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Need help in some matchups


End Of Humanity
Im new to red hood , playing him just for like a month now . Im good with him vs chars without zoning and I understand how to play vs them . But I need help and suck vs chars like harley ,supergirl ,bb ... Chars with fast projectiles . How do you play vs them ? Any advice ?


PSN: ADM_Wolverine
I try to keep a mine at their feet at all times, they’re forced to respect it, giving you a chance to advance, get another projectile on the screen, whatever it is you want to do. The struggle is getting the first one down some times. Up close he can compete with anyone of those characters too, his normals and lunge are still super strong. So I’d say, try and stay in, but when you can’t. Make sure to keep a mine on the ground at all times


End Of Humanity
So key in this matchups is to get out mine between their spam or when they f*** up something ?


PSN: ADM_Wolverine
Basically yeah. There are little things you can do to, like ending in 112 mine instead of b13 or 323. That way they’re close to you with a mine on the screen. 323 and b13 get you a mine but b13 places them full screen and you can get a mine out but then you can’t also get in. Same with 323. I’m not a red hood main though. I just play him for certain MU’s. There’s probably people with better advice out there too.


I don't really have anything to add. Redhood needs to use the mine in neutral to stay in. I know when I play Redhood v Joker I play a lot of keep away because Redhood can't compete full screen

That being said knowing you were a Deadshot main and seeing you post a thread about getting outzoned in the neutral and not knowing what to do is pure schadenfreude.


End Of Humanity
I don't really have anything to add. Redhood needs to use the mine in neutral to stay in. I know when I play Redhood v Joker I play a lot of keep away because Redhood can't compete full screen

That being said knowing you were a Deadshot main and seeing you post a thread about getting outzoned in the neutral and not knowing what to do is pure schadenfreude.
Well as a deadshot main I was never dealing with getting outzoned cuz I was outzoning ppl myself ^_^


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
Red Hood's overall gameplan is braindead but to actually pull it off requires ton of practice.

It's not Doctor Fate level of practice but Red Hood requires some very strong reads to play optimally.

Your entire agenda is to score a knockdown, make a read to bully your opponents on knockdown AND make them stop waking up once you showed them they can't do so.

Against characters with zoning you have to counterzone. If you're establishing your mines such that the opponent is forced to move, its in your favor because 1) the opponent doesn't want to have to deal with getting knocked down from the trade 2) if they're moving they aren't throwing stuff at you. Exploiting that behavior is where Red Hood shines.

It's also not a bad idea to use far mb lunge to convert off a raw mine also once you have the resources.

Any more questions, pm me or others like @Error @scarsunseen @DarksydeDash


End Of Humanity
Red Hood's overall gameplan is braindead but to actually pull it off requires ton of practice.

It's not Doctor Fate level of practice but Red Hood requires some very strong reads to play optimally.

Your entire agenda is to score a knockdown, make a read to bully your opponents on knockdown AND make them stop waking up once you showed them they can't do so.

Against characters with zoning you have to counterzone. If you're establishing your mines such that the opponent is forced to move, its in your favor because 1) the opponent doesn't want to have to deal with getting knocked down from the trade 2) if they're moving they aren't throwing stuff at you. Exploiting that behavior is where Red Hood shines.

It's also not a bad idea to use far mb lunge to convert off a raw mine also once you have the resources.

Any more questions, pm me or others like @Error @scarsunseen @DarksydeDash
what if :

1 - someone always wakes up no matter what ? even if you punish him every time ?
2- someone never wakes up and always delay it and block .


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
what if :

1 - someone always wakes up no matter what ? even if you punish him every time ?
2- someone never wakes up and always delay it and block .
I always use a mb f3 to stuff wakeups, sometimes delaying the mb to exploit that. They can't keep waking up if you have the resources to exploit it.

If they're delaying their wakeup, end in 112 because they can't long delay, they can short delay though and play with that. Use a b2 (or d1 if cornered) to beat the delay and attack them after the mine explosion (mine explosion is plus enough for you to hit them with your fast buttons).

None of this stuff is foolproof and is entirely dependent on your opponent's behavior, you just got to see what they do and bet on that. It sounds arduous on paper but you're going to have to take a risk sooner or later.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
yeah but it may be good to do once per figt or two . even sonic did it i think
It’s a viable strategy. But I would throw them out like that seldomly.

You’re free to do it, just make sure to stay unpredictable with it.


End Of Humanity
It’s a viable strategy. But I would throw them out like that seldomly.

You’re free to do it, just make sure to stay unpredictable with it.
Well if you do all the time string into trait or mb lunge they will never expect and be ready to react to string into mine . Especially if you do it occasionally ;)