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How to fight against The Flash


so since everyone is complaining about the flash non-stop and saying how unbeatable and broken he is :popcorn:, i thought i'd make a guide on how to fight against flash and list all his weaknesses.

first rule, never ever leave the ground. for those of you who have played against kabal in umk3, this should be a very easy rule to apply to your strategy vs flash. if you leave the ground, you get spun, simple as that. if you never jump and never leave the ground then you limit flash from using his spin as an aa.

second tip, play safe and defensive. no, you cant just rambo and run up to flash and start throwing unsafe moves here and there, because you will get spun on reaction when you throw out that unsafe special move. lots of chars have fast safe jabs and mid launchers, abuse them vs flash. now if you eliminate yourself to not doing stupid unsafe moves on block then you limit the flash from using his spin as a punisher. that means now all the flash player has left is to use the spin randomly to catch you off guard or if you whiff a move thats puishable on reaction.

third advice, flashes moves have no tracking whatsoever, so abuse sidesteping. now this is what the majority of people had no clue you could do vs flash, mostly because online it doesn't work.(but fuck online thats a different story). all of flash's moves such as b3, 31, 221, 3, etc. have no tracking. this means you can literally just sidestep and all his moves will whiff on you, opening him up for major whiff punishing. now you say "but what can flash do to counter players from sidestepping all day?". flash can use grab/kk and his spin because they track. so once you can break grabs on reaction, flash player will HAVE to result in throwing out a random spin to stop you from sidestepping. now, you're forcing flash to play your game. you can bait him from spinning by sidestepping and blocking here and there.

back to basics, how to punish flash moves. flash's low b3 move is u2 punishable by everyone. 221 can be scouted and uppercutted / interrupted during the first two beginning hits. his bf4 spin is obviously the most punishable move in the game on block and whiff, so your character gets their biggest combo off of it. bf2 punished by jab combos or specials. db3 teleport can be u2 countered on reaction. if flash has rage and does db3 attempting to rage after you u2 him, just uppercut him out of db3 everytime. db4 is full combo punishable on block, and db1 is punished by full combos and specials.

other miscellaneous tips - stay away from walls against flash, he has a really good wall game and will spin you if you try to jump out. flash has some good match ups like vs wonderwoman, yes wonderwoman, she is a beast up close and since flash has no zoning tools whatsoever they will be in physical combat 24/7 which is where she excels. catwoman has the best sidestep in the game, another annoying match for flash. and last flash also struggles against zoners if played right like gl.


Good shit, REO.

I have found that I fight Flash a lot better now and with these tips... even better.

Tom Brady

also, sometimes when you are in a trap just block block bock BLOCK!!!! who cares if hes getting meter, who cares about the chip... weather the storm. stop always trying to get out of everything. sometimes just accept the situation and move on.

sometimes i even take damage, smaller damage, just to get out. sometimes you have to do damage control rather then try to get out scott free. damage control mode vs flash gets you out of a situation taking minimal and will build meter for you.


also, sometimes when you are in a trap just block block bock BLOCK!!!! who cares if hes getting meter, who cares about the chip... weather the storm. stop always trying to get out of everything. sometimes just accept the situation and move.
Yes, this is very true because when Im trapped and try anything (unless my timing is better than theirs) i get caught in the spin glitch.


Cock Master!!
good info, i myself am trying to learn how to use flash so this info helps me to know what not to do and what to expect from top players vs me when i use flash.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
he's not cheap, you just have to learn how to play against him because it's different.
Which is basically like how Gief or Blanka is in SSFIV...they're not the best in the game, but you have to fight them differently.

Tim Static

High level play involves ADAPTING. Use it however you'd like, but the better player adapts to whatever they face, easy, harder etc etc


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Or, fight fire with fire...:)

If you're fighting a good Flash, pick Flash, GL, Supes, Raiden, Kahn(well online anyway) etc someone who can definitely go toe to toe with him(good luck with Sub or Bats someone like that vs. Flash lol) know what I mean?

But I'm sure Kabal in MK9 will be similar to Flash in MKDC and more so the way he was in UMK3 with the dash and all.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Very true. Even though the numbers are against Sub, it's not impossible. Impossible is a 10-0 matchup, and there is nothing like that in the game.

Tom Brady

LOL or kahn vs lows haha. anyway, another key to fighting flash is meter management. the match changes based on your meter and his so you have got to keep this in mind as the match constantly changes based on meter.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well Kahn online can beat anyone or Safe Kahn I should say lol (Shao Kahn) offline=not so safe. :)

Hey Reo how about Jax vs. teleporters lol not good for Jax there's a lot of good and bad match ups. Not so hot for Jaxy eh?


jax has more trouble vs deathstroke than teleporters in paricular. in fact, it's a really bad match up 9-1 in stroke's favor. gun shuts down anything jax attempts to do mid/full screen, smoke grenades chip at him mid screen for free and jax can't appraoch or get passed stroke's sword spacing, so there's not much he can do.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Yeah, Jax vs Stroke is reeeeeally hard for Jax. It's even worse online XD. I remember when me and REO played each other...the match was absolutely stupid lol.