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Gem pad and MK2


Forum General Emeritus
Yeah, online mk2 doesnt mean much these days given the lag factor, programmable controllers, and folks who try to prop themselves up to look better than they really are. Interesting concept with a turbo dpad. I'll have to try it out.


Kitana's Bodyguard
ZAQ, mortal_jason,all mk2 people, MKillBill

I just got my hori gem pad for sf, but I tried it for mk2 and I am horrified. The turbo lets you apply it to the dpad as well as the buttons....the integrity of the online game is totally dead imo. baraka's walkspeed is totally broken with turbo dpad, as well as other things.
How can you change the speed of the game though? I mean I can understand programming moves, but actually making them walk faster?
So Baraka is basically as fast as Jade and Smoke with that thing?
Well, simple fix. Ban it from MK2. I think it would be pretty easy to tell if someone was walking twice as fast with a character.
It might not translate over to online matches either?


Kitana's Bodyguard
He's walking faster because it's inputting his step programming faster than what Ed intended. A human just can't hit the pad as fast or consistently. No way to ban it online, though. Only way to ban it is in tournaments. I wish programmers would restrict turbo inputs. The programmed dpad is just not fair, but other people are going to use it, so I figured I'd warn people ahead of time. Not ban the pad, just the function, which is already banned under turbo abilities.

What's funny is that a guy on srk is saying the pad sucks for qcf, but it doesn't suck. It's a stiff dpad, but it works just fine. Time will tell if it holds up, but it's one of the best pads I've ever used. It's a favorite of mine.
Well if I played someone who was able to move twice as fast as the game actually allows, I would just quit.
Actually no, I would relish the challenge. Once I beat them and their cheating controller then I would quit ;)
Lol. I think the only time I'd be horrified about a controller is if it disconnected itself from the console at night and tried to choke me in my sleep. What's the purpose of these pads? Are they designed with the intent to give you advantages, or to make the game more fun? I never used them once, not even during NES days.


Kitana's Bodyguard
Lol. I think the only time I'd be horrified about a controller is if it disconnected itself from the console at night and tried to choke me in my sleep. What's the purpose of these pads? Are they designed with the intent to give you advantages, or to make the game more fun? I never used them once, not even during NES days.
Me neither. Honestly though, if you have to use a programmable controller, it probably means your skill level is mediocre at best.
Look at Mike_Girard (and all of his alts) for instance. He beats a lot of people auto-firing Raiden Supermans but that's about the extent of his "skill".