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  1. stamatis

    Meggeni Cup

    Μοrtal Kombat 11 Meggeni Cup. Sunday March 5th 16:00 (ΕΕΤ). Honorable guests Honeybee Makoran Nivek Milliondollarman. Commentators Mamos/ManoGRC (commentary in Greek) Live at
  2. stamatis


    Is it the net code or Jacqui the reason you are complaining? I really don't get it.Since when a char must be nerfed because of the net code?Considering what I just read you are ok against her when playing offline right?
  3. stamatis

    Red Hood General Discussion

    Because they just wanted you to pay,and nothing else matters.
  4. stamatis

    Injustice 2 is a Problematic Game

    Just focus on what this friend says considering MUs,5 chars beat the whole cast,simple as that.If you want to play competitive you only need 5 chars,if you want to mess around you have more options.Damn
  5. stamatis

    The best Dr. Fate the world has ever seen. My official 1st rebelo of Injustice 2

    No reply?just a tag?am I gonna need a lawyer?
  6. stamatis

    The best Dr. Fate the world has ever seen. My official 1st rebelo of Injustice 2

    Spam projectiles until MK XI release date,and call it inspiring.
  7. stamatis

    Dr. Fate Drain Spell Combos and Setups.

    It is over man,no reason to talk about it.
  8. stamatis

    Dr. Fate Drain Spell Combos and Setups.

    I just think that if you want to play like that just download angry birds man,no reason trying to convince your self you are playing a FG.
  9. stamatis

    Dr. Fate Drain Spell Combos and Setups.

    Who you want to ignore who?
  10. stamatis

    Dr. Fate Drain Spell Combos and Setups.

    This is not an answer man.
  11. stamatis

    Dr. Fate Drain Spell Combos and Setups.

    Guys I am sorry about that but I gotta say it.This playstyle and everything this hero represents is disgusting,where is the fun in trying to keep the opponent at full screen and try to win with projectiles?
  12. stamatis

    An honest look at Scarecrow

    That's disgusting .
  13. stamatis

    I am Your Fears Personified- Scarecrow Combo Thread

    You can include these meterless combos when you update the thread. No gear equipped no special ability activated. Corner F21 2 2 2 123 dbf3 = 370 D2 2 2 2 2 2 123 dbf3 = 385 F3 step forward F21 1 1 123 dbf3 = 464 B3 (side switch) F21 1 1 dbf3 = 402 Mid screen F21 22f3 = 217 D2 22 dbf3 =...
  14. stamatis

    I am Your Fears Personified- Scarecrow Combo Thread

    Oh you meant corner,yes that combo you mentioned is really good,but I think it is too soon to limit his damage potential. Let's see what we can find.
  15. stamatis

    I am Your Fears Personified- Scarecrow Combo Thread

    F21 bf1,so if it is necessary to meter burn for more damage.
  16. stamatis

    I Sense Your Dread- Scarecrow Match Up Discussion

    I totally agree,mix up and heavy pressure chars just need to get in,and let's be honest here,sometime they will.
  17. stamatis

    I Sense Your Dread- Scarecrow Match Up Discussion

    That's the point here m8,after a knockdown,chars with long range and no airflow jumps are a pain in the ass,especially if this jump has cross up potential. db3 has crazy hit box but is not considered a decent wake up attack.
  18. stamatis

    I Sense Your Dread- Scarecrow Match Up Discussion

    The vomit is real,I admire your will to play against that.