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  1. Ether


    jP > 2,1 xx Ice Ball > Teleport > jP > u4 xx Teleport > 3,4 dash b2,2 xx Slide: 55% damage jP > 2,1 xx Ice Ball > Teleport > jP > u4 xx Teleport > 3,3 EX Ice Ball > Teleport > Ice Parry > Ice Parry > jP > 2,1, 1+2 dash u4 xx Slide: 64% damage, 1 meter, builds 1/3 meter jP > 2,1 xx Ice Ball >...
  2. Ether

    I like this character

    I LOVE his normals and flamethrower resets are fun. Does anyone have frame data for this guy?
  3. Ether

    This character needs buffs

    It seems like the design philosophy behind CSZ is for him to have really, extraordinarily crappy specials and wakeup, but be a rushdown monster. That's fine. Keeping that in mind, I think he needs two things: 1. Better normals. Legit frame traps. Please. This character should be godlike...
  4. Ether

    Repping Cyber Sub-Zero at EVO!

    Hey, guys, I'm a former SSBB tournament veteran, and I'm hoping to do really well going all Cyber Subby at EVO. He isn't the most popular character, but a lot of people still consider him super deadly. I think that a lot of people lack matchup experience against this guy, so by taking...