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Powers/abilities not explored in MK yet


Master of The Universe
This is a work in progress thread for powers/abilities not explored in MK yet. I will add ideas and suggestions to the OP.

=====Nature/flower power - Could be Lady in Jade's ending.

=====Time-keeper with Ying and Yang powers - Could be Lady in Jade's ending.

=====A true Samurai with Liquid metal abilities

=====Multiple/double headed

=====True wrestler like Goldberg/Stone Cold Steve Austin

=====Apprentice wizard with an evil spellbook, which monster parts (tentacles, etc.) come out of

=====Transformations (like you see in DBZ)

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multiple heads is like Eyedol from KI.

liquid metal samurai is cool, but reminds me of Silver Samurai from marvel (he didnt have liquid power though)

i think what MK really needs is a homosexual character like Matii from Captain Planet with Heart powers, he can be fabulously fashionable as he performs a finishing Friendship.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
I think we need a legit executioner character. Oh, and a gargoyle! Maybe a big red knight that looks like Lord Zed too.

Oh, and a chicken!


Waiting for Havik
What about a char ala weaponlord, someone like Bane or Zarak or Zorn; or maybe a female one like Jen-Tai or Talazia. :).