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Emperor Grr!!!!! Wins The Break Weekly #253


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!

First off, I will only be doing this until the return of Jaxel. For those you who do not know for the next three weeks or so Jaxel will be streaming an event out of country. Good stuff to Jaxel - he also took KDZ with him.

This tournament had a total of 11 entrants. Although that may not sound like many we still had some killers.
Notable Mentions:
Icey Makes his return to the Break after a 2 week absence.
Grr and King Jamez Decide to pay a visit to Break to show their Skills off
Again decided to pay for my entry Fee this week. Thanks Again.

People Missing:
This Week we did not see Dartharma or Frantastic.
Jupiter and Lance also did not come by this week
Reo and Revolver were also not in attendance
KDZ is with Jaxel. At DA BEECH!!!!!!

Second I would like to say that I have Videos. Sadly there is only three. Winners Finals, Losers Finals and Grand Finals. I know the Quality is not the best but it is better than nothing... sorry. Also Grand Finals gets cut because my phones decided to run out of space.

Grr begins his tournament Return by Knocking Theonidas, Rico Sauve, and MastaCJ in Losers. Showing each of them a little taste of the BANE TRAIN. While Grr was charging through people left and right Zyphox decided to go for run taking out King Jamez and Viking along the way before running into the wall that was Bane. Although Flash is the Fastest man alive he was not able to handle the Brute force of Venom, Armor and BIG BODIES. YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile on losers side of the bracket, Rico Sauve decided to use a combination of magic with some help from Black Adam and a Trident thanks to Aquaman to make his way through one side of the losers bracket taking out Herkules, and Jonitti. While on the on the other Side of bracket Theonidas decided to take vengeance on both his own lose and brothers lose by first taking out his anger on the very Person who put his brother into Loser Indecisive. Then he slowly worked his way up through losers With the Power of f23 Lasers and Wake up Low Scoop, But both these players would hit a wall that this VIKING.

First Rico Decided to try his luck only to come face to face with a chick in a hood? THAT'S RIGHT! Viking used Raven against Rico who was using Aquaman. The games were close but when it was 1-1 Rico decided to change things up and thought that the right call would be to use the power of Shazam picking Black Adam only to be silenced by raven.

Then Viking Stepped forward to Face Theonidas. Superman VS Zod. Sadly Zod was able to over throw Superman sending Theonidas to the Phantom Zone.(He will be back next week don't worry) I hope.

Finally We have Losers Finals. Grr is waiting in background for the winner. The Flash tries to Avenge his fallen Comrade by trying to defeat the Evil Zod. Zyphox showed very good control of the speed force in this intense set but sadly zyphox has yet to show us the full power of the speed force and is defeat by Viking and his To be named at a later point Wraith.

In Grand Finals we have Zod Facing up against Bane. This set starts off fierce. Punches, armor, slashing, uppercuts, transitions, MORE UPPERCUTS, lasers, wraith, AND COMMAND GRABS. Grr displaying that he is still a great bane by using ARMOR while viking is showing off some of his Zod Swag with his still UNNAMED WRAITH. These two duke it out with Viking resetting the Bracket. Sadly, this is around the time when my phone decided to die... I'm Sorry. After the Reset Grr decided it was time to activate his own Vemon Defeating Viking. Without the help of Batman Can no one Stop this Monster from going on a rampage and eating all the Break Steaks.

Shout outs to everyone that showed up this week. 8 on the Break is located 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812. The tournament is every Tuesday. And is hosted by KDZ.

Challonge Brackets

2nd Place: Viking(Zod)(NAMELESS TRAIT)(Raven)
3rd Place: Zyphox(Flash)(He runs on the power of the Salt Force)

Below are the matches i recorded again i am sorry for the Quality
Winners Finals: Grr Vs Zyphox

Loser Finals: Viking Vs Zyphox

Grand Finals: Grr Vs Viking Better Quality ^_^
Part 1
Part 2

Again, sorry for the quality issues. I just figured out how to make the quality better when it got to grand finals. Also, sorry again for the abrupt end of Grand Finals. I hope people enjoy this. I actually had some fun writing it. Also a big shout out to Hacker Mike for helping to run the tournament while KDZ and Jaxel is Gone.

edited/promoted by STORMS*
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Wow indec, awesome job. even for phone recordings they are clear and the write up is excellent. Kinda sucks we won't get to see the stream for a few weeks, but this is good enough.

Congrats to EMPR GRRRRRRR!! my guy done did it!

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
jaxel is out of commission for a few weeks? ill try to bring my streaming shit and see if i can make something happen. i dont have the best setup but ill try my best to do something