao. I think that if I had to face him I would have not reached top 8 LoL. I will put here links of videos later, there were some footage of my matches.
In conclusion: offline experience is the shit, gotta learn Ermac more, that guy is hard for me for some reason, but generally match-up experience is crucial. Having the perfect tools doesn't grant victory.
P.S. No Raiden, at least high level, also no rests with Cyrax nor Smoke seen in this tournament. Not 1 Jax player for some reason. I wish there were some of these for more match-up experience. I did play the winner and his KL in casuals after the tournament, I totally would've not got out of 16th if I faced him LoL