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  1. TyrantRevolver

    Technical Complaints about MK9

    Ok. So I had a conversation with several experienced Fighting game vets among several SF AE, MVC3, and MK9 players for casuals last night. Here's what came up: One of the SF AE vets thats been playing MK 9 for the past few weeks was making some assessments about the game. Non-biased, just...
  2. TyrantRevolver

    Dark Electro music project "TyrantRevolver" is born.

    I now have an official facebook band/musician page as well as a page on reverbnation with my first promo track. My style is Dark Electro, Industrial, and Experimental as of right now.
  3. TyrantRevolver

    Oddities involving blocking.

    This may be something I've just not picked up on, but myself and a few other players new to MK were noticing that a lot of strange things involving blocking would happen during matches: Basically someone could be blocking low and an overhead/mid attack would still be blocked. The same would go...
  4. TyrantRevolver

    Tech 1,1,2 + Ex Smoke Bomb = OTG

    I'm not sure this is anything new... I looked around and didn't see anything and got tired of searching so here we go: I was messing with 1,1,2 ~ Ex Smoke Bomb and noticed it launches off of this. It doesn't add to the combo meter after this but it seems the opponent can do nothing to stop Ex...