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What Would Cause You to Get Squeamish in a Game?



If there was one thing to ever be in a game that would cause me to get squeamish, not feel so well, etc., it would be something involving having to draw blood with a needle. I'll explain why this would make me squeamish below.

I don't like needles. They didn't bother me at one point in my life, but for some odd reason, they started to. I had a strange way of finding out. I've had my blood drawn/seen others get their blood drawn several times before and had no issue. However, one day, I had to get my blood drawn. I'm watching them get everything set up, put the needle in and the blood starts flowing.

All of a sudden, I start to look/feel clammy and break out in a cold sweat. I've no idea what's going on as I've never experienced this before and pay it no mind. Then, before I know it, everything's black, my entire body is tingling and I'm opening my eyes to two people staring down at me.

I asked them what happened and they said that I passed out. I felt more embarrassed than I ever had before and I guess they could see it in my expression. They told me not to worry and that I had handled myself rather well compared to other people they have seen. They said they've had huge, macho men that start screaming and whining like little girls when they have to get their blood drawn.

Now, just talking about it makes my left arm (the arm I usually get my blood drawn from) have this strange pressure where they would normally insert the needle. However, when I SEE someone getting their blood drawn or my own, I seriously break out into a cold sweat and have to lay down. So, with the realism that games are approaching these days, if something like this ever had to be done (whether it's to yourself or someone in said game), I probably wouldn't be able to do it.

What would make you guys squeamish/uneasy in a game? Feel free to elaborate as I did if you want to.

Don't judge me because I don't like needles. It's common.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
Needles, but only if it goes into my or someone else's eye.

I scratched my cornea when I was younger getting a soccer ball out of a tree and to treat it they had to stick a fucking needle in my eye.

Getting shots/blood drawn I'm fine though


Needles, but only if it goes into my or someone else's eye.

I scratched my cornea when I was younger getting a soccer ball out of a tree and to treat it they had to stick a fucking needle in my eye.

Getting shots/blood drawn I'm fine though
Oh, wow. I would recommend not playing Dead Space 2 if you have yet to do so. If you're curious, just look up a video on YouTube, but be warned, it really might unsettle you.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Oh, wow. I would recommend not playing Dead Space 2 if you have yet to do so. If you're curious, just look up a video on YouTube, but be warned, it really might unsettle you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Its funny cause im playing the dead space games. On 3 now.


Is it b/c The Evil Within is coming out next month? If so Im prepared...
Not necessarily. I just thought of it while waiting to pick my kids up from school and figured I would ask others.

I'm prepared for whatever The Evil Within brings, however. But if something like that comes up, it's going to be interesting.


anything like this......
I hated that part. Not because it grossed me out, but because I really liked the character.

Side note: You may want to put it in spoiler tags and let people know it's a Game of Thrones spoiler for those who haven't seen it yet.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Any teeth getting forcibly ripped out, which anything else doesn't bother me...but fucking teeth? No thanks.


Scratching a blackboard. With your nails.
Or slowly passing a thin paper between your finger, or worse, your toes...then squeezing a lemon on the wounds.


gotta stay sharp!
cannibalism. Too many wrong turn movies that always made me feel uneasy. Idk. I'm ok with gruesome slashers but as soon as they rip flesh and eat it I get very uncomfortable. If it was in a game and was like super gruesome idk if I could take it.


Saiyan Prince
I don't get squeamish much. On the rare occasion I do it's when I see "odd" but painful body trauma. Mainly to the eye. Again that's rare though. Just depends what happened and how it "looks" I get a weird sensation in the same place I saw it.

Now I only read the first few posts and though to me "failing" this part in the game made me laugh, this must suck for those that hate needles AND eye stuff...



Has anyone finished playing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes? If not and you plan to, DO NOT READ.

The ending where the medic opens Paz back up and has his fucking hands inside of her abdomen... That really got to me. It's disturbing.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Nothing in a video game will make me squeamish, but certain irl things will.


If you haven't watched that shit months after it's out then nobody gives a fuck whether it's spoilers or not.
Not everyone was watching the show when that episode was aired. Perhaps they recently started watching it and haven't gotten to that part yet. They would care if it's a spoiler.